List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
There’s already been 8 investigations into Benghazi. How many more you think you’re gonna need?

I agree! I really hope the OP isn't as dumb as the bizarre shit he posts.

So, you can tell us how the President was able to be so inattentive about the 8 hour Benghazi battle.

And how General Dempsey, Leon Panetta and their staff, personnel and intel people knew that any kind of air asset to assist the beleaguered Americans would be too late?

An AC -130 mission from Italy could have gotten there in less than 8 hours.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

"Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over."

Would it change your mind if you knew that someone else will use this same pathway to make it into the Oval Office because they know they can't get in honestly?

Does it make you think about why someone wouldn't qualify with full disclosure?

Does it make you wonder if Trump didn't take advantage of this same blind spot in our election process?

Does it bother you that Trump may have avoided revealing his taxes the way Obama avoided telling the truth about his birth certificate and his college situation?

Obama told the truth about his Birth Certificate and his college situation. It was Donald Trump who was lying about it all, trying to delegitmize Obama's Presidency.

I am appalled that Trump was permitted to go all over the USA promoting these proveable lies about President Obama. I think Trump should be charged for lying and misleading the American people, on this and for many other lies he's told about his own history and that of his family.

I will lose my patience with you if you refuse to watch the video I posted to educate you.

An attorney wants all the info he can get to make the best argument possible.

I will hurt your feelings if you don't watch the video.

Don't waste bandwidth or our time on things that you don't really care to defend or go to the mat to explain to us in detail.


Trumps taxes .

Donald Trump is audited EVERY YEAR, and has never been charged with any crime or violation of the tax laws. What more do you need to know?

I realize people are curious, and Democrat hacks are keen to find something - ANYTHING- that they can use to reverse the results of the 2016 election, but neither curiosity nor vengeance is justification for trampling on ANY CITIZEN'S rights to avoid intrusion into their PRIVATE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.

It is interesting indeed that Democrats witness poor politicians coming to Washington and leaving as multiillionaires a few decades later (e.g., Harry Reid), and yet here we have a guy who is so rich that he CAN'T BE BOUGHT, and they fret about hotel bills in D.C. Is Trump PROFITING FROM BEING PRESIDENT?????

An Audit is cursory. Trump is hiding stuff that’s why he hides taxes cause people would dig up the bodies quick .
Hmmm, I'm assuming the IRS is very thorough
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

Easy, Arpaio lied.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
There’s already been 8 investigations into Benghazi. How many more you think you’re gonna need?

I agree! I really hope the OP isn't as dumb as the bizarre shit he posts.
Watch the right freak out when Democrats kick off their 8th investigation into Trump/Russia.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

Easy, Arpaio lied.

Easy for you to lie.

But you sound like you are underestimating the Left Wing media.

If anyone says anything bad about the birth certificate the media is quick to denounce the culprit and pulverize them.

Why have they given Sheriff Joe such an easy time of it if he lied about the Exotic One's b.c.?

See how that doesn't jibe?
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

Easy, Arpaio lied.

Easy for you to lie.

But you sound like you are underestimating the Left Wing media.

If anyone says anything bad about the birth certificate the media is quick to denounce the culprit and pulverize them.

Why have they given Sheriff Joe such an easy time of it if he lied about the Exotic One's b.c.?

See how that doesn't jibe?

It’s not my fault you’re an idiot. He lied. This has been proven. He claims some of the text on Obama’s birth certificate was lifted off another. If that were true, the digit copy & paste would have been identical down to the last pixel...... it wasn’t. The only ones to fall for such s moronic gimmick were Birthers who were desperate for something onto which they could cling.

Count yourself among them.
Hillary's proven crimes

Exposed Conspiracy against President begun by FBI, Conspirators to include
US AG Lynch
Deputy US AG Rosenstein
NSA Director Clapper
CIA Director Brennan
FBI Director Comey
Deputy FBI Director McCabe
FBI Agents Strzok / Baker
Spcl Counsel Mueller

China Espionage Facilitator Feinstein

Pakistani Espionage Facilitator DW-S

Sexual Misconduct for Decades
Committee formed to hide crimes
Using Tax dollars to pay for victim silence
- John Conyers, etc...

Violations of FOIA / Federal Records Act by former President Obama & his Cabinet who used aliases to conduct govt business and communicate while hiding those communications

D-Schiff admittedly leaking Classified

D-Corey 'I am Spartacus' Booker admitting to sexual assault

Former President Obama potential collusion with Russians, knowing about Russia in 2014 but doing nothing for 2 years....

Obama administration arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- US AG Holder Censured for Perjury but no one else punished for illegal gun running that resulted in 4 Americans dead by use of those guns

Where was Obama while Benghazi overrun / attacked for HOURS
- Question STILL never answered


That's a good start. :p
Hillary's proven crimes

Exposed Conspiracy against President begun by FBI, Conspirators to include
US AG Lynch
Deputy US AG Rosenstein
NSA Director Clapper
CIA Director Brennan
FBI Director Comey
Deputy FBI Director McCabe
FBI Agents Strzok / Baker
Spcl Counsel Mueller

China Espionage Facilitator Feinstein

Pakistani Espionage Facilitator DW-S

Sexual Misconduct for Decades
Committee formed to hide crimes
Using Tax dollars to pay for victim silence
- John Conyers, etc...

Violations of FOIA / Federal Records Act by former President Obama & his Cabinet who used aliases to conduct govt business and communicate while hiding those communications

D-Schiff admittedly leaking Classified

D-Corey 'I am Spartacus' Booker admitting to sexual assault

Former President Obama potential collusion with Russians, knowing about Russia in 2014 but doing nothing for 2 years....

Obama administration arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- US AG Holder Censured for Perjury but no one else punished for illegal gun running that resulted in 4 Americans dead by use of those guns

Where was Obama while Benghazi overrun / attacked for HOURS
- Question STILL never answered


That's a good start. :p
Hey, you forgot fucking with your head. That’s a crime too, ya know.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
Actually it’s a list of conservative red herring fallacies, failed attempts by the right to deflect from Trump’s legal problems.

None of your Liberal shoddy half attempts. List them and be prepared to support and explain and defend each one until we find where your tendencies ring true to my believed list of Liberal tendencies.

Top 10 Liberal Tendencies
Hillary's proven crimes

Exposed Conspiracy against President begun by FBI, Conspirators to include
US AG Lynch
Deputy US AG Rosenstein
NSA Director Clapper
CIA Director Brennan
FBI Director Comey
Deputy FBI Director McCabe
FBI Agents Strzok / Baker
Spcl Counsel Mueller

China Espionage Facilitator Feinstein

Pakistani Espionage Facilitator DW-S

Sexual Misconduct for Decades
Committee formed to hide crimes
Using Tax dollars to pay for victim silence
- John Conyers, etc...

Violations of FOIA / Federal Records Act by former President Obama & his Cabinet who used aliