List of Prevalent Lies about 45


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
Nothing is "patently false" except Barry Hussein Sotoro's facsimile of a birth certificate. The Constitution mandates that a president be born in the USA and yet nobody ever examined Hussein's BC which was apparently locked in a vault in Hawaii. My BC is in a file in a desk drawer. Hussein's college record is locked in a freaking vault at Harvard and nobody in the media was curious enough to follow up on allegations that Hussein Sotoro claimed (legal) alien status to get a better deal on tuition.
Trump is causing the hurricane to attack Florida. And even though the Bahamas are not part of the United States, Trump is still blamed for not helping them.
Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
The Democrat Hate Machine never rests >>> the Press and Hollywood
Nothing is "patently false" except Barry Hussein Sotoro's facsimile of a birth certificate. The Constitution mandates that a president be born in the USA and yet nobody ever examined Hussein's BC which was apparently locked in a vault in Hawaii. My BC is in a file in a desk drawer. Hussein's college record is locked in a freaking vault at Harvard and nobody in the media was curious enough to follow up on allegations that Hussein Sotoro claimed (legal) alien status to get a better deal on tuition.
Any true American can produce their ACTUAL birth certificate immediately. It took Obama over a year and he finally managed some weird looking "live birth" record or some shit. Everything about Obama's life is a closely guarded secret and there is probably a reason for the secrecy that we will never know.
Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
Fuck off.
Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
Fuck off.

"Who took the jam out of your doughnut?" -- Tommy, Snatch

Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
Fuck off.

"Who took the jam out of your doughnut?" -- Tommy, Snatch

Just tired of the one sided bash threads. They don't deserve much more of a response.
His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' Now, she's on tape and I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon ...The grandmother in Kenya is on record saying he was born in Kenya," Trump said, incorrectly, in 2011.
Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
Fuck off.

"Who took the jam out of your doughnut?" -- Tommy, Snatch

Just tired of the one sided bash threads. They don't deserve much more of a response.

You've got a point , "one sided bash threads" are more common than sand on a beach around these parts, of course you can't expect much more given the prevalence of mindless, hyper-partisan pinheads hereabouts. :dunno:
Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
Fuck off.

"Who took the jam out of your doughnut?" -- Tommy, Snatch

Just tired of the one sided bash threads. They don't deserve much more of a response.

You've got a point , "one sided bash threads" are more common than sand on a beach around these parts, of course you can't expect much more given the prevalence of mindless, hyper-partisan pinheads hereabouts. :dunno:
There's a reason I come in sometimes and only see 4-5 threads. I got a lot of moronic fools on ignore.
Nothing is "patently false" except Barry Hussein Sotoro's facsimile of a birth certificate. The Constitution mandates that a president be born in the USA and yet nobody ever examined Hussein's BC which was apparently locked in a vault in Hawaii. My BC is in a file in a desk drawer. Hussein's college record is locked in a freaking vault at Harvard and nobody in the media was curious enough to follow up on allegations that Hussein Sotoro claimed (legal) alien status to get a better deal on tuition.
Any true American can produce their ACTUAL birth certificate immediately. It took Obama over a year and he finally managed some weird looking "live birth" record or some shit. Everything about Obama's life is a closely guarded secret and there is probably a reason for the secrecy that we will never know.

I can't. Probably should order one one of these days. It will be weird looking though. Last time I got one, they basically photocopied the original onto some fancy frilly paper and put a seal on it.
Trump claimed that O'Bama was not born in the U.S. This is patently false. What The Donald did was to showcase the fact that for several years the President refused/failed to provide credible evidence of his birthplace, despite significant public belief that he was not born in the U.S. It is not the same thing.

Trump bragged about sexual assault. Never happened. Trump, in a private conversation, pointed out the truism that rich, famous people could get away with outrageous behavior toward women. That's it. Indeed, there is not a single complaint by any one of the hundreds of liars accusing him that he "grabbed them by the p*ssy."

Trump denied that Senator McCain was a war hero. Again, this never happened. He merely stated that,, when it comes to war heroes. McCain was only famous because he got caught; Trump prefers war heroes that didn't get caught.

Trump insulted the Gold Star parents. The truth is no insult. Trump pointed out that when the "dad" was slandering him viciously and vacuously (he had a copy of the Constitution in his pocket? so what?), "mom" was standing around silently, for no apparent purpose other than window dressing.

Trump hates [take your pick]...immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, Blacks. All nonsense. In every single case, Trump has identified specific people or groups of people within those demographics, and criticized their behavior or words or motivations. He has never criticized Mexicans as a group, Muslims, or any other of them.

Trump tried to issue a "Muslim ban" preventing Muslims from coming to this country. Complete garbage, as has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Trump issued a ban on certain countries which lacked the information infrastructure to provide meaningful information for background checks. The ban applied to Christians, Jews, Scientologists, and atheists from those countries, and ignored the most populous Muslim countries in the world. It was never a "Muslim ban."

Trump's Bimbo bribes were an illegal campaign contribution. Arguable, but still obviously false. Even assuming that he paid or caused the payments to be made, it is just as plausible that he paid them off to avoid marital strife and embarrassment. Keep in mind that during the time in question, Trump - and everybody else in the country - KNEW that he had no chance of actually becoming President. Why would he spend that money on his political campaign?

Trump is profiting from being President. This is ridiculous. Accepting this nonsense requires that you assume that the company is actually better off without him running it, and that the $400,000/year (that he gives to charity anyway) is a benefit to him as compared to running his companies full time.

One could go on and on.
Fuck off.

"Who took the jam out of your doughnut?" -- Tommy, Snatch

Just tired of the one sided bash threads. They don't deserve much more of a response.

You've got a point , "one sided bash threads" are more common than sand on a beach around these parts, of course you can't expect much more given the prevalence of mindless, hyper-partisan pinheads hereabouts. :dunno:
There's a reason I come in sometimes and only see 4-5 threads. I got a lot of moronic fools on ignore.

Another good point, the Ignore List is a great feature that VASTLY improves signal to noise ratio. :)
Fuck off.

"Who took the jam out of your doughnut?" -- Tommy, Snatch

Just tired of the one sided bash threads. They don't deserve much more of a response.

You've got a point , "one sided bash threads" are more common than sand on a beach around these parts, of course you can't expect much more given the prevalence of mindless, hyper-partisan pinheads hereabouts. :dunno:
There's a reason I come in sometimes and only see 4-5 threads. I got a lot of moronic fools on ignore.

Another good point, the Ignore List is a great feature that VASTLY improves signal to noise ratio. :)
You poor triggered thing, you.

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