List Of Charges Against Manafort and Gates Linking Orange Campaign To Russia

The leftist goons are so butthurt that they see Russia everywhere now.

Can't even open can of dog food without leftist popping out screaming Russia.


What part of "she will NOT be president" you don't understand?
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

We all listend to the news. That's how we know you're a lying dumbass.
Trump hires only the best people. Trump has the best judgement.

Trump is the master of extreme vetting to keep out foreign agents.

It's so obvious that you're a conservative Republican. We can tell from the way you constantly attack Republicans.
And yet still no collusion and Trump is still president and Hilary is still a loser.
Watergate lasted nearly a year and half. Mueller has been on the job less than 6 months. I would say he has at least 6 more months, maybe a year unless Trump fires him as he did Comey.

And no matter what happens Hilary will not be installed president from this.

The republicans will still have the white house no matter what and the establishment will have an even stronger foot hold,

But do not let far left religious dogma get in the way of reality.

And you far left drones will still be losers just like Hilary!
At this point even the local dog catcher would be a suitable replacement for the failure in the office right now. I dont think there is a person on the planet that could fuck up as royally as Drumpf has done. What a fucking failure and embarrassment he is. :laugh:

And a racist far left drone chimes in and proves my comments!
Dont be upset Drumpfling. Your orange god is an idiot and loser.
then how is it he is president if he is a loser? can you explain that rationale?
And no matter what happens Hilary will not be installed president from this.

The republicans will still have the white house no matter what and the establishment will have an even stronger foot hold,

But do not let far left religious dogma get in the way of reality.

And you far left drones will still be losers just like Hilary!
At this point even the local dog catcher would be a suitable replacement for the failure in the office right now. I dont think there is a person on the planet that could fuck up as royally as Drumpf has done. What a fucking failure and embarrassment he is. :laugh:
Except you don’t get to make that call 63 million did and you fking lost you need to learn to deal with it! Like I had to fk
I think you mean the electoral college made that call. Drumpf the failure lost by 3 million in popular voting. Drumpf needed voting affirmative action to get elected.

Yes the Electoral College did what it was designed to do!

Just accept the fact that far left religion has been rejected and the support of the thug way of life is finally coming to an end.

Silly racist far left drone!
Agreed. Drumpf needed voting affirmative action to get elected. What a fucking loser! He should be embarrassed he needed help to get elected.
A loser that won, is that an oxymoron moron?
And no matter what happens Hilary will not be installed president from this.

The republicans will still have the white house no matter what and the establishment will have an even stronger foot hold,

But do not let far left religious dogma get in the way of reality.

And you far left drones will still be losers just like Hilary!
At this point even the local dog catcher would be a suitable replacement for the failure in the office right now. I dont think there is a person on the planet that could fuck up as royally as Drumpf has done. What a fucking failure and embarrassment he is. :laugh:
Except you don’t get to make that call 63 million did and you fking lost you need to learn to deal with it! Like I had to fk
I think you mean the electoral college made that call. Drumpf the failure lost by 3 million in popular voting. Drumpf needed voting affirmative action to get elected.
Thats all I have to say about that unless you need me to repeat it.
then explain how trump is a loser since he is the president. please enlighten us.
Conspiracy to what end, winning an election? Every politician is guilty of that.

Not every politician is guilty of colluding with a antagonistic foreign power to win an election.

Let us know when one is proven guilty
Popadopoulous has pled guilty and is cooperating with the FBI. He was one of Trump's foreign policy advisers who Trump has called and excellent guy. His guilty plea apparently caught the White House off guard.

Yeah, he pleaded guilty to getting his dates mixed up. Notice he didn't plead to doing anything improper in the meetings. That's why you don't talk to law enforcement, especially the feds, get one date wrong and they got you.

Yep, he fucked up badly but Mueller has him by the balls and he has been spilling his guts since last July. I think he is far more important to the investigation than either Manafort or Gates because he was an intermediary while part of Trump campaign. He was in contact with a Russian foreign affairs ministry official who revealed that the Russia had dirt on Hillary. He reported to 4 higher level officials in the Trump campaign. It was revealed he was gathering evidence for the FBI in 2016. Was he wearing a wire? I think we are going to hear a lot more about this guy.
so was the man paid by the trump campaign? just wonder what you actually know.
Conspiracy to what end, winning an election? Every politician is guilty of that.

Not every politician is guilty of colluding with a antagonistic foreign power to win an election.

Let us know when one is proven guilty
Popadopoulous has pled guilty and is cooperating with the FBI. He was one of Trump's foreign policy advisers who Trump has calls and excellent guy. His guilty plea apparently caught the White House off guard.

Today the Trump administration would not take pardons for those convicted off the table. In other words, keep your mouth shut and if convicted the Trump will come to your rescue, a perfectly legal form of obstruction of justice.

One way or the other Trump is probably going get out of this without legal charges. Firing Mueller as he did Comey is always on the table.

