List the charges you think the dems have against Trump.

He admitted to soliciting a foreign national to help with his campaign. Who did? Trump is looking into corruption, that was the whole point.

His personal attorney confirmed that on CNN. Neat.

His chief of staff confessed Trump held up $400 million in military aid for Ukraine unless Zelensky looked into the DNC server. No he didn't. Additionally, someone was behind hacking the server, are you saying Trump's out of bounds investigating who and why? ILMAO.

Volker, Sondland, McGuire, and today, Taylor, all confirmed Mulvaney's confession of quid pro quo to Congress. You forgot to mention Trump is also asking about the Russian stink the Democrats made up. Let me know when the USA offers money up free of conditions. Perhaps Obama was incompetent, Trump sure as fuck aint.
Hilarious propaganda, super duper. Journalists and law enforcement around the world are not all Democrats. Only Rupert Murdoch papers and outlets agree with you in the entire world. Absolute brainwashed idiocy
He admitted to soliciting a foreign national to help with his campaign. Who did? Trump is looking into corruption, that was the whole point.

His personal attorney confirmed that on CNN. Neat.

His chief of staff confessed Trump held up $400 million in military aid for Ukraine unless Zelensky looked into the DNC server. No he didn't. Additionally, someone was behind hacking the server, are you saying Trump's out of bounds investigating who and why? ILMAO.

Volker, Sondland, McGuire, and today, Taylor, all confirmed Mulvaney's confession of quid pro quo to Congress. You forgot to mention Trump is also asking about the Russian stink the Democrats made up. Let me know when the USA offers money up free of conditions. Perhaps Obama was incompetent, Trump sure as fuck aint.


There's evidence Russia hacked the election.

There's nothing but delusion that it was Ukraine, and not Russia, who did the hacking.

Remember this, and this can't be stressed enough, you're being led by the nose by the man who spent 5 years insisting Obama was born in Kenya until finally admitting he really was born in Hawaii. Period.
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
The president cannot ask foreign leaders for dirt on personal opponents. It is a crime that's all you need. we are having an investigation and when it gets to the Senate there may be trouble for the orange crook.

I love how you libtards try to change the story around. Biden and his son are the ones that are guilty as well as Obama because he knew it was going on. The foreign leader and the prosecutor all stated the same thing. When 1.8 billion dollars goes missing and is unaccounted for he can ask any dam questions he wants. He is the President. You idiots regurgitate the same shit over and over. Brainwashed morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
The president cannot ask foreign leaders for dirt on personal opponents. It is a crime that's all you need. we are having an investigation and when it gets to the Senate there may be trouble for the orange crook.

I love how you libtards try to change the story around. Biden and his son are the ones that are guilty as well as Obama because he knew it was going on. The foreign leader and the prosecutor all stated the same thing. When 1.8 billion dollars goes missing and is unaccounted for he can ask any dam questions he wants. He is the President. You idiots regurgitate the same shit over and over. Brainwashed morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
The president cannot ask foreign leaders for dirt on personal opponents. It is a crime that's all you need. we are having an investigation and when it gets to the Senate there may be trouble for the orange crook.

I love how you libtards try to change the story around. Biden and his son are the ones that are guilty as well as Obama because he knew it was going on. The foreign leader and the prosecutor all stated the same thing. When 1.8 billion dollars goes missing and is unaccounted for he can ask any dam questions he wants. He is the President. You idiots regurgitate the same shit over and over. Brainwashed morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....

Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
The president cannot ask foreign leaders for dirt on personal opponents. It is a crime that's all you need. we are having an investigation and when it gets to the Senate there may be trouble for the orange crook.

I love how you libtards try to change the story around. Biden and his son are the ones that are guilty as well as Obama because he knew it was going on. The foreign leader and the prosecutor all stated the same thing. When 1.8 billion dollars goes missing and is unaccounted for he can ask any dam questions he wants. He is the President. You idiots regurgitate the same shit over and over. Brainwashed morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....

Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
Congressional Republicans are privy to the same testimony as Democrats. That being that all members of the selected committees, comprised of Republicans as well as Democrats, are present in these hearings
Congressional Republicans are privy to the same testimony as Democrats. That being that all members of the selected committees, comprised of Republicans as well as Democrats, are present in these hearings

I'm not lying just because you're too stupid to know that there are Republicans serving on those committees.
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
The president cannot ask foreign leaders for dirt on personal opponents. It is a crime that's all you need. we are having an investigation and when it gets to the Senate there may be trouble for the orange crook.

I love how you libtards try to change the story around. Biden and his son are the ones that are guilty as well as Obama because he knew it was going on. The foreign leader and the prosecutor all stated the same thing. When 1.8 billion dollars goes missing and is unaccounted for he can ask any dam questions he wants. He is the President. You idiots regurgitate the same shit over and over. Brainwashed morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....

Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.
The president cannot ask foreign leaders for dirt on personal opponents. It is a crime that's all you need. we are having an investigation and when it gets to the Senate there may be trouble for the orange crook.

I love how you libtards try to change the story around. Biden and his son are the ones that are guilty as well as Obama because he knew it was going on. The foreign leader and the prosecutor all stated the same thing. When 1.8 billion dollars goes missing and is unaccounted for he can ask any dam questions he wants. He is the President. You idiots regurgitate the same shit over and over. Brainwashed morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....

Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.

The Democrats want this testimony secret so that they can control the news feed. they and the news media are one, so they get to cherry pick and leak out things that are unverifiable. It doesn't even matter if this goes to the Senate, it's being done to sway public opinion for the election. If they want the testimony to be secret then the news media shouldn't be reporting on anything. It should all be kept quiet until the Senate hearings, but that really isn't what it is about is it?
I love how you libtards try to change the story around. Biden and his son are the ones that are guilty as well as Obama because he knew it was going on. The foreign leader and the prosecutor all stated the same thing. When 1.8 billion dollars goes missing and is unaccounted for he can ask any dam questions he wants. He is the Preside upnt. You idiots regurgitate the same shit over and over. Brainwashed morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....

Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.

The Democrats want this testimony secret so that they can control the news feed. they and the news media are one, so they get to cherry pick and leak out things that are unverifiable. It doesn't even matter if this goes to the Senate, it's being done to sway public opinion for the election. If they want the testimony to be secret then the news media shouldn't be reporting on anything. It should all be kept quiet until the Senate hearings, but that really isn't what it is about is it?
Yes all the world's journalists law enforcement live in the real world. Only you ignoramus GOP voters live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals character assassination and Hate. You listen to bought off excokehead DJs who will say anything.... Fox primetime your radio demagogues and greedy idiot GOP billionaires are a disgrace. Since shep left Fox seems like all day 2....
So Fox and Rush don't even tell you it's about asking foreign leader to find dirt on an opponent. That's enough right there. Got it get it LOL
That one blew up in the Dems' faces when our President released the transcript of the phone call. So now Full-Of-Schiff is busy making up something else.
Please do try to keep up.
So Fox and Rush don't even tell you it's about asking foreign leader to find dirt on an opponent. That's enough right there. Got it get it LOL
That one blew up in the Dems' faces when our President released the transcript of the phone call. So now Full-Of-Schiff is busy making up something else.
Please do try to keep up.
That's pretty hilarious, since the transcript shows he says, after talking about military aid and how we are the greatest country in the world-- And then went immediately to 'though I must ask you a favor'', to investigate Biden again for the third time at least LOL. And then some ridiculous conspiracy theory about the DNC server. Trump actually is another brainwashed functional moron. It's amazing how ignorant the man is of world affairs and history... He can't claim ignorance on this because it is exactly what the whole Russian affair was about, getting Aid from the Russians.And of course the Trump campaign meeting with Russians over 100 times and writing nothing down and lying about whether the meetings actually happened is not suspicious at all, right, super duper?

