Limbaughs warm Conservatives that Democrats want to "wipe them out".

Heard this on the rsdfio today.

The oversized dropout druggie said Democrats want to wipe them out.

What a piece of work.

I know, I listen to his drug damaged mind as well. Good to know what the people like Rush are talking about. Its very scary how they sprout such propaganda.
Can you debate what he said and not attack him personally?
1) He is overweight
2) He is a college Dropout
3) He stioe prescription pads & wrote his own prescriptions for pain killers.
Heard this on the rsdfio today.

The oversized dropout druggie said Democrats want to wipe them out.

What a piece of work.
Flyers of trump supporter death camps were hung all around ny,, manfort is in jail, democrats are spying on trump, they are creating fake dossiers, irs is attacking conservatives. I can continue if you like

Please do
Hillary Clinton paid Russians for information,, set up trumps family using money laundered by fusion gps. Asking for his tax returns, causing his supporters to go in debt with lawyer fees
Finding dirt on Trump is never difficult.
There is nothing illegal paying for information.
I understand what you are saying.
We Conservatives have let the filthy Left take away a lot of our Liberties. Shame on us.
However, if we ever decided that enough is enough there will be hell to pay for the filthy Left.

That's cool. I hear ya.
I'm disappointed the Right has consistently grabbed ankles as things have gotten progressively worse.

It's been said that Freedom was won in a thunderous roar of resistance......but will walk out quietly without so much as a whimper.


All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. There comes a point of no return when it's too late. Venezuelans are learning that the horrible way.
Aren't they filming a movie where they hunt white republicans for sports right now?

I would love for some of these TDS afflicted pink pussy hat Moon Bats to try to do me harm. It would make my day. It wouldn't go the way they think it would go.

Flash, they won't come at you one at a time, it will be 15 or 20 at a time and it'll be led by a sucker punch you won't know is coming.
They play dirty...we have to as well.

I am "well regulated".
Glad to hear that.....keep it up with the fiber diet.
What liberties have you lost?

I have to carry my Louisville Slugger now when I wear my MAGA hat in public.
Looks odd, but I just say I'm headed to practice if anyone asks.

Oh...and I lost the Liberty to hear that adorable young lady on YouTube who mocked AOC.
I LOVED that young ladies videos.

She got so many death threats from the Left they had to pull all the videos. Pissed me off.
(Door gets riddled with F-A fire from Rightwinger's M-16.)

Don't get me wrong Flash...I believe you mean well......

But it's sooooo easy to be an Internet Tough Guy. (Ask Bulldog)

You know as well as I do the Rightwing has consistently shown itself to be spineless.
Over 100 Million guns in our hands, and we still can't even stop them from slowly revoking out First AND Second Amendment rights. Shame on the Rightwing.

The Left (especially the Black women on the Left like Maxine waters) have proven to have FAR bigger balls tbh

I know...sad.

I understand what you are saying.

We Conservatives have let the filthy Left take away a lot of our Liberties. Shame on us.

However, if we ever decided that enough is enough there will be hell to pay for the filthy Left.
"We con-servatives have let the filthy Left take away a lot of our Liberties"......

Wait.....isn't that what all your guns were for? To keep that from happening? Lazy losers!
What liberties have you lost?

I have to carry my Louisville Slugger now when I wear my MAGA hat in public.
Looks odd, but I just say I'm headed to practice if anyone asks.

Oh...and I lost the Liberty to hear that adorable young lady on YouTube who mocked AOC.
I LOVED that young ladies videos.

She got so many death threats from the Left they had to pull all the videos. Pissed me off. the Nigerian definition of that word. :71: the Nigerian definition of that word. :71:

Don't know it....don't need to know it.....when I hear Nigerians....I usually think about some kind of scam deal thingy

You know..."I'll send you a check for $50,000 if you'll cash it and send me $200 " :rolleyes:
I understand what you are saying.
We Conservatives have let the filthy Left take away a lot of our Liberties. Shame on us.
However, if we ever decided that enough is enough there will be hell to pay for the filthy Left.

That's cool. I hear ya.
I'm disappointed the Right has consistently grabbed ankles as things have gotten progressively worse.

