Zone1 List ridiculous, heretical things the pope has said.. How about There is no Hell, just disappearance


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
OK, the Novus Ordo Watch site is not for the faint-hearted, especially Protestants since NOW upholds the ancient Catholic Church teaching that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church Christ founded.. I don't agree w/ some of what.. No, wait.. I agree with nearly all they say. I just don't think they word things perfectly at times, so they come across like.. Everyone who is not Catholic is anti-Christ (they don't SAY that but it could be inferred or presumed by some...). I myself say as Jesus said (RE non-Catholic Christians)

"If they (people preaching Christ) are not against Me, they are for me."

That said, I was there @ that site and read this actual quote from "Pope" Francis:

Someone asked him where do sinful souls go after death and he said this:

"they are not punished, those who repent obtain the fogivenss of God.. .but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

This contradicts both Catholic and most Protestant teaching.

Pope Benedict XII (not "Pope" Benedict the 16th [Ratzinger]):

"[W]e declare that... the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin immediately after their death descend to Hell where they are tortured by infernal punishments.."

Also, St Faustina who died in the 1930s told of what Hell is like and mentioned this "torture.. by infernal punishments"/demons. Her Diary #741 is interesting and scary RE what Hell is like..
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The Catholic church is in deep trouble... many priests have gone 100% WOKE and parishioners are walking out in disgust....
The Pope is the head guy... and he is presiding over his religions decline....
OK, the Novus Ordo Watch site is not for the faint-hearted, especially Protestants since NOW upholds the ancient Catholic Church teaching that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church Christ founded.. I don't agree w/ some of what.. No, wait.. I agree with nearly all they say. I just don't think they word things perfectly at times, so they come across like.. Everyone who is not Catholic is anti-Christ (they don't SAY that but it could be inferred or presumed by some...). I myself say as Jesus said (RE non-Catholic Christians)

"If they (people preaching Christ) are not against Me, they are for me."

That said, I was there @ that site and read this actual quote from "Pope" Francis:

Someone asked him where do sinful souls go after death and he said this:

"they are not punished, those who repent obtain the fogivenss of God.. .but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

This contradicts both Catholic and most Protestant teaching.

Pope Benedict XII (not "Pope" Benedict the 16th [Ratzinger]):

"[W]e declare that... the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin immediately after their death descend to Hell where they are tortured by infernal punishments.."

Also, St Faustina who died in the 1930s told of what Hell is like and mentioned this "torture.. by infernal punishments"/demons. Her Diary #741 is interesting and scary RE what Hell is like..
What loving father would condemn their own children to death? There is no hell, provide one quote from the bible that says there is.
The Catholic church is in deep trouble... many priests have gone 100% WOKE and parishioners are walking out in disgust....
The Pope is the head guy... and he is presiding over his religions decline....
I have not seen "many priests" doing this.. But I have seen priests who.. How do I s ay it?

well, they just don't seem to take Jesus as seroiusly as you'd think they would
What loving father would condemn their own children to death? There is no hell, provide one quote from the bible that says there is.
In the King James Bible, the Old Testament term Sheol is translated as "Hell" 31 times, and it is translated as "the grave" 31 times. Sheol is also translated as "the pit" three times. Modern Bible translations typically render Sheol as "the grave", "the pit", or "death".

What loving father would condemn their own children to death? There is no hell, provide one quote from the bible that says there is.
What about fathers of serial murderers? Do you think they all let the egregious evil of their sons go.. just keep indulging them and defending them, writing them letters while they are in prison, same as before the murders?

I can't say I've read any books about the parents of serial killers but I would tend to think at least some of them want to disown them and forget they ever brought them into the world.. (though no parent ever totally forgets his or her child.. or on some level stops altogether feeling love 4 him)
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In the King James Bible, the Old Testament term Sheol is translated as "Hell" 31 times, and it is translated as "the grave" 31 times. Sheol is also translated as "the pit" three times. Modern Bible translations typically render Sheol as "the grave", "the pit", or "death".

Some theologians say that Hell is eternal death and dying. Whatever you say about it, it doesn't sound like any place we should want to end up.

St Faustina is a reliable person, someone who loved Jesus and claims He visited h er, took her into Hell. That sounds kind of out there to some people but she is a canonized saint, which means there were miracles done for people who invoked her aid after her death.. so there's that.

Again.. her Diary 741 is.. well, it's interesting
Some theologians say that Hell is eternal death and dying. Whatever you say about it, it doesn't sound like any place we should want to end up.

St Faustina is a reliable person, someone who loved Jesus and claims He visited h er, took her into Hell. That sounds kind of out there to some people but she is a canonized saint, which means there were miracles done for people who invoked her aid after her death.. so there's that.

Again.. her Diary 741 is.. well, it's interesting
I'm no expert for sure.... I walk on the line that hell does exist... mainly because I don't like surprises... lol
In the King James Bible, the Old Testament term Sheol is translated as "Hell" 31 times, and it is translated as "the grave" 31 times. Sheol is also translated as "the pit" three times. Modern Bible translations typically render Sheol as "the grave", "the pit", or "death".