By the way 2/3 of the aid to Ukraine comes from the EU. Which is news to Foxbots etc ...., Like three-quarters of the news....
Correct. If Trump honestly believed Biden participated in corruption, why would it be a crime to look into it?
That has nothing to do with an election and an election was never brought up in the convo. Plus the favor Trump asked for was regarding the reported 2016 election fraud, and getting to the bottom of that. That was exactly what Trump should be asking the new President of Ukraine to look into. Democrats need to speculate that its all about the upcoming election, but the fact is its not in the phone call. Good luck Dems trying to make that stand up in any court of law.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....

Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.

The Democrats want this testimony secret so that they can control the news feed. they and the news media are one, so they get to cherry pick and leak out things that are unverifiable. It doesn't even matter if this goes to the Senate, it's being done to sway public opinion for the election. If they want the testimony to be secret then the news media shouldn't be reporting on anything. It should all be kept quiet until the Senate hearings, but that really isn't what it is about is it?
Yes all the world's journalists law enforcement live in the real world. Only you ignoramus GOP voters live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals character assassination and Hate. You listen to bought off excokehead DJs who will say anything.... Fox primetime your radio demagogues and greedy idiot GOP billionaires are a disgrace. Since shep left Fox seems like all day 2....

They live in the real world? really? than why is it news feed headlines are always word for word the same? I'll help you out as to the reason why, no one does their own investigative reporting anymore, they print what they are told to print and they say what their master tell them to say. Your party is full of little tin pot dictators and they have their little mouth pieces running protection for them. History is going to look back on them very badly.
Trump held up military aid to the Ukraine on condition that they started another investigation about biden and his son. That is enough to get thrown out of office. Not to mention....

Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.

The Democrats want this testimony secret so that they can control the news feed. they and the news media are one, so they get to cherry pick and leak out things that are unverifiable. It doesn't even matter if this goes to the Senate, it's being done to sway public opinion for the election. If they want the testimony to be secret then the news media shouldn't be reporting on anything. It should all be kept quiet until the Senate hearings, but that really isn't what it is about is it?
Yes all the world's journalists law enforcement live in the real world. Only you ignoramus GOP voters live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals character assassination and Hate. You listen to bought off excokehead DJs who will say anything.... Fox primetime your radio demagogues and greedy idiot GOP billionaires are a disgrace. Since shep left Fox seems like all day 2....

They live in the real world? really? than why is it news feed headlines are always word for word the same? I'll help you out as to the reason why, no one does their own investigative reporting anymore, they print what they are told to print and they say what their master tell them to say. Your party is full of little tin pot dictators and they have their little mouth pieces running protection for them. History is going to look back on them very badly.
funny how every respected journalist and law enforcement around the world believes you are nuts and all your scandals are phony and you're totally misinformed. Rupert Murdoch is swine and your demagogues also and your orange con man mobster.
Supposedly but that depends on the timeline and I don't know what we can honestly believe coming from Democrats. Why is it that the Democrats in Congress are not allowing Republicans in congress Transcripts or audio of the new witnesses? its all being done in secret. This is not the way the process is supposed to work, its BS and unheard of.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.

The Democrats want this testimony secret so that they can control the news feed. they and the news media are one, so they get to cherry pick and leak out things that are unverifiable. It doesn't even matter if this goes to the Senate, it's being done to sway public opinion for the election. If they want the testimony to be secret then the news media shouldn't be reporting on anything. It should all be kept quiet until the Senate hearings, but that really isn't what it is about is it?
Yes all the world's journalists law enforcement live in the real world. Only you ignoramus GOP voters live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals character assassination and Hate. You listen to bought off excokehead DJs who will say anything.... Fox primetime your radio demagogues and greedy idiot GOP billionaires are a disgrace. Since shep left Fox seems like all day 2....

They live in the real world? really? than why is it news feed headlines are always word for word the same? I'll help you out as to the reason why, no one does their own investigative reporting anymore, they print what they are told to print and they say what their master tell them to say. Your party is full of little tin pot dictators and they have their little mouth pieces running protection for them. History is going to look back on them very badly.
funny how every respected journalist and law enforcement around the world believes you are nuts and all your scandals are phony and you're totally misinformed. Rupert Murdoch is swine and your demagogues also and your orange con man mobster.

