Lindsey Graham: Trump Leading Because 40% Of GOP Voters Think Obama Is Kenyan Muslim

Trump fans don't like Hillary because she lied but they don't seem to mind Trump is a liar?

anyone who lies under oath should be indicted. Uhhh, except the Clintons, right?

Or Trump, right?

No, if its proven that he lied under oath, indict him. Do it. But also indict both Clintons.

Clearly you are unable to prove Hillary lied but I just showed you Trump did, so you better start supporting Cruz like you eventually will when the GOP tosses Trump out of the race. Then support Rubio when it is found Cruz is a canadian wetback.

"the Benghazi attack was caused by a video" Hillary Clinton
" I never sent any classified data on my private e-mail server" Hillary Clinton.

Two big lies.

do you think if a republican had sent the video maker to prison the libs would be crying 1st amendment foul ??
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Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya
he didn't have to pretend.
Politicians don't "confirm" anything. That's like depending on a used car salesman to "confirm" that the car you want to buy was only driven to church and back by an 80 year old woman.

The way to prove your birth certificate is original is to submit the original document to scientific examination.
Politicians don't "confirm" anything. That's like depending on a used car salesman to "confirm" that the car you want to buy was only driven to church and back by an 80 year old woman.

The way to prove your birth certificate is original is to submit the original document to scientific examination.
and get fifty million from the trumpster.
Politicians don't "confirm" anything. That's like depending on a used car salesman to "confirm" that the car you want to buy was only driven to church and back by an 80 year old woman.

The way to prove your birth certificate is original is to submit the original document to scientific examination.
and get fifty million from the trumpster.
What is that idiocy supposed to mean?
I used to joke that Barack Obama would put a copy of his original birth certificate in his Presidential library just as a big 'fuck you' to Birthers.

Well he provided a copy of the original birth certificate as a big 'fuck you' to Trump and Birthers still don't believe it.

Like yourself- Birthers will never believe anything- any document- unless it is a forged document by a convicted forgerer who claims it shows Obama was born in Kenya.

It is a known fact that Hawaii is ran by democrats and democrats tend to collude with each other in a very unhealthy way. I wouldn't be surprised if the democrat in charge of birth certificates didn't fake it. Can you explain why no one else but the government of hawaii is allowed to look?

Who'snot allowed to look?
Heh. 61% of Trump supporters think Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

Another 20% are "not sure."

Still waiting for those sealed college records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show that he got scholarships reserved for foreign students.

He either WAS a foreign student or he committed FRAUD to get money.
Where did you get that bit of information? Out of your ass?
Who gives a fuck what Free Republic says. Look at what they did to the Dixie Chicks and it turned out the Dixie Chicks were right about GW Bush

You're using the Dixie chicks to prove a point...the band that is no more, who was ostracized, shunned, after their lead singer decided to shove her political OPINION down others' throats instead of do what she was paid to do - play music?

Dixie Chicks 2016 world tour tickets
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Dipshit Graham just needs to come out of the closet. Why is he still living a lie? Most know he's gay. He should do the honorable thing and come out. I would still think he's a useless asshole, but i might respect him a bit more.
Why do you conclude that he's gay?

I don't know if lindsey is gay, but I'm pretty sure his boyfriend is.
anyone who lies under oath should be indicted. Uhhh, except the Clintons, right?
Or Trump, right?

No, if its proven that he lied under oath, indict him. Do it. But also indict both Clintons.
Clearly you are unable to prove Hillary lied but I just showed you Trump did, so you better start supporting Cruz like you eventually will when the GOP tosses Trump out of the race. Then support Rubio when it is found Cruz is a canadian wetback.

"the Benghazi attack was caused by a video" Hillary Clinton

I like how you put the 'the' in lower case. Why? Because you're plucking those 8 words out of the middle of a sentence. Now offer us the full sentence. And tell us how the omitted portions matter.

then post the entire quote. there is no context issue, she said it multiple times, so did obama
bobo thinks this is funny, which of those statement is not a lie, bobo?
Who cares. Ben who? Who is this Ben Gazi guy you keep talking about? And what did she email? And where is Obama's birth certificate. Yes I do think it is funny.

And remember this?

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The FBI has verified that Hillary sent classified documents over an unsecure private server. That is a violation of federal law.

If your son, brother, or relative was one of the dead in Benghazi, you wouldn't say "who cares". The inactions and lying of HRC as SecState were the direct cause of those deaths, and then she lied about what caused them.

She is unfit for public office and should spend the rest of her life in jail.
Dipshit Graham just needs to come out of the closet. Why is he still living a lie? Most know he's gay. He should do the honorable thing and come out. I would still think he's a useless asshole, but i might respect him a bit more.
Why do you conclude that he's gay?

I don't know if lindsey is gay, but I'm pretty sure his boyfriend is.

No...Barney Frank, with the occasional threesome with Obama
Well, in fairness, Obama did tell his colleges and Universities that he was born in Kenya

1st of all, I'm not a 'birther' - never have been, don't care where he is from. I think it is more troubling that he was admittedly tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Saul Alynski, mentored by racist hate-spewing anti-American Jeremiah Wright, befriended a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and unrepentantly killed cops, and was sired by an Anti-Colonialist who hated America and wanted to see it eliminated as a world power and leader. THAT being said, your demand for a link caught my I decided to give you one...and a little more:


'Proof Obama Born in Kenya? Obama Literary Agent Says Yes'


Since this came out in the media Obama's Literary Agent has retracted this declaration, claiming it was just a 'typo'.

After all this time, in the immortal words of Hillary ' It was a Video' Clinton, "What difference does it make?"

Everyone should move on and leave the 'birther' business to pitchfork and torch-carrying Liberal Alan Grayson. :p
Mr. Trump has never said that Barry was born in Kenya, merely that there is some doubt about his birthplace. This is what is known as a TRUE statement. And the doubt is largely the result of his refusal to provide information and documents that other Presidential candidates have provided in recent years as a matter of course.

Democrats are simply pissed that Trump is gathering more and more "low information" voters, and they believe they have a RIGHT to that constituency.

And as posted previously in this thread, even if he had been born at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, there are enough outrageous holes in his bio (and known disturbing facts) to disqualify him for any substantial public office, if he were not "Black."

Thus, his disastrous presidency should come as no surprise.

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