It's been said that Freedom was won in a thunderous roar of resistance......but will walk out quietly without so much as a whimper.


All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. There comes a point of no return when it's too late. Venezuelans are learning that the horrible way.

The Left takeover is sometimes perpetrated by force. We have seen a lot of that all over the world. However, sometimes it imposed through the oppression of Democracy. The Left getting the numbers to vote in tyranny. That is what happen in Venezuela. That is what they are trying to do here in the US. They are importing welfare queens in the hope of changing the demographics to control elections. That happen big time in California and look what a shithole of Left oppression that has become.

We have to be just as diligent to the destruction of our country through the Democratic process as we do with other Left takeovers.

I honestly think this country is pretty well fucked and there is not much we can do about it.

The Left is getting the numbers of assholes voters and when they control the government they can do anything they want. They can rob us of our wealth and take away our Liberties. I think that is coming.

Our country will be destroyed as the Left raids the wealth that was made with capitalism. When that runs out (like it always does) then we are really fucked. Just like in other countries.

I am getting too old to be a revolutionary. Hopefully my children and grandchildren will stand up to the oppression.
Heard this on the rsdfio today.

The oversized dropout druggie said Democrats want to wipe them out.

What a piece of work.

I know, I listen to his drug damaged mind as well. Good to know what the people like Rush are talking about. Its very scary how they sprout such propaganda.
Can you debate what he said and not attack him personally?
1) He is overweight
2) He is a college Dropout
3) He stioe prescription pads & wrote his own prescriptions for pain killers.
Rush is a typical repug hypocrite who was abusing oxycontin while calling for prison for nonviolent drug users. If there wasn't a separate justice system for the rich and famous he probably be sent up the river like the people he called out.
Heard this on the rsdfio today.

The oversized dropout druggie said Democrats want to wipe them out.

What a piece of work.

I know, I listen to his drug damaged mind as well. Good to know what the people like Rush are talking about. Its very scary how they sprout such propaganda.
Can you debate what he said and not attack him personally?
1) He is overweight
2) He is a college Dropout
3) He stioe prescription pads & wrote his own prescriptions for pain killers.
Rush is a typical repug hypocrite who was abusing oxycontin while calling for prison for nonviolent drug users. If there wasn't a separate justice system for the rich and famous he probably be sent up the river like the people he called out.

Please post the time that Rush specifically called for prison time for non-violent prescription drug abusers.
What liberties have you lost?

I have to carry my Louisville Slugger now when I wear my MAGA hat in public.
Looks odd, but I just say I'm headed to practice if anyone asks.

Oh...and I lost the Liberty to hear that adorable young lady on YouTube who mocked AOC.
I LOVED that young ladies videos.

She got so many death threats from the Left they had to pull all the videos. Pissed me off.

We carry a Louisville slugger here for rabid raccoons. I never noticed the resemblance before.
Heard this on the rsdfio today.

The oversized dropout druggie said Democrats want to wipe them out.

What a piece of work.

I know, I listen to his drug damaged mind as well. Good to know what the people like Rush are talking about. Its very scary how they sprout such propaganda.
Can you debate what he said and not attack him personally?
1) He is overweight
2) He is a college Dropout
3) He stioe prescription pads & wrote his own prescriptions for pain killers.
Rush is a typical repug hypocrite who was abusing oxycontin while calling for prison for nonviolent drug users. If there wasn't a separate justice system for the rich and famous he probably be sent up the river like the people he called out.
How many Repub talkers are there? Talking for the general population? Have they stopped us from moving leftward over the decades? Many people do what he did. And the drug thing came from a medical problem. Near the whole media/entertainment industry is Prog now. And you do want to wipe out the non Progs or Repubs. The problem is many of you are not as good in what you want to replace. We will have our own versions of collectivism and gulags and so much more not just because of that, but because communism does not work.
Ha ha ha, demoRATs. The party of losers. Who do the demoRATSs have that is half as popular as Rush and worth $600 million.


I wonder if any of you demoRAT losers care to actually quote Rush or are you all going to keep whimpering, trying to out wit one another with lame insults.

Seriously You all sound pathetic, as in your insults are tired weak and lacking cleverness

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