List the charges you think the dems have against Trump.

and they closed the email investigation, found Powell and condoleezza did exactly the same stuff. The only difference is the Russians hacked and wrecked the election.

As you know, it is a flat out, bald-faced lie that Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice did the same thing.

38 people cited for violations in Clinton email probe
The investigation covered 33,000 emails that Clinton turned over for review after her use of the private email account became public. The department said it found a total of 588 violations involving information then or now deemed to be classified but could not assign fault in 497 cases.
38 people cited for violations in Clinton email probe
None of us have all the information. It's pointless to speculate on charges if any until that point so why should anyone list them?

Only brainwashed GOP voters don't know what he is being impeached for. Brainwashed functional morons.

Strange, no one advocating impeachment, including anyone on this thread, has stated what supposedly has done to merit impeachment. No one.

However, I do love basking in the warm glow that radiates from all the hate and vitriol spewed by the far left. Keep up the good work!

None of us have all the information. It's pointless to speculate on charges if any until that point so why should anyone list them?

Only brainwashed GOP voters don't know what he is being impeached for. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah you morons have been saying the same shit for 3 years He is still President Trump and will be till 2024. Enjoy your misery.

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I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
Obstruction of justice. There are at least eight counts listed in the Mueller report.


Accepting a political contribution from a foreign power. Not just accepting, he demanded one.

For starters.

Another Braindead libtard Mueller report had shit in it or something would have been done. There wasn’t and the Demtards tried another scheme and that’s not working. He will be President Trump till 2024.

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The brain dead GOP Mueller and the brain-dead GOP attorney general decided a president cannot be indicted. On the other hand he was conspirator number one with Cohen and should get the same as Cohen did. they left it up to Congress to do something about it and the Democrats are investigating. Nothing could be more typical in American history except your brainwashed idiocy on the right...

You can’t be indicted without evidence which they had none, but there is plenty of evidence that Obama and Clinton we’re involved but you wouldn’t know that because the news you watch is paid to say nothing but good things about the useless Democrats. Keep pulling the same shit out of your ass. Th e FBI and DOJ were owned by Clinton and Obama. That’s why they had there upper management cleaned out. Barr has plenty of evidence against Biden, Obama and Clinton. Her secret server has come out and there are over 600 violations and it’s going to bring down a lot of people, plus the Democrats that we’re involve in the kiddy porn and sex trafficking problems. Democrats are scumbags. Let them and ANTIFA keep pushing. Be sure that it will come back to all of them in Spades.

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No evidence??

Trump admitted it.

His personal attorney admitted it.

His chief of staff admitted it.

What more do ya need? A dead body on 5th Avenue with a bullet hole?

Admitted what. You are delusional. He did nothing wrong. He had every right as the president to ask. Just because you libtards don’t like it doesn’t mean a thing. Hey keeping trying to impeach him. The more you do the more the country is turning on the Democrats. So it’s fine by me.

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Violation of the Corrupt Foreign Practices act.
Violation of the emoluments clause
Obstruction of Justice

That's for starters.

Why on earth did the Trumptards think it was a tough question? Just how much koolaid have they guzzled?

Needless to say, every Trumptard will defend those crimes. They believe that criminality and corruption is their birthright, and that the rule of law only applies to liberals and other decent Americans. God says that Republicans aren't bound by the laws of man.
Violation of the Corrupt Foreign Practices act.
Violation of the emoluments clause
Obstruction of Justice

That's for starters.

Why on earth did the Trumptards think it was a tough question? Just how much koolaid have they guzzled?

Needless to say, every Trumptard will defend those crimes. They believe that criminality and corruption is their birthright, and that the rule of law only applies to liberals and other decent Americans. God says that Republicans aren't bound by the laws of man.

What crime did President Donald Trump commit?

Couldn't we add, armed robbery, possession with intent to distribute Crystal Meth, cocaine and heroin, murder, piracy on the high seas, hijacking an airliner, shoplifting, home invasion, and the list goes on?

All you've listed are crimes, crimes anyone could have committed with nothing saying who, where, how, and when.

Come back when you have something other than the talking points fed to you by the Huffington Post, DailyKOS, CNN, MSNBC, and others.

I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.

That's easy, you Trump supporters are in denial:

1. Polls and newscasts promised Hillary would win, and Trump cheated her out of it. It was especially hurtful considering news sources reported how Trump is racist, a womanizer, and he hates LGBT. Many of us broke down upon learning he'd become POTUS, and the right doesn't care.

2. The deep state reported some bad goings-on involving Trump and Putin, initiating a long investigation into treasonous behavior. While the investigation has been concluded, in no instance was Trump vindicated of violations he didn't do.

3. News sources clearly reported that Trump said some white supremacists are good people. As a result we now know he's racist.

4. Trump was banging Stormy Daniels, and he paid her to keep her fucking mouth shut. Trump has also said he'd like to grab some pussy.

5. Trump calls out the Democrats on a regular basis. Some are even women. It's just not presidential.

6. Trump told three women of color they should leave the country. All three are persons of color and two of three were born in the U.S.A, again proving he's racist and a womanizer.

