Lindsey Graham: Trump Leading Because 40% Of GOP Voters Think Obama Is Kenyan Muslim

Mr. Trump has never said that Barry was born in Kenya, merely that there is some doubt about his birthplace. This is what is known as a TRUE statement. And the doubt is largely the result of his refusal to provide information and documents that other Presidential candidates have provided in recent years as a matter of course.

Democrats are simply pissed that Trump is gathering more and more "low information" voters, and they believe they have a RIGHT to that constituency.

And as posted previously in this thread, even if he had been born at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, there are enough outrageous holes in his bio (and known disturbing facts) to disqualify him for any substantial public office, if he were not "Black."

Thus, his disastrous presidency should come as no surprise.

exactly, the libs and leftists were in such an ejaculatory celebration about his blackness that nothing else mattered. FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT------------YEE HAAW !
Who gives a shit that he never accomplished anything, was trained by radical leftists, and indoctrinated in a muslim madrassa. He was half black, so nothing else mattered.

And Hillary has a vagina, so nothing else matters about her-----------------liberalism is indeed a mental disease.
I used to joke that Barack Obama would put a copy of his original birth certificate in his Presidential library just as a big 'fuck you' to Birthers.

Well he provided a copy of the original birth certificate as a big 'fuck you' to Trump and Birthers still don't believe it.

Like yourself- Birthers will never believe anything- any document- unless it is a forged document by a convicted forgerer who claims it shows Obama was born in Kenya.

It is a known fact that Hawaii is ran by democrats and democrats tend to collude with each other in a very unhealthy way. I wouldn't be surprised if the democrat in charge of birth certificates didn't fake it. Can you explain why no one else but the government of hawaii is allowed to look?

You so need to learn honest facts before you post.

The governor of Hawaii at the time Obama was elected was a republican. Linda Lingle.

For the first time in the history of our nation a governor came out and named the exact location of the birth of a president.

She told the truth. Unlike you.

She told the world that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Here it is from a far right wing site, world net daily:

Hawaii governor announces ‘exact’ place of Obama birth

Now try to tell us all about how a democratic governor and bureaucrat told the world that Obama was born in Hawaii.

You people are pathetic.

Oh and why aren't you throwing fits about ted cruz? The man is Canadian. Born in Canada, spent several years there and has a Canadian birth certificate. How can he be qualified to be president?

You're pathetic.
Well, in fairness, Obama did tell his colleges and Universities that he was born in Kenya

1st of all, I'm not a 'birther' - never have been, don't care where he is from. I think it is more troubling that he was admittedly tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Saul Alynski, mentored by racist hate-spewing anti-American Jeremiah Wright, befriended a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and unrepentantly killed cops, and was sired by an Anti-Colonialist who hated America and wanted to see it eliminated as a world power and leader.

You aren't a 'birther'- you just sound like one.

I understand you are 'troubled' by the birther talking points- but luckily in our great country, every 4 years the voters have a chance to weigh in on who should be President- and the voters disagreed with you. I decided to give you one...and a little more:


'Proof Obama Born in Kenya? Obama Literary Agent Says Yes'


Since this came out in the media Obama's Literary Agent has retracted this declaration, claiming it was just a 'typo'.

And yet Birthers keep bringing it up- just like you did.

You aren't a Birther- you just like to say what Birthers say.
Mr. Trump has never said that Barry was born in Kenya, merely that there is some doubt about his birthplace. This is what is known as a TRUE statement. And the doubt is largely the result of his refusal to provide information and documents that other Presidential candidates have provided in recent years as a matter of course..

provide information and documents that other Presidential candidates have provided in recent years

What information and documents- provided by who?

Really what makes you imagine that any other President has provided their birth certificate like Barack Obama has?

Please feel free to back up your claim- though in my experience- having seen lots of Birthers make this claim- once challenged they tend to either slink away- or resort to bluster- but no one ever actually backs up the claim.
And as posted previously in this thread, even if he had been born at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, there are enough outrageous holes in his bio (and known disturbing facts) to disqualify him for any substantial public office, if he were not "Black."

'known disturbing facts'- you even acknowledge that the crap you are thinking about is 'known'- yet the voters made their choice.

Oh thats right- you want this to be about race.......
Mr. Trump has never said that Barry was born in Kenya, merely that there is some doubt about his birthplace. This is what is known as a TRUE statement. And the doubt is largely the result of his refusal to provide information and documents that other Presidential candidates have provided in recent years as a matter of course.

Democrats are simply pissed that Trump is gathering more and more "low information" voters, and they believe they have a RIGHT to that constituency.

And as posted previously in this thread, even if he had been born at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, there are enough outrageous holes in his bio (and known disturbing facts) to disqualify him for any substantial public office, if he were not "Black."

Thus, his disastrous presidency should come as no surprise.

exactly, the libs and leftists were in such an ejaculatory celebration about his blackness that nothing else mattered. FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT------------YEE HAAW !.