Sheol is Hebrew, it means "grave", PERIOD. Not Hell. While Hell has been mentioned in the New Testament, rarely and only in translations rendered after Paul and Peter were long dead and gone, it is never mentioned in the Old Testament.
Sheol is Hebrew, it means "grave", PERIOD. Not Hell. While Hell has been mentioned in the New Testament, rarely and only in translations rendered after Paul and Peter were long dead and gone, it is never mentioned in the Old Testament.
That's just what I found on line... I'm not an expert... but I try to be good because I don't want to find out hell is real by arriving there....
I'm no expert for sure.... I walk on the line that hell does exist... mainly because I don't like surprises... lol
yeh, this brings up the point that many Christians make: If you are wrong about Christ and His laws/commandments, you haven't lost anything after death but if someone convinces himself Jesus doesn't exist.. that could end up very badly, so.. yeh, it never ceases to amaze me how nonchalant people can be about what happens after death (or maybe it's just an act.. when they're alone, maybe they quake in their boots or something.. LOL).
Sheol is Hebrew, it means "grave", PERIOD. Not Hell.
Jesus specifically mentioned HELL, although in Mt 25:31-46 he calls it "eternal punishment [reserved for the devil and his angels]" the bracketed part may appear in a separate scripture psg..

to be eternally separated from God.. regardless of what's going on around you in said separation (Satan poking his trident stick at you, for example.. ) is all by itself a terrible thing to contemplate.. Imagine life without any of the good stuff God has given us on Earth (warm summer days.. walks in the park... espresso.. ice cream.. )
What about fathers of serial murderers? Do you think they all let the egregious evil of their sons go.. just keep indulging them and defending them?

I can't say I've read any books about the parents of serial killers but I would tend to think at least some of them want to disown them and forget they ever brought them into the world..
Well, a quick search found one, the father of the Yorkshire ripper, said he deserved to be hanged. But Diamler's father, he wrote a memoir of his son. Richard Ramirez's father, the famous "night stalker" of Los Angeles. He is still my son and I love him.

Honestly, I think you have to understand what it means to be a father. Biologically, fathers are geared to have as many children as possible, and each one is precious. The same does not hold true for mothers. When a child is killed by a parent, nine times out of ten it is the mother or the mother's boyfriend. Within the last few months a three year old was murdered less than two miles from my home. It was not the mother, or her boyfriend, it was the father's girlfriend that was charged. So that puts it in the one out of ten statistic, but it was not the father. I am telling you, it is very rare that a father kills their own child.

Me, I have six children, and they are as diverse as it gets. Some have been golden childs, never causing a problem, an absolutely pleasure to be around, from infancy to adulthood, and some have been hell on wheels. Honestly, most of them have been hell on wheels. But like the shepherd that will abandon the 99 sheep that are safe in the pasture to save the one that has slipped away and is in danger, that is what I do. Cutting your losses and running is not an option, there is no acceptable loss. That is the difference between a "father" and a "mother".
Well, a quick search found one, the father of the Yorkshire ripper, said he deserved to be hanged. But Diamler's father, he wrote a memoir of his son. Richard Ramirez's father, the famous "night stalker" of Los Angeles. He is still my son and I love him.

Honestly, I think you have to understand what it means to be a father. Biologically, fathers are geared to have as many children as possible, and each one is precious. The same does not hold true for mothers. When a child is killed by a parent, nine times out of ten it is the mother or the mother's boyfriend. Within the last few months a three year old was murdered less than two miles from my home. It was not the mother, or her boyfriend, it was the father's girlfriend that was charged. So that puts it in the one out of ten statistic, but it was not the father. I am telling you, it is very rare that a father kills their own child.

Me, I have six children, and they are as diverse as it gets. Some have been golden childs, never causing a problem, an absolutely pleasure to be around, from infancy to adulthood, and some have been hell on wheels. Honestly, most of them have been hell on wheels. But like the shepherd that will abandon the 99 sheep that are safe in the pasture to save the one that has slipped away and is in danger, that is what I do. Cutting your losses and running is not an option, there is no acceptable loss. That is the difference between a "father" and a "mother".
wow.. whoda thunk it? Men a re better parents than women? I have never known a mother to kill her child except some out of desperation resort to abortion (society doesn't seem to want to look at that as actual murder, though I do). But before Roe, I am doubting that statistically, there were more children killed by their mothers than by their fathers. But in any case, I doubt it matters for the topic @ hand.

