Lindsay Lohan to pose for Playboy

Why am I not surprised??
Lohan has been a troubled person for quite some time, and as somebody already mentioned....desperate times call for desperate measures.
Her 'acting' career....if one could it that, will never be on the game again. Who is going to want her??
Her Mother and Father both seem to be worthless as parents.
She needs money....and if this was what she has left to turn to, her and most others like her, are going to go for it.
Do I think she's wise??.....No.
Do I think it will make her more famous??...No....maybe for the teenage nerds.
Will I look at, or purchase the Playboy she's in??....a big fuck no!
She probably thinks what she's planning to do now, is the right thing for her...but I'm betting, years down the road, she will have regrets.
Posing for Playboy tho, doesn't always mean one has to be entirely naked.
Demi Moore posed on the cover of Playboy....I think it was Playboy, maybe it was another magazine (??)....while she was about 8 months pregnant, and she had her legs curved so nothing in the pubic area was shown and she had her arms and hands placed over her breasts. She really did look quite pretty, and no "naughty" body parts were shown, and yet she was naked. I thought that was tastefully done.
Somehow tho, I don't expect Lohan's posing in Playboy to be listed as "tastefully" ~LoL~

Some portion of your post could describe Robert Downey Jr.

Or Mel Gibson but he is actually way worse.
What Mel Gibson does in his private life has absolutely nothing to do with his work.

All these people who say they will never go see another Gibson movie, or Arnold movie, or Roman Polanski movie, or whoever is just depriving themselves for no good reason. What do I care if Gibson is an anti-Semite? It doesn't affect me at all. It doesn't affect the average Jew, either. And I really enjoyed "Edge Of Darkness".
I'm not convinced he's an anti-Semite, anyway. I think he's an alcoholic who occasionally goes on an insane rant. ?There's a reason his intelligent, strong-minded wife has supported him for decades, including during the aftermath of his unfortunate romp with the crazy Russian chick.
Some portion of your post could describe Robert Downey Jr.

Or Mel Gibson but he is actually way worse.
What Mel Gibson does in his private life has absolutely nothing to do with his work.

All these people who say they will never go see another Gibson movie, or Arnold movie, or Roman Polanski movie, or whoever is just depriving themselves for no good reason. What do I care if Gibson is an anti-Semite? It doesn't affect me at all. It doesn't affect the average Jew, either. And I really enjoyed "Edge Of Darkness".

Mel Gibson talks about Jews the way most OWS protestors do....but he's guilty of being conservative, so he's not given a pass.
Some portion of your post could describe Robert Downey Jr.

Or Mel Gibson but he is actually way worse.
What Mel Gibson does in his private life has absolutely nothing to do with his work.

All these people who say they will never go see another Gibson movie, or Arnold movie, or Roman Polanski movie, or whoever is just depriving themselves for no good reason. What do I care if Gibson is an anti-Semite? It doesn't affect me at all. It doesn't affect the average Jew, either. And I really enjoyed "Edge Of Darkness".

I guess you could say the same thing about Lindsay too, what she does in her private life should not effect her work.
Or Mel Gibson but he is actually way worse.
What Mel Gibson does in his private life has absolutely nothing to do with his work.

All these people who say they will never go see another Gibson movie, or Arnold movie, or Roman Polanski movie, or whoever is just depriving themselves for no good reason. What do I care if Gibson is an anti-Semite? It doesn't affect me at all. It doesn't affect the average Jew, either. And I really enjoyed "Edge Of Darkness".

Mel Gibson talks about Jews the way most OWS protestors do....but he's guilty of being conservative, so he's not given a pass.
It's not about giving him a pass, it's about judging his work, which I like. I don't care about his private views. I also don't hold his extreme and kooky Catholic-splinter-group views against him.
Or Mel Gibson but he is actually way worse.
What Mel Gibson does in his private life has absolutely nothing to do with his work.

All these people who say they will never go see another Gibson movie, or Arnold movie, or Roman Polanski movie, or whoever is just depriving themselves for no good reason. What do I care if Gibson is an anti-Semite? It doesn't affect me at all. It doesn't affect the average Jew, either. And I really enjoyed "Edge Of Darkness".

I guess you could say the same thing about Lindsay too, what she does in her private life should not effect her work.
Yeah, but I hate her work. :lol:
Did Dana do Playboy? If so, another great example of the wholesomeness of Playboy.
Mel Gibson talks about Jews the way most OWS protestors do

Are you capable of posting without lying? Just once?

[ame=]Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube[/ame]

Like Obama, those OWS morons are anti-semitic lil' fuckwads to the core.
Side-view shots of Ms. Lohan's breasts, taken at that various events, are perfectly revealing. Full frontal shots are considerably more revealing and readily available.

Oh nozies!

There will be nothing new (at least above the waist) for Playboy to "reveal."

Been there. Seen that.

There are no "shots" (which can be properly posted at USMB) of Ms. Lohan below the waist, although several exist and are readily available. All this means is that there's really nothing "below the waist" of Ms. Lohan which Playboy can "share" that the world hasn't already seen (or could have seen).

So the logical question is: what the fuck is Playboy offering her money for?
Side-view shots of Ms. Lohan's breasts, taken at that various events, are perfectly revealing. Full frontal shots are considerably more revealing and readily available.

Oh nozies!

There will be nothing new (at least above the waist) for Playboy to "reveal."

Been there. Seen that.

There are no "shots" (which can be properly posted at USMB) of Ms. Lohan below the waist, although several exist and are readily available. All this means is that there's really nothing "below the waist" of Ms. Lohan which Playboy can "share" that the world hasn't already seen (or could have seen).

So the logical question is: what the fuck is Playboy offering her money for?

Heff must have heard Lindsay gives one hell of a blowjob.

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