There is no doubt that if Barack Obama had been named Bill O'Banion, whose father was a white man from Ireland- or Cuba- you and the rest of the Birthers would never have claimed he was not eligible.
You aren't a 'birther'- you just sound like one.

So Liberals attack Conservative (idiots) for being 'birthers' then turn around and defend Alan Grayson. According to Liberals 'birthers' are 'racists' that means Grayson is a 'racist', since all 'birthers' - again, according to Liberals - have to be racists? LOL!

So Liberals are only 'birthers' when being so benefits it.

...and last I checked Obama wasn't in this race, so what the hell does Americans thinking Obama is from anywhere have to do with Trump leading against Cruz, Rubio, Bush, etc? Graham is an idiot for thinking/saying it, and the OP is an idiot for thinking it was relevant....or true.
I used to joke that Barack Obama would put a copy of his original birth certificate in his Presidential library just as a big 'fuck you' to Birthers.

Well he provided a copy of the original birth certificate as a big 'fuck you' to Trump and Birthers still don't believe it.

Like yourself- Birthers will never believe anything- any document- unless it is a forged document by a convicted forgerer who claims it shows Obama was born in Kenya.

It is a known fact that Hawaii is ran by democrats and democrats tend to collude with each other in a very unhealthy way. I wouldn't be surprised if the democrat in charge of birth certificates didn't fake it. Can you explain why no one else but the government of hawaii is allowed to look?

You so need to learn honest facts before you post.

The governor of Hawaii at the time Obama was elected was a republican. Linda Lingle.

For the first time in the history of our nation a governor came out and named the exact location of the birth of a president.

She told the truth. Unlike you.

She told the world that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Here it is from a far right wing site, world net daily:

Hawaii governor announces ‘exact’ place of Obama birth

Now try to tell us all about how a democratic governor and bureaucrat told the world that Obama was born in Hawaii.

You people are pathetic.

Oh and why aren't you throwing fits about ted cruz? The man is Canadian. Born in Canada, spent several years there and has a Canadian birth certificate. How can he be qualified to be president?

You're pathetic.

Politicians aren't qualified to determine where someone was born. That's all we need to know to dispose of your "evidence." You have no evidence.
I used to joke that Barack Obama would put a copy of his original birth certificate in his Presidential library just as a big 'fuck you' to Birthers.

Well he provided a copy of the original birth certificate as a big 'fuck you' to Trump and Birthers still don't believe it.

Like yourself- Birthers will never believe anything- any document- unless it is a forged document by a convicted forgerer who claims it shows Obama was born in Kenya.

It is a known fact that Hawaii is ran by democrats and democrats tend to collude with each other in a very unhealthy way. I wouldn't be surprised if the democrat in charge of birth certificates didn't fake it. Can you explain why no one else but the government of hawaii is allowed to look?

You so need to learn honest facts before you post.

The governor of Hawaii at the time Obama was elected was a republican. Linda Lingle.

For the first time in the history of our nation a governor came out and named the exact location of the birth of a president.

She told the truth. Unlike you.

She told the world that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Here it is from a far right wing site, world net daily:

Hawaii governor announces ‘exact’ place of Obama birth

Now try to tell us all about how a democratic governor and bureaucrat told the world that Obama was born in Hawaii.

You people are pathetic.

Oh and why aren't you throwing fits about ted cruz? The man is Canadian. Born in Canada, spent several years there and has a Canadian birth certificate. How can he be qualified to be president?

You're pathetic.

Politicians aren't qualified to determine where someone was born. That's all we need to know to dispose of your "evidence." You have no evidence.

Everyone is qualified to determine where someone is born.

That is why we have birth certificates.

How does the State Department determine where someone was born- they require a certified copy of a birth certificate.

Like the State of Hawaii provided to Obama and like the State of Hawaii confirmed was authentic.

Ordinary Americans 'determine' where Americans are born every day in America- by looking at birth certificates and passports.

Even you could do it- if you actually wanted to.
You aren't a 'birther'- you just sound like one.

So Liberals attack Conservative (idiots) for being 'birthers' then turn around and defend Alan Grayson. According to Liberals 'birthers' are 'racists' that means Grayson is a 'racist', since all 'birthers' - again, according to Liberals - have to be racists? LOL!.

I am a liberal.

When have I defended Grayson?

Feel free to back up your asinine claim. Or admit you are just another sad RWNJ who pulls crap out of his ass.

Again- when have I- a liberal- defended Grayson?
Again- when have I- a liberal- defended Grayson?
According to g5000, if you condemn anyone for doing something - like condemning conservatives for being 'birthers', yet do not criticize the others for doing so then you are defending those others.

Not my to G.
Again- when have I- a liberal- defended Grayson?
According to g5000, if you condemn anyone for doing something - like condemning conservatives for being 'birthers', yet do not criticize the others for doing so then you are defending those others.

So you admit you were just pulling crap out of your ass- you admit you were just lying.

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