There is one thing to be said about all this.. (God wouldn't want to send any of his children to Hell because human fathers rarely do)

and that is:

God is not like humans

End of problem

Isaiah ( something or other.. 55?) says that God said (to one of the prophets):

"Your thoughts are not My thoughts, your ways are not My ways" It's Isaiah 55:8
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Jesus specifically mentioned HELL, although in Mt 25:31-46 he calls it "eternal punishment [reserved for the devil and his angels]" the bracketed part may appear in a separate scripture psg..

to be eternally separated from God.. regardless of what's going on around you in said separation (Satan poking his trident stick at you, for example.. ) is all by itself a terrible thing to contemplate.. Imagine life without any of the good stuff God has given us on Earth (warm summer days.. walks in the park... espresso.. ice cream.. )
That is a great chapter, this verse is one of my favorite in the entire Bible

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

But you kind of make my point here. That book was not "translated" until well after Peter and Paul were long gone. Like Constantine, the Catholic church needed a "scare tactic" to keep the uneducated masses in line. That is precisely the purpose of hell. To be honest, I work hard to follow the laws of Christ. Mostly, three--love justice, be kind, be humble. I hope that is enough to get me "in the club". But if it is hell I must face, then so be it. Because nothing will be a slap in the face like realizing I was the product of a "father" that was willing to render everlasting torment to their son.
That is a great chapter, this verse is one of my favorite in the entire Bible

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

But you kind of make my point here. That book was not "translated" until well after Peter and Paul were long gone. Like Constantine, the Catholic church needed a "scare tactic" to keep the uneducated masses in line. That is precisely the purpose of hell. To be honest, I work hard to follow the laws of Christ. Mostly, three--love justice, be kind, be humble. I hope that is enough to get me "in the club". But if it is hell I must face, then so be it. Because nothing will be a slap in the face like realizing I was the product of a "father" that was willing to render everlasting torment to their son.
well, you are one of the many who do not understand Hell. If you follow Jesus long enough, you will. I have followed Him a LONG time (so you don't have to.. kidding)

I can tell you 1000% there IS a Hell

God has revealed it to me and in no uncertain terms. I know I cna't prove that to you, esp in the limited amount of words and time there are for me to explain (anything).. But I KNOW there is a Hell. I once believed as you claim to believe, that "a loving God wouldn't do that to any of his children." That actually is true. The problem is that most people are NOT his childrne.. They are their own person.. or belong to some other person. They reject God because he puts restrictions on their activities.. people (esp americans?) don't appreciate that kind of thing much.. And it is hard for any human to change.. to accept what Jesus said over wht they themselves say (think).. that is very difficult for all of us, esp the older you get.. (you're more set in your ways)

To conclude: God does not throw his children into the fires of Hell. People refuse to be His children.. They toss themselves into it
OK, the Novus Ordo Watch site is not for the faint-hearted, especially Protestants since NOW upholds the ancient Catholic Church teaching that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church Christ founded.. I don't agree w/ some of what.. No, wait.. I agree with nearly all they say. I just don't think they word things perfectly at times, so they come across like.. Everyone who is not Catholic is anti-Christ (they don't SAY that but it could be inferred or presumed by some...). I myself say as Jesus said (RE non-Catholic Christians)

"If they (people preaching Christ) are not against Me, they are for me."

That said, I was there @ that site and read this actual quote from "Pope" Francis:

Someone asked him where do sinful souls go after death and he said this:

"they are not punished, those who repent obtain the fogivenss of God.. .but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

This contradicts both Catholic and most Protestant teaching.

Pope Benedict XII (not "Pope" Benedict the 16th [Ratzinger]):

"[W]e declare that... the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin immediately after their death descend to Hell where they are tortured by infernal punishments.."

Also, St Faustina who died in the 1930s told of what Hell is like and mentioned this "torture.. by infernal punishments"/demons. Her Diary #741 is interesting and scary RE what Hell is like..
Wow, a Pope saying, " There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."
That is very close to reality.
If there was a place of eternal life in some torturous Hell, it would make the Creator, King of kings into a liar, because He says the "wages of sin is death." not eternal life in some torture camp.

Earth is a quarantine place of testing, where we reveal what we really are; And that determines whether we live after this life or are as nothing that never existed, which fits what the Pope said "disappearance", which fits the lake of fire in Revelation.
OK, the Novus Ordo Watch site is not for the faint-hearted, especially Protestants since NOW upholds the ancient Catholic Church teaching that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church Christ founded.. I don't agree w/ some of what.. No, wait.. I agree with nearly all they say. I just don't think they word things perfectly at times, so they come across like.. Everyone who is not Catholic is anti-Christ (they don't SAY that but it could be inferred or presumed by some...). I myself say as Jesus said (RE non-Catholic Christians)

"If they (people preaching Christ) are not against Me, they are for me."

That said, I was there @ that site and read this actual quote from "Pope" Francis:

Someone asked him where do sinful souls go after death and he said this:

"they are not punished, those who repent obtain the fogivenss of God.. .but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

This contradicts both Catholic and most Protestant teaching.

Pope Benedict XII (not "Pope" Benedict the 16th [Ratzinger]):

"[W]e declare that... the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin immediately after their death descend to Hell where they are tortured by infernal punishments.."

Also, St Faustina who died in the 1930s told of what Hell is like and mentioned this "torture.. by infernal punishments"/demons. Her Diary #741 is interesting and scary RE what Hell is like..
Gods justice scales prove 100% there is no literal eternal suffering. Its all those religions that live in error who teach a literal eternal suffering.

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