Limit Press Coverage in Vietnam

This is so Trump! Try and keep the press from being able to report on his failed summit. Last goround he gave away the ship with nothing in return. And he failed to even get that in writing. So Kim, so much smarter than Trump, will throw him a few bones so he can brag to Fox News about how it was the best summit ever, and how he has Kim in the palm of his hand. Bros in love.

Please Trump, on February 14, Valentines cards for both Kim and Putin. Ah, the beauty of true love!!. Bigly!

White House limits press access at Trump-Kim meeting after reporters ask questions about Michael Cohen - CNN

It makes total sense because the dip-sh!t fake news media thinks Cohen lying to Congress is more important than negotiating world peace. F the media and F Liberals trying to undermine the President!

North Korea has never been a threat to world peace. He has been doing this to gain attention and that is all. He is a narcissist like Trump.

"North Korea is an example of a country that is so far out of the international norms and so disconnected with the rest of the world, North Korea is a real threat."

- Barack Obama

Your hatred of President Trump has you disagreeing with President Obama.

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