List the charges you think the dems have against Trump.

Did you recycle that meme from Clintons impeachment?

Yes I did.

Are you retarded?
Either address the thread or leave.

Emoluments clause for corruption, Trumptard.

If Hillary did what Trump did, you poorly educated voters would be frothing at the mouth, screaming to lock her up.

But because you’re hypocrites, you grovingly apologize for your Orange God.

Didn't she do a lot worse? I seem to recall that as soon as she lost the election the donations to her foundation stopped. Like completely. That's pretty good evidence that she was engaged in pay to play.
The foundation etc etc has been investigated multiple times and no quid pro quo suspicion has ever been uncovered. so donations dried up when she became a punchline? What a scandal, you brainwashed functional moron. so many phony scandals you have now there has to be a deep state conspiracy. Without any evidence of that either, Super Dupe. and the email controversy has boiled down to the fact that Powell and the condoleezza did exactly the same things. Right wing idiocy all the way as always....

Do you always resort to insults when you have nothing relevant to say? You call everyone dupes, yet you are clearly the only dupe I see. If a foundation stops receiving donations, there is a reason for that. A non dupe would think, "huh, she lost the election, and immediately the donations stop....there must be a connection here, after all, the donor class expect something for their donations. Don't they Mr. dupe.
They've got nothing other than their hatred for our country.
They will stop at nothing in order to destroy it all so they can build their socialist dream.
They fail to realize that socialism has already failed. Look no further than California and continue up the west coast.
The rich live far away from the homeless and never have to see them!

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I refused to read all these pages of nonsense thrown up by our favorite Trolls!

I just hope they included piracy on the high seas!
I challenge you dems to list the charges that need to be investigated to Impeach Trump.

Personally I believe they are on a fishing expedition. Further according to House Rule XI all committee meetings must be open to the public including depositions UNLESS the committee believes the questioning will degrade or cause to incriminate the witness. Further under the same house rules none members may be allowed to sit in Closed meetings also.

According to House Rules executive meetings may only be called if the information is a threat to National security or some US law would be violated by disclosing to the public the information.
Starting with abuse of power...

Efforts to impeach Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"Grounds asserted for impeachment have included possible violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by accepting payments from foreign dignitaries; alleged collusion with Russia during the campaign for the 2016 United States presidential election; alleged obstruction of justice with respect to investigation of the collusion claim; and accusations of 'Associating the Presidency with White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism and Hatred', which formed the basis of a resolution for impeachment brought on December 6, 2017.

"Since the Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate during 2017 and 2018, the likelihood of impeachment during that period was considered by all to be low.[8][9] A December 2017 resolution of impeachment failed in the House by a 58–364 margin.[10]

"The Democrats gained control of the House in 2019 and launched multiple investigations into Trump's actions and finances. Speaker Nancy Pelosi initially resisted calls for impeachment.

"In May 2019 she indicated that Trump's continued actions, which she characterized as obstruction of justice and refusal to honor congressional subpoenas, might make an impeachment inquiry necessary. An increasing number of House Democrats and one Republican were requesting such an inquiry."
The Dems should make all testimony public. If they don’t, there’s no way they should have an impeachment vote.

I highly doubt the Democrats are being fair and objective, and doing anything that benefits the country other than appeasing their own base who has wanted to impeach Trump since the day he was elected.

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