Lindsey Grahamnesty Crosses the Line — Gets Himself Booted From White House Immigration Discussions

She is such a bitch. Fuck that Amnesty whore.

That Miss Lindsey Graham should be airdropped into ISIS territory wearing the below dress, get herself that Cultural Enrichment she desperately wants :smoke:

Lindsey Graham is one of the most vile people to ever serve in congress. His brief charade of pretending to oppose Trump didn't change any of that.
Lindsey Graham is one of the most vile people to ever serve in congress. His brief charade of pretending to oppose Trump didn't change any of that.
Cross dressing Graham and spineless McCain are far too busy going to gay pride parades, to govern...
I really think Steve McRacist works for or gets paid by TheGateWayPundit or the TruePundent. Those are pretty much the only places he ever posts articles from.
Graham is an OPEN borders nutcase who is NOT a Republican is any way, shape, or form! He's even further left on immigration than some DEMOCRATS!
Gruesome Graham: if Trump fires Mueller, his presidency will end

Also Gruesome Graham: I dont think the Nunes memo should be released

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