List of innocent black victims of cop shootings


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Since there have been so many innocent black victims of cop shootings, I'd like to compile a list of them. I can't think of any, so I am asking the community here to help out by providing some names. Please provide names of any innocent and unarmed blacks that you know of who were complying with a cop, but then got shot. Obviously, I am not looking for blacks who were resisting, evading, or otherwise not complying with the cop. Please help out here and provide a couple of names for the list.
Since there have been so many innocent black victims of cop shootings, I'd like to compile a list of them. I can't think of any, so I am asking the community here to help out by providing some names. Please provide names of any innocent and unarmed blacks that you know of who were complying with a cop, but then got shot. Obviously, I am not looking for blacks who were resisting, evading, or otherwise not complying with the cop. Please help out here and provide a couple of names for the list.
In about 12 million arrests annually, about 1000 total perps are killed by police. About 600 of those are white, a few other , so around 350 would be blacks. 350 out of 12 million....about like your chances of dying from the leftyvirus it it was counted accurately.
Depends on your definition of innocent. You talking about people not found guilty of a death penalty offence, not guilty of a felony, not guilty of current crime, people people not guilty of current crime when the police burst into the wrong house or on faulty information looking for somebody else or someone long gone? Pretty sure you aren't talking about people who pulled a gun on a cop or came at the cop to beat shit out of him. What is your definition?
People that see skin color before anything else should be called just what they are....Racist...this is a racist thread...just pointing that out....even though I shouldn't have to....
Black this white that brown over there...what is wrong with you people?...people are people when we divide ourselves we weaken ourselves....when you encounter the police who carry guns and tasers either obey all commands or whatever happens is partially on matter what your skin color is....
People that see skin color before anything else should be called just what they are....Racist...this is a racist thread...just pointing that out....even though I shouldn't have to....

You don't think innocent white people are shot dead by corrupt police? ... this is a problem for all races ... if black folks want to take the lead in combatting this problem, then power to them, they have my full support ...

The mistake most of us make is we look at our own local police and they're upright and honest in every way ... we don't see the problem in the few police department scattered around ... it's similar to the "man bites dog" scenario ... dog biting man is routine, but if a man bites a dog, it's front page news ... we never hear about the 99.9% of police who faithfully perform their duties, just the 0.01% who murder, rape and steel ... it's always wrong to give these uniformed criminals a pass just because they're police officers ...
Depends on your definition of innocent. You talking about people not found guilty of a death penalty offence, not guilty of a felony, not guilty of current crime, people people not guilty of current crime when the police burst into the wrong house or on faulty information looking for somebody else or someone long gone? Pretty sure you aren't talking about people who pulled a gun on a cop or came at the cop to beat shit out of him. What is your definition?
He pretty much spelled it out for you.

Blacks who were shot cooperating with the police.
People that see skin color before anything else should be called just what they are....Racist...this is a racist thread...just pointing that out....even though I shouldn't have to....

You don't think innocent white people are shot dead by corrupt police? ... this is a problem for all races ... if black folks want to take the lead in combatting this problem, then power to them, they have my full support ...

The mistake most of us make is we look at our own local police and they're upright and honest in every way ... we don't see the problem in the few police department scattered around ... it's similar to the "man bites dog" scenario ... dog biting man is routine, but if a man bites a dog, it's front page news ... we never hear about the 99.9% of police who faithfully perform their duties, just the 0.01% who murder, rape and steel ... it's always wrong to give these uniformed criminals a pass just because they're police officers ...
I don't think there are nearly the number of corrupt police that you do....if someone is shot by a cop by definition there are more than one person on the scene and there are two views of what happened.....most all shootings are justified....they all get investigated...everyone of them...stop using skin color as a tool....its sickening and childlike....
Since there have been so many innocent black victims of cop shootings, I'd like to compile a list of them. I can't think of any, so I am asking the community here to help out by providing some names. Please provide names of any innocent and unarmed blacks that you know of who were complying with a cop, but then got shot. Obviously, I am not looking for blacks who were resisting, evading, or otherwise not complying with the cop. Please help out here and provide a couple of names for the list.
Even George Floyd wasn't shot. He died in police custody....but that is the primary cause of alot of this mess.
Depends on your definition of innocent. You talking about people not found guilty of a death penalty offence, not guilty of a felony, not guilty of current crime, people people not guilty of current crime when the police burst into the wrong house or on faulty information looking for somebody else or someone long gone? Pretty sure you aren't talking about people who pulled a gun on a cop or came at the cop to beat shit out of him. What is your definition?
He pretty much spelled it out for you.

Blacks who were shot cooperating with the police.
Well then, all no knock servings with bad outcome, as they did not know they were not cooperating since they were asleep until somebody broke in, especially people like Brionna who was shot unarmed across the room.
Since there have been so many innocent black victims of cop shootings, I'd like to compile a list of them. I can't think of any, so I am asking the community here to help out by providing some names. Please provide names of any innocent and unarmed blacks that you know of who were complying with a cop, but then got shot. Obviously, I am not looking for blacks who were resisting, evading, or otherwise not complying with the cop. Please help out here and provide a couple of names for the list.
In about 12 million arrests annually, about 1000 total perps are killed by police. About 600 of those are white, a few other , so around 350 would be blacks. 350 out of 12 million....about like your chances of dying from the leftyvirus it it was counted accurately.
To put it slightly differently, black people make up 35% of the number of people killed by police while comprising 13.4 percent of the population

Good lord, it would be funny if it weren't pitiful! Good thing the cop is a lousy shot. Cop fired 3 rounds and got one hit in the leg? Who in the hell shoots that bad and is allowed on the street with a gun? It was definitely funny when the guy from his hospital bed said, "I asked the guy, why did you shoot me? and recounted the officer saying, I don't know."
We get to learn about false assumptions also. The guy that got shot said, "I was laying there on my back with both hands in the air. I never thought I was going to get shot.
Since there have been so many innocent black victims of cop shootings, I'd like to compile a list of them. I can't think of any, so I am asking the community here to help out by providing some names. Please provide names of any innocent and unarmed blacks that you know of who were complying with a cop, but then got shot. Obviously, I am not looking for blacks who were resisting, evading, or otherwise not complying with the cop. Please help out here and provide a couple of names for the list.
In about 12 million arrests annually, about 1000 total perps are killed by police. About 600 of those are white, a few other , so around 350 would be blacks. 350 out of 12 million....about like your chances of dying from the leftyvirus it it was counted accurately.
To put it slightly differently, black people make up 35% of the number of people killed by police while comprising 13.4 percent of the population
And they commit about 45% of the crime with that 13.4%.

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