"Not every politician is guilty of colluding with a antagonistic foreign power to win an election."

What election did Papadopoulous win?

I'm going to assume you don't understand what happened.

because that kind of question doesn't show any particular grasp of facts
I would say it is you. what did he get arrested for and plead guilty for? LOL you have no fking clue about anything sweetie.

And this is how the far left acts when you show them reality!
You wouldnt know reality if it kicked you in your ass under a spotlight. You actually voted for the abysmal failure currently in office.

Sorry Obama is out of office and I understand that you want to be top drone of the month again!

But reality is you are a racist far left thug that cheers for dead cops!
You dont have to be sorry. Obama served his two terms. Youre just lucky he couldnt go for a third. Your failure thats in office now would have lost by a landslide. Even voting affirmative action wouldnt have been able to help him.
and then you fking woke up. LOL I love your pain fk.
Not a single one of those charges has anything to do with Trump or Russia.
Just be patient it's coming.....The orange man, attacked the FBI, CIA and disrespected most of our intelligence think they gonna let it fly by peacefully? they will squash him watch and see.
what are they going to do? ewwwwwwwww
Not a single one of those charges has anything to do with Trump or Russia.
Just be patient it's coming.....The orange man, attacked the FBI, CIA and disrespected most of our intelligence think they gonna let it fly by peacefully? they will squash him watch and see.

When a group of people attempt to take down the POTUS, what do they call that?

I forget.
Not a single one of those charges has anything to do with Trump or Russia.
Just be patient it's coming.....The orange man, attacked the FBI, CIA and disrespected most of our intelligence think they gonna let it fly by peacefully? they will squash him watch and see.

When a group of people attempt to take down the POTUS, what do they call that?

I forget.

Not what I was thinking, but same outcome.

I like it.
Trump hires only the best people. Trump has the best judgement.

Trump is the master of extreme vetting to keep out foreign agents.

It's so obvious that you're a conservative Republican. We can tell from the way you constantly attack Republicans.
Trump isn't a Republican. And neither are you, bigot.
He has to be registered as a Republican to get the nomination, you dumb asshole.
Trump hires only the best people. Trump has the best judgement.

Trump is the master of extreme vetting to keep out foreign agents.

It's so obvious that you're a conservative Republican. We can tell from the way you constantly attack Republicans.
Trump isn't a Republican. And neither are you, bigot.
He has to be registered as a Republican to get the nomination, you dumb asshole.
A registration is not what makes a Republican, bigot.

Trump is a huckster. A New York con man.

And you are a sucker and a bigot.

Neither one of you are Republicans.
Trump hires only the best people. Trump has the best judgement.

Trump is the master of extreme vetting to keep out foreign agents.

It's so obvious that you're a conservative Republican. We can tell from the way you constantly attack Republicans.
Trump isn't a Republican. And neither are you, bigot.
He has to be registered as a Republican to get the nomination, you dumb asshole.
A registration is not what makes a Republican, bigot.

Trump is a huckster. A New York con man.

And you are a sucker and a bigot.

Neither one of you are Republicans.

What makes you a Republican, douche bag?
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.

Where did you get that list, from the DNC? Ah, I see. It's from the Washington Post, the favorite newspaper of every conservative Republican.

When are you going to quit claiming that you're a Republican?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit

Here are 10 takeaways from Mueller’s opening gambit:

1. We now know that multiple members of the Trump campaign at least entertained the idea of getting help from the Russians.

2. Sam Clovis is about to be in the hot seat.

3. Papadopoulos is helping the government, but we still don’t know how much.

4. The updated timeline raises a host of new questions about what Trump knew and when he knew it.

5. Mueller is playing hardball as he tries to flip Manafort and Gates.

6. Mueller’s moves are designed to send a message to everyone else entangled in the probe that he's not messing around.

7. Unsealing the guilty plea was an insurance policy that makes it politically untenable for Trump to fire Mueller.

8. Yesterday’s indictments will contribute to a climate of fear in the White House that makes it harder for Trump and his staff to be effective.

9. Mueller has proven that his investigation is not partisan.

10. The indictments cast fresh doubts on Trump’s judgment and his discernment in surrounding himself with good people.

Where did you get that list, from the DNC?
I provided the link. My god, you are stupid.
(Conspiracy Against The United States): Nobody knows what this means, but as of now, it doesn't meet your thread title.

(Conspiracy To Launder Money) None of these meet your thread title.
3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

COUNTS SEVEN THROUGH NINE None of these meet your thread title.
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

COUNT TEN This doesn't meet your thread title.
(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

COUNT ELEVEN Neither of these meet your thread title.
(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

COUNT TWELVE This doesn't meet your thread title.
(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months. You have to be deep in decay to post a statement based on false pretenses, and then suggest those who don't live by your self-satisfying illusion require mercy because they're dumb.

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