Lindsey Graham: Trump Leading Because 40% Of GOP Voters Think Obama Is Kenyan Muslim

Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya

And while you've been clear in your little batshit conspiracy've never actually managed to bridge the vast chasm between the wasteland of your mind and the world the rest of us live in.

As you can't back any of that nonsense up with evidence.
Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya

And while you've been clear in your little batshit conspiracy've never actually managed to bridge the vast chasm between the wasteland of your mind and the world the rest of us live in.

As you can't back any of that nonsense up with evidence.

You don't even have a mind, certainly not one of your own; you're a parrot. you squawk back whatever is fed into the Dem Collective. His published biography had him born in Kenya for 2 decades, but all of a sudden it's a fact check error -- and you believe it.

My theory fits the facts and makes sense: Obama was a sub par stoner who got into college by pretending to be born in Kenya
Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya

And while you've been clear in your little batshit conspiracy've never actually managed to bridge the vast chasm between the wasteland of your mind and the world the rest of us live in.

As you can't back any of that nonsense up with evidence.

You don't even have a mind, certainly not one of your own; you're a parrot. you squawk back whatever is fed into the Dem Collective. His published biography had him born in Kenya for 2 decades, but all of a sudden it's a fact check error -- and you believe it.

Or I've actually researched the issue. And the evidence overwhelmingly contradicts you. Plus, you can't back up any of the hapless batshit you make up.

As for the 'published biography', Obama didn't write it. The biography that Obama did write cites his place of birth as Hawaii. So who are you quoting when you claim Obama said he was born in Kenya?

Just yourself. And you're nobody.
Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya

And while you've been clear in your little batshit conspiracy've never actually managed to bridge the vast chasm between the wasteland of your mind and the world the rest of us live in.

As you can't back any of that nonsense up with evidence.

You don't even have a mind, certainly not one of your own; you're a parrot. you squawk back whatever is fed into the Dem Collective. His published biography had him born in Kenya for 2 decades, but all of a sudden it's a fact check error -- and you believe it.

Or I've actually researched the issue. And the evidence overwhelmingly contradicts you. Plus, you can't back up any of the hapless batshit you make up.

As for the 'published biography', Obama didn't write it. The biography that Obama did write cites his place of birth as Hawaii. So who are you quoting when you claim Obama said he was born in Kenya?

Just yourself. And you're nobody.
He also talks about it in this 1995 video -- where he is quite impressive as a speaker and an author.

It's quite a good video - quite an insight into someone who would 13 years later become President of the US.

"22-CityView presents Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995, this originally aired on Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television as an episode of the show "The Author Series." In this episode Obama discusses his book "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance," which at the time had just been released a few months previously."
Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke
what is your academic career? PoliticalChic claims ivy league grad school but she's crazy as a sh*t house rat. D'Nesh is also highly educated but a felon

What's an academic career? My parents thought the Beatles and public education were a Communist Conspiracy, I had to sneak out of the house to attend Stevenson HS in the South Bronx in 1973.
Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke
Laughing all the way to the White House, you jealous little racist bitch. LOL
On the day he leaves office, I hope he tweets "hey, you were right, I'm a Kenyan muslim socialist. Bya."
Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya

And while you've been clear in your little batshit conspiracy've never actually managed to bridge the vast chasm between the wasteland of your mind and the world the rest of us live in.

As you can't back any of that nonsense up with evidence.

You don't even have a mind, certainly not one of your own; you're a parrot. you squawk back whatever is fed into the Dem Collective. His published biography had him born in Kenya for 2 decades, but all of a sudden it's a fact check error -- and you believe it.

Or I've actually researched the issue. And the evidence overwhelmingly contradicts you. Plus, you can't back up any of the hapless batshit you make up.

As for the 'published biography', Obama didn't write it. The biography that Obama did write cites his place of birth as Hawaii. So who are you quoting when you claim Obama said he was born in Kenya?

Just yourself. And you're nobody.
He also talks about it in this 1995 video -- where he is quite impressive as a speaker and an author.

It's quite a good video - quite an insight into someone who would 13 years later become President of the US.

"22-CityView presents Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995, this originally aired on Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television as an episode of the show "The Author Series." In this episode Obama discusses his book "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance," which at the time had just been released a few months previously."

Well, it sorta looks like him, but how can we know for sure?
Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

LOL- are you really this ignorant?

Every kid that I went to high school with that ended up going to a top university was a pot smoker in high school- and I close to Obama's age.


That you think that someone who smoked pot in high school could not have gotten into any college as an American makes me pretty convinced you have never actually been on an American college campus.

Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya

Again- you never have actually been on an American college campus.

From the beginning this story cracked me up. Because I knew lots of foreign students at my college- I was interested in interesting people- and I knew quite a few students from Africa.

Every single one of them had to work harder- and pay more- to attend my college than I did. None of them got any government assistance from either their government or the United States government. Luckily college was somewhat cheaper then and they could afford college with college jobs- working 30 hours a week and going to class.

Not one of the myriad of idiotic Birthers has ever explained been able to show any actual advantage Obama would have actually had if he had claimed he was a Kenyan student- like Frankie- they just 'believe' it must be true.
Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke
what is your academic career? PoliticalChic claims ivy league grad school but she's crazy as a sh*t house rat. D'Nesh is also highly educated but a felon

What's an academic career? My parents thought the Beatles and public education were a Communist Conspiracy, I had to sneak out of the house to attend Stevenson HS in the South Bronx in 1973.

And clearly you are still bitter that you never graduated.
Well, just listen to Obama, he once lost a game of rock, paper and scissors to a box of rocks. He admitted he was a stoner in HS, you really think he gets into ANY college as an American?

Yeah, because *no one* smokes weed in college. I think its mathematically impossible for that to ever happen.

Also, how do you go to Law School, never mind as "President" of Law Review and not know Judicial Review? It was so bad Larry Tribe had to come out and reassure that "Oh yes Barry knows Judicial Review"

Obama's academic career is an ethnic joke

Can we take it from this little tantrum that you've given up on your claims that Obama said he was born in Kenya to the collleges he attended?

Or was that another 'fire-and-forget' fantasy of yours, like all the others?

I've been very clear: given his barely three digit IQ, it's obvious that the ONLY way Obama got into college was to pretend he was born in Kenya

And while you've been clear in your little batshit conspiracy've never actually managed to bridge the vast chasm between the wasteland of your mind and the world the rest of us live in.

As you can't back any of that nonsense up with evidence.

You don't even have a mind, certainly not one of your own; you're a parrot. you squawk back whatever is fed into the Dem Collective. His published biography had him born in Kenya for 2 decades, but all of a sudden it's a fact check error -- and you believe it.

My theory fits the facts and makes sense: Obama was a sub par stoner who got into college by pretending to be born in Kenya

Barack Obama's published biography- Dreams from My Father- says he was born in Hawaii

Like virtually every other reference than that one pamphlet- for example:

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

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