Respected by who? themselves? your not convincing anyone. meanwhile your democrats in Congress are running a star chamber to politically Lynch Trump with second hand and made up information that no one can question or verify.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.

The Democrats want this testimony secret so that they can control the news feed. they and the news media are one, so they get to cherry pick and leak out things that are unverifiable. It doesn't even matter if this goes to the Senate, it's being done to sway public opinion for the election. If they want the testimony to be secret then the news media shouldn't be reporting on anything. It should all be kept quiet until the Senate hearings, but that really isn't what it is about is it?
Yes all the world's journalists law enforcement live in the real world. Only you ignoramus GOP voters live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals character assassination and Hate. You listen to bought off excokehead DJs who will say anything.... Fox primetime your radio demagogues and greedy idiot GOP billionaires are a disgrace. Since shep left Fox seems like all day 2....

They live in the real world? really? than why is it news feed headlines are always word for word the same? I'll help you out as to the reason why, no one does their own investigative reporting anymore, they print what they are told to print and they say what their master tell them to say. Your party is full of little tin pot dictators and they have their little mouth pieces running protection for them. History is going to look back on them very badly.
funny how every respected journalist and law enforcement around the world believes you are nuts and all your scandals are phony and you're totally misinformed. Rupert Murdoch is swine and your demagogues also and your orange con man mobster.

Respected by who? themselves? your not convincing anyone. meanwhile your democrats in Congress are running a star chamber to politically Lynch Trump with second hand and made up information that no one can question or verify.
There are plenty of Republicans on these committees and they can ask questions, brainwashed functional moron. They can also talk to anybody they want to. but your propaganda machine is trying to ignore the whole thing and all the evidence. that's how you get to be a BRAINWASHED functional moron, brainwashed functional moron. You're a disgrace almost as much as your propaganda machine.
bologna, it is done that way so everyone in the world who is coming in to testify doesn't know what they're expected to say, and what other co-conspirators or whatever have said. The house impeachment is like a grand jury, the Senate is where they have the trial if necessary. Of course everything you know from the GOP propaganda machine that is different from what Democrats and journalists and law enforcement say, is spurious garbage as it is Been the last 25 years.

The Democrats want this testimony secret so that they can control the news feed. they and the news media are one, so they get to cherry pick and leak out things that are unverifiable. It doesn't even matter if this goes to the Senate, it's being done to sway public opinion for the election. If they want the testimony to be secret then the news media shouldn't be reporting on anything. It should all be kept quiet until the Senate hearings, but that really isn't what it is about is it?
Yes all the world's journalists law enforcement live in the real world. Only you ignoramus GOP voters live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals character assassination and Hate. You listen to bought off excokehead DJs who will say anything.... Fox primetime your radio demagogues and greedy idiot GOP billionaires are a disgrace. Since shep left Fox seems like all day 2....

They live in the real world? really? than why is it news feed headlines are always word for word the same? I'll help you out as to the reason why, no one does their own investigative reporting anymore, they print what they are told to print and they say what their master tell them to say. Your party is full of little tin pot dictators and they have their little mouth pieces running protection for them. History is going to look back on them very badly.
funny how every respected journalist and law enforcement around the world believes you are nuts and all your scandals are phony and you're totally misinformed. Rupert Murdoch is swine and your demagogues also and your orange con man mobster.

Respected by who? themselves? your not convincing anyone. meanwhile your democrats in Congress are running a star chamber to politically Lynch Trump with second hand and made up information that no one can question or verify.
so you have no respect for our constitution or journalists or law enforcement, just your bought off excokehead DJs and scumbag demagogues. Enjoy hell. God will not be amused.
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump..

a) Violation of the Whistleblower Act
b) Witness intimidation
c) Obstruction of Justice
d) Bribery
e) Extortion
f) Violation of Election law by soliciting something of value from a foreign government
g) Abuses of power by using the Justice Department to investigate a political rival.

Now all of those should be investigated.

But Trump should be impeached for the act of asking two foreign governments to dig up dirt on a political rival.

That is all that is needed.

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