7. Trump's business establishments continue to operate.

8. Trump spoke to the Ukrainian leader about Biden family corruption. A POTUS cannot question corruption when it involves someone running for POTUS. All else is fair game.

9. Trump calls out news agencies on a regular basis, showing he's an enemy of free speech.

10. Trump is divisive. We were a united family under Obama, and Trump ruined it.

And if that's not enough here are 95, I say NINETY FIVE reasons why Trump must be impeached. 95 Things Democrats Have Said Trump Could Be Impeached For
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Obstruction of justice. There are at least eight counts listed in the Mueller report.


Accepting a political contribution from a foreign power. Not just accepting, he demanded one.

For starters.

Another Braindead libtard Mueller report had shit in it or something would have been done. There wasn’t and the Demtards tried another scheme and that’s not working. He will be President Trump till 2024.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The brain dead GOP Mueller and the brain-dead GOP attorney general decided a president cannot be indicted. On the other hand he was conspirator number one with Cohen and should get the same as Cohen did. they left it up to Congress to do something about it and the Democrats are investigating. Nothing could be more typical in American history except your brainwashed idiocy on the right...

You can’t be indicted without evidence which they had none, but there is plenty of evidence that Obama and Clinton we’re involved but you wouldn’t know that because the news you watch is paid to say nothing but good things about the useless Democrats. Keep pulling the same shit out of your ass. Th e FBI and DOJ were owned by Clinton and Obama. That’s why they had there upper management cleaned out. Barr has plenty of evidence against Biden, Obama and Clinton. Her secret server has come out and there are over 600 violations and it’s going to bring down a lot of people, plus the Democrats that we’re involve in the kiddy porn and sex trafficking problems. Democrats are scumbags. Let them and ANTIFA keep pushing. Be sure that it will come back to all of them in Spades.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No evidence??

Trump admitted it.

His personal attorney admitted it.

His chief of staff admitted it.

What more do ya need? A dead body on 5th Avenue with a bullet hole?

Admitted what. You are delusional. He did nothing wrong. He had every right as the president to ask. Just because you libtards don’t like it doesn’t mean a thing. Hey keeping trying to impeach him. The more you do the more the country is turning on the Democrats. So it’s fine by me.

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That's why more than 50% want to get him out of office now and it just went up 5% today. can't blackmail foreign leaders or even ask for dirt on opponents or any other personal Profit. Hillary hired an American company just like everyone else has ever done. This a****** thinks he can get away with anything while he's screwing everyone and giving the store away to Putin and the scumbag dictators of North Korea and turkey. Idiot change the channel and read something not from Rupert Murdoch speaking of scumbags. You're only getting a quarter of the news 75% garbage
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None of us have all the information. It's pointless to speculate on charges if any until that point so why should anyone list them?

Only brainwashed GOP voters don't know what he is being impeached for. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah you morons have been saying the same shit for 3 years He is still President Trump and will be till 2024. Enjoy your misery.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pure baloney. You cannot blackmail foreign leaders unless they produce dirt on opponents and you're out of here. Plus all the other stuff he's done paying off prostitutes god-knows-what with Putin etc. but all you need is the what they are investigating him for. A disgrace for an American president. Basically unheard of. He cannot plead ignorance anymore.
That's easy, you Trump supporters are in denial:

1. Polls and newscasts promised Hillary would win, and Trump cheated her out of it.

No reason, whatsoever, to read any further after that ignorant statement.

None of us have all the information. It's pointless to speculate on charges if any until that point so why should anyone list them?

Only brainwashed GOP voters don't know what he is being impeached for. Brainwashed functional morons.

Strange, no one advocating impeachment, including anyone on this thread, has stated what supposedly has done to merit impeachment. No one.

However, I do love basking in the warm glow that radiates from all the hate and vitriol spewed by the far left. Keep up the good work!

He is being impeached for blackmailing a foreign leader into helping them get third on a personal opponents. You can't ask for favors from foreign governments for yourself -unheard of dingbat. You need a diagram? Try a real news Operation for crying out loud dingbat.
That's easy, you Trump supporters are in denial:

1. Polls and newscasts promised Hillary would win, and Trump cheated her out of it.

No reason, whatsoever, to read any further after that ignorant statement.

Nice propaganda super duper. of course he didn't become a republican until 2008 LOL. Before that he kept the racism quiet except 4 selling apartments.
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
Obstruction of justice. There are at least eight counts listed in the Mueller report.


Accepting a political contribution from a foreign power. Not just accepting, he demanded one.

For starters.

Another Braindead libtard Mueller report had shit in it or something would have been done. There wasn’t and the Demtards tried another scheme and that’s not working. He will be President Trump till 2024.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The brain dead GOP Mueller and the brain-dead GOP attorney general decided a president cannot be indicted. On the other hand he was conspirator number one with Cohen and should get the same as Cohen did. they left it up to Congress to do something about it and the Democrats are investigating. Nothing could be more typical in American history except your brainwashed idiocy on the right...

