Links between right wing politics and religion is turning people away from the Church

Its a steady decline but there is a way to win back people. Normal folk .intelligent people, can see the hypocrisy and hate in organised religion today. How can real Christians support the war on women and immigrants. How can they support corruption and wickedness on a grand scale ? How can they support the destruction of the environment?

Christians worship God, Conservatives worship money. There is no meeting place.

But there is a way back.

You can't ask Christians to park their brains at the door and follow Scofield nd Hal Lindsey.
Links between right wing politics and religion is turning people away from the Church
You brain-hampered buffoon, religion is inherently conservative, it always has been, so how could conservative views suddenly be turning away people from religion? It doesn't, idiot!

Normal folk .intelligent people, can see the hypocrisy and hate in organised religion today.
But apparently braindead tree stump stooges like you can't see the hypocrisy and hate of organized leftwing idiocy trying to paint the religion of peace as a "hateful" activity.

How can real Christians support the war on women and immigrants.
WHAT war on women? What war on immigrants? You moron, the only war going on is the constant attack of hate on religion by atheistic scum like you. Trying to preserve one's own country against the ravages of mass illegal invasion isn't an act of "hate," idiot.

How can they support corruption and wickedness on a grand scale ?
You do it every day.

Christians worship God, Conservatives worship money.
FUCK YOU. Conservatives value freedom, autonomy, self-actualization. Truth liberates the mind, God frees the spirit, and money frees the body. Three things you'll never know in that dusty, web-filled attic you call a mind.
They're ex-felons broski. They paid their debt to society and it's time for them to go back into the world.
They actually have NOT paid their debt to society until until they literally make restitution to victims,
municipalities, etc.
If not for leftist millionaires looking to flood Florida with ex felon voters they would STILL be unable to
vote, as it should be.

Its a steady decline but there is a way to win back people. Normal folk .intelligent people, can see the hypocrisy and hate in organised religion today. How can real Christians support the war on women and immigrants. How can they support corruption and wickedness on a grand scale ? How can they support the destruction of the environment?

Christians worship God, Conservatives worship money. There is no meeting place.

But there is a way back.

I always figured Tommy would make a good Friar.
Wait, you mean to tell me that shooting Americans with rubber bullets and gas to lift up an upside down Bible ISN'T what Christianity is about?

Be right back, time to study my teachings of Jesus...something about love thy neighbor and feed the poor. I may have misread it as "**** the poor" instead...oopsies
Yeah, love thy neighbor as long as it is someone else's money , that is the prog way, inst it?

View attachment 476420
I did say that conservatives worship money. Thanks for underlining that truth.

Then why hasn't Michael Jordan and Ophrah Winfrey both Democrats and Billionaires still keeping their money?

LeBron James and Michael Jordan helped join Michael Bloomberg’s $27 million effort to help clear fines and fees for about 40,000 felons in the state so that they can vote in Tuesday’s election, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

That is pathetic since they are criminals.

Just another example of Democrats favoring criminals over lawful citizens such as the homeless, battered women, raped women shelters, Dog and Cats shelters and so on.
I could dig up a few verses about forgiveness for you if you like. Or you could have a look at the Lords Prayer. Its covered when it talks about forgiving those that trespass against us. Obviously that comes before the right wing version which states "That is pathetic since they are criminals."
You know, what is really pathetic about your progs, is that you can keep shoving the shit in our faces, and end up pissing us off, to no end. Then we just tell you to go fuck yourself..

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals (
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
You see, i know all about you morons, and how you try to use our good faith to fuck up the world.
I cant understand why a Godly man like you should alienate people from the church. What is wrong with them ?
Wait, you mean to tell me that shooting Americans with rubber bullets and gas to lift up an upside down Bible ISN'T what Christianity is about?

Be right back, time to study my teachings of Jesus...something about love thy neighbor and feed the poor. I may have misread it as "**** the poor" instead...oopsies
Yeah, love thy neighbor as long as it is someone else's money , that is the prog way, inst it?

View attachment 476420
I did say that conservatives worship money. Thanks for underlining that truth.

Then why hasn't Michael Jordan and Ophrah Winfrey both Democrats and Billionaires still keeping their money?

LeBron James and Michael Jordan helped join Michael Bloomberg’s $27 million effort to help clear fines and fees for about 40,000 felons in the state so that they can vote in Tuesday’s election, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

That is pathetic since they are criminals.

Just another example of Democrats favoring criminals over lawful citizens such as the homeless, battered women, raped women shelters, Dog and Cats shelters and so on.
I could dig up a few verses about forgiveness for you if you like. Or you could have a look at the Lords Prayer. Its covered when it talks about forgiving those that trespass against us. Obviously that comes before the right wing version which states "That is pathetic since they are criminals."

America is a SECULAR nation which is what Criminals and felons are charged, fined and Incarcerated in, the bible have no such role at all.

I was a Deacon in the church very aware of what the standard bible teachings says, but you fail to realize that it was written for specific individuals seeking the narrow path, not for criminals who haven't repented and changed their misbehaving ways.

They are now free, many will generate more crime.....
So the Bible isnt aimed at everyone ? OK, let me process that factoid. Do you have a list of Gods target market ?

Its a steady decline but there is a way to win back people. Normal folk .intelligent people, can see the hypocrisy and hate in organised religion today. How can real Christians support the war on women and immigrants. How can they support corruption and wickedness on a grand scale ? How can they support the destruction of the environment?

Christians worship God, Conservatives worship money. There is no meeting place.

But there is a way back.

What war on women?

What war on immigration?

The rest is mendaciously dishonest since BOTH political parties are corrupt.
Pull your head out Mister!

Its a steady decline but there is a way to win back people. Normal folk .intelligent people, can see the hypocrisy and hate in organised religion today. How can real Christians support the war on women and immigrants. How can they support corruption and wickedness on a grand scale ? How can they support the destruction of the environment?

Christians worship God, Conservatives worship money. There is no meeting place.

But there is a way back.
Valid's another good article about it...NC pastor: People are leaving church — because of churches

Its a steady decline but there is a way to win back people. Normal folk .intelligent people, can see the hypocrisy and hate in organised religion today. How can real Christians support the war on women and immigrants. How can they support corruption and wickedness on a grand scale ? How can they support the destruction of the environment?

Christians worship God, Conservatives worship money. There is no meeting place.

But there is a way back.
The elites broke the back of the Christian Churches by the early 1970's.

Its a steady decline but there is a way to win back people. Normal folk .intelligent people, can see the hypocrisy and hate in organised religion today. How can real Christians support the war on women and immigrants. How can they support corruption and wickedness on a grand scale ? How can they support the destruction of the environment?

Christians worship God, Conservatives worship money. There is no meeting place.

But there is a way back.
Valid's another good article about it...NC pastor: People are leaving church — because of churches
The churches seem to have occupied a position between religion and the people. Something similar to the situation faced by Martin Luther. The established churches seem more likely to drive people away.
This was the only result that could happen due to the radicalism of the Republicans.

They've managed to be associated w/religion due to their, very effective, propaganda and the American people are now rejecting religion, well Christianity, altogether as a result of this.

Unfortunately. But God will judge them harshly for this. Referring to those that drove people away from Him.

There's a reason why Scripture describes the Second Coming as a "weeping and gnashing of teeth", most of those will be from folk who thought they were going up, but will come to find out they're actually staying down.
Only a weeping and gnashing of teeth for those have reason to be nervous. It is supposed to usher in 1000 years of paradise for those who deserve it.

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