List the 5 Presidents you most admire and the reason

Obama signs an executive order that is so draconian and tyrannical that some of the people rise up and resort to armed resistance, demanding independence.

In your world, Obama is justified in killing them all and destroying their property because they are traitorous dogs...who dared to try leaving the beloved Union.

Do you fail to see how preposterous your position is?

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. - Fascist Il Duce
The Union of these States is perpetual. - Statist Abe

a) Those last two quotes are absolutely NOT equivalent, and you know it, you dishonest POS.

b) Lincoln signed no such executive order (quite the contrary), so your analogy is childishly false.

c) Do not attempt to put words in my mouth, you dishonest POS. You are not qualified.

Still sticking to the "it's invalid because I say so" fallacy I see. ...

No, still responding with FACTS. I see you still have trouble with reading comprehension and are still trying to throw around words like "fallacy" that you clearly do not understand. Maybe someday when you learn to read well you can study a little logic. That way, you might - just might - have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
Obama signs an executive order that is so draconian and tyrannical that some of the people rise up and resort to armed resistance, demanding independence.

In your world, Obama is justified in killing them all and destroying their property because they are traitorous dogs...who dared to try leaving the beloved Union.

Do you fail to see how preposterous your position is?

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. - Fascist Il Duce
The Union of these States is perpetual. - Statist Abe

a) Those last two quotes are absolutely NOT equivalent, and you know it, you dishonest POS.

b) Lincoln signed no such executive order (quite the contrary), so your analogy is childishly false.

c) Do not attempt to put words in my mouth, you dishonest POS. You are not qualified.

Still sticking to the "it's invalid because I say so" fallacy I see. ...

No, still responding with FACTS. I see you still have trouble with reading comprehension and are still trying to throw around words like "fallacy" that you clearly do not understand. Maybe someday when you learn to read well you can study a little logic. That way, you might - just might - have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The biggest fallacy is that you think you have the faintest idea of what logic is. You don't. You're a moron. Sorry, if you don't want to be considered a moron, don't be a moron. I know it's hard, and the thought of me seeing you for the moron you are makes you whine and cry as you bluff and bluster. All I can do is offer you a tissue to wipe your tears of helplessness.
The biggest fallacy is that you think you have the faintest idea of what logic is. You don't. ...

Really? That's funny because I have actually studied the subject extensively, whereas you just think it's a word that means "agree with me!" It's time for you to stop digging that hole you're in, champ.
Dick Nixon ended LBJ's war in Vietnam and presided over the moon landing which was the most amazing feat in human existence.
Dick Nixon ended LBJ's war in Vietnam and presided over the moon landing which was the most amazing feat in human existence.

Those are good points, but I must point out that the scene near the end of the movie 'Wild Things' was the most amazing feat in human existence.
Dick Nixon ended LBJ's war in Vietnam and presided over the moon landing which was the most amazing feat in human existence.

Yeah that was pretty amazing how he put the whole space program together in six months. Damn impressive.
1 Reagan - obvious
2 Jefferson - also obvious
3 Polk - got his four targets done in 4 years
4 Washington - stature
5 Eisenhower- right man at right time
Dick Nixon ended LBJ's war in Vietnam and presided over the moon landing which was the most amazing feat in human existence.

Yeah that was pretty amazing how he put the whole space program together in six months. Damn impressive.
and murdered several thousands of american soldiers at the same time deliberately sabotaging the paris peace talks so the vietnam war would continue and he would keep serving his masters that wanted the war.
Dick Nixon ended LBJ's war in Vietnam and presided over the moon landing which was the most amazing feat in human existence.

as always whitehall is brainwashed,he only ended it cause the american people forced him to putting pressure on the government with their protests.He could have ended it in 69 but he sabotoged LBJ's paris peace talks to keep the war going so he could get elected on his election campaine to end the war which he let drag on another four years.He was a mass murderer of americans just like LBJ.they murdered those 58,000 americans..
Obama signs an executive order that is so draconian and tyrannical that some of the people rise up and resort to armed resistance, demanding independence.

