Linguistics 606


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism linguistics 'blueprint-portrait' inspired by the film Educating Rita.



"Welcome to Linguistics Deconstruction, an advanced seminar here at Yale University for juniors and seniors studying new world topics regarding psycho-sociological links between cognition and culture. My name is Professor Cyclonus, but you can call me 'Psych'(!), but don't treat me like a light-hearted buddy --- I'm here to probe your mind and grill you about your ability to absorb, interpret, and translate important (I will defend my claims!) modernism subjects such as psychophysics (e.g., 'Internet-consciousness'), pluralism (e.g., urban ethnic pidgin/lingo), and streamlined commerce-based social governance (e.g., Little Italy, European Union, etc.). These are all considerations very important to U.S. history (for those of you also studying history!). Your first assignment is to evaluate styles of teaching differing between cultures and the kind of 'sociocultural jargon' 'permissible' in classroom discourse. It's due in 2 weeks. Our second lecture (in two days) will be about the impact of Lincoln's politics on song structure and grammar during Reconstruction (e.g., post-slavery ethnicity songs)."

"Welcome to Linguistics Synthetics, an advanced theory-based seminar here at Dartmouth College for juniors and seniors studying new world topics regarding linguistic and cognitive links between psychology and ritual. My name is Professor Wreck-Gar, but you can call me 'Wreck'(!), but don't tread me as your study hall buddy --- I'm here to discover how motivated you are to learn about the processes of linguistic development as they relate to 'macro-anthropology' and therefore (arguably), even evolution itself. You will be inspired (my hope), but you will also feel the weight of years of research done by your teachers and their teachers. You will learn how/why Linguistics is additive and interesting when it is reductionist only when considering what 'governs' improvisation."



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