You can’t be indicted without evidence which they had none, but there is plenty of evidence that Obama and Clinton we’re involved but you wouldn’t know that because the news you watch is paid to say nothing but good things about the useless Democrats. Keep pulling the same shit out of your ass. Th e FBI and DOJ were owned by Clinton and Obama. That’s why they had there upper management cleaned out. Barr has plenty of evidence against Biden, Obama and Clinton. Her secret server has come out and there are over 600 violations and it’s going to bring down a lot of people, plus the Democrats that we’re involve in the kiddy porn and sex trafficking problems. Democrats are scumbags. Let them and ANTIFA keep pushing. Be sure that it will come back to all of them in Spades.

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Jesus what a load of crap. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? Or until there is even any evidence of something? How about retracting things when you are proven wrong question mark you and your propaganda machine are a disgrace the whole world agrees.....
there is no evidence the bidens did anything wrong, super dupe, and they have been investigated multiple times. go ahead and investigate but stop throwing around garbage character assassination. Biden has never been accused of anything but total honesty. Children of powerful leaders get good jobs what a scandal you idiot LOL. There has to be evidence of wrongdoing. People who live in glass houses should shut the f*** **, super duper.

If the Bidens were doing nothing wrong, why did he quit this incredibly well paying job?
He moved on to another one in China. Yes yes offspring of powerful people getting good jobs is just unheard of LOL. Plus he's a damn good lawyer.
That's easy, you Trump supporters are in denial:

1. Polls and newscasts promised Hillary would win, and Trump cheated her out of it.

No reason, whatsoever, to read any further after that ignorant statement.

You're right it was the Russians and fox and our ridiculous punditocracy. the Trump campaign meeting with the Russians writing nothing down and lying about it is not suspicious at all. Neither is giving Putin Syria...
The charges are as follows:

1. Beating Hillary
2. Embarrassing the democratic party
3. Calling out Pocahontas
4. Grabbing pussies
5. Being orange
6. Not toting the liberal line
7. Switching parties some time in the early 2000's
8. Second charge of beating Hillary
9. Actually fighting back and defending himself against accusations
10. Did I mention being orange?
11. Not rolling over and taking a fake impeachment inquiry
Obstruction of justice. There are at least eight counts listed in the Mueller report.


Accepting a political contribution from a foreign power. Not just accepting, he demanded one.

For starters.

Another Braindead libtard Mueller report had shit in it or something would have been done. There wasn’t and the Demtards tried another scheme and that’s not working. He will be President Trump till 2024.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The brain dead GOP Mueller and the brain-dead GOP attorney general decided a president cannot be indicted. On the other hand he was conspirator number one with Cohen and should get the same as Cohen did. they left it up to Congress to do something about it and the Democrats are investigating. Nothing could be more typical in American history except your brainwashed idiocy on the right...

You can’t be indicted without evidence which they had none, but there is plenty of evidence that Obama and Clinton we’re involved but you wouldn’t know that because the news you watch is paid to say nothing but good things about the useless Democrats. Keep pulling the same shit out of your ass. Th e FBI and DOJ were owned by Clinton and Obama. That’s why they had there upper management cleaned out. Barr has plenty of evidence against Biden, Obama and Clinton. Her secret server has come out and there are over 600 violations and it’s going to bring down a lot of people, plus the Democrats that we’re involve in the kiddy porn and sex trafficking problems. Democrats are scumbags. Let them and ANTIFA keep pushing. Be sure that it will come back to all of them in Spades.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No evidence??

Trump admitted it.

His personal attorney admitted it.

His chief of staff admitted it.

What more do ya need? A dead body on 5th Avenue with a bullet hole?

Admitted what. You are delusional. He did nothing wrong. He had every right as the president to ask. Just because you libtards don’t like it doesn’t mean a thing. Hey keeping trying to impeach him. The more you do the more the country is turning on the Democrats. So it’s fine by me.

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He admitted to soliciting a foreign national to help with his campaign.

His personal attorney confirmed that on CNN.

His chief of staff confessed Trump held up $400 million in military aid for Ukraine unless Zelensky looked into the DNC server.

Volker, Sondland, McGuire, and today, Taylor, all confirmed Mulvaney's confession of quid pro quo to Congress.
He admitted to soliciting a foreign national to help with his campaign. Who did? Trump is looking into corruption, that was the whole point.

His personal attorney confirmed that on CNN. Neat.

His chief of staff confessed Trump held up $400 million in military aid for Ukraine unless Zelensky looked into the DNC server. No he didn't. Additionally, someone was behind hacking the server, are you saying Trump's out of bounds investigating who and why? ILMAO.

Volker, Sondland, McGuire, and today, Taylor, all confirmed Mulvaney's confession of quid pro quo to Congress. You forgot to mention Trump is also asking about the Russian stink the Democrats made up. Let me know when the USA offers money up free of conditions. Perhaps Obama was incompetent, Trump sure as fuck aint.

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