In your world, Obama is justified in killing them all and destroying their property because they are traitorous dogs...who dared to try leaving the beloved Union.

Do you fail to see how preposterous your position is?

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. - Fascist Il Duce
The Union of these States is perpetual. - Statist Abe

a) Those last two quotes are absolutely NOT equivalent, and you know it, you dishonest POS.

b) Lincoln signed no such executive order (quite the contrary), so your analogy is childishly false.

c) Do not attempt to put words in my mouth, you dishonest POS. You are not qualified.

Still sticking to the "it's invalid because I say so" fallacy I see. ...

No, still responding with FACTS. I see you still have trouble with reading comprehension and are still trying to throw around words like "fallacy" that you clearly do not understand. Maybe someday when you learn to read well you can study a little logic. That way, you might - just might - have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The biggest fallacy is that you think you have the faintest idea of what logic is. You don't. You're a moron. Sorry, if you don't want to be considered a moron, don't be a moron. I know it's hard, and the thought of me seeing you for the moron you are makes you whine and cry as you bluff and bluster. All I can do is offer you a tissue to wipe your tears of helplessness.
well said,gives standing ovation.
Obama signs an executive order that is so draconian and tyrannical that some of the people rise up and resort to armed resistance, demanding independence.

In your world, Obama is justified in killing them all and destroying their property because they are traitorous dogs...who dared to try leaving the beloved Union.

Do you fail to see how preposterous your position is?

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. - Fascist Il Duce
The Union of these States is perpetual. - Statist Abe

a) Those last two quotes are absolutely NOT equivalent, and you know it, you dishonest POS.

b) Lincoln signed no such executive order (quite the contrary), so your analogy is childishly false.

c) Do not attempt to put words in my mouth, you dishonest POS. You are not qualified.

Still sticking to the "it's invalid because I say so" fallacy I see. ...

No, still responding with FACTS. I see you still have trouble with reading comprehension and are still trying to throw around words like "fallacy" that you clearly do not understand. Maybe someday when you learn to read well you can study a little logic. That way, you might - just might - have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The biggest fallacy is that you think you have the faintest idea of what logic is. You don't. You're a moron. Sorry, if you don't want to be considered a moron, don't be a moron. I know it's hard, and the thought of me seeing you for the moron you are makes you whine and cry as you bluff and bluster. All I can do is offer you a tissue to wipe your tears of helplessness.
well said,gives standing ovation.

Don't applaud too hard for the delusional fool, unless you are planning to slink away like he did.
The next five Presidents are the ones I most admire because let's face it, after the way the last five have been treated, who the fuck would want the job?
The next five Presidents are the ones I most admire because let's face it, after the way the last five have been treated, who the fuck would want the job?

Liars, psychopaths, narcissists, statists, elitists...
a) Those last two quotes are absolutely NOT equivalent, and you know it, you dishonest POS.

b) Lincoln signed no such executive order (quite the contrary), so your analogy is childishly false.

c) Do not attempt to put words in my mouth, you dishonest POS. You are not qualified.

Still sticking to the "it's invalid because I say so" fallacy I see. ...

No, still responding with FACTS. I see you still have trouble with reading comprehension and are still trying to throw around words like "fallacy" that you clearly do not understand. Maybe someday when you learn to read well you can study a little logic. That way, you might - just might - have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The biggest fallacy is that you think you have the faintest idea of what logic is. You don't. You're a moron. Sorry, if you don't want to be considered a moron, don't be a moron. I know it's hard, and the thought of me seeing you for the moron you are makes you whine and cry as you bluff and bluster. All I can do is offer you a tissue to wipe your tears of helplessness.
well said,gives standing ovation.

Don't applaud too hard for the delusional fool, unless you are planning to slink away like he did.

Aww, do you miss getting taken to the woodshed like the 5yr old moron you act like?
Some of us have lives...which give us experience...which usually makes us smarter. You should try it sometime, if you can stand moving out of your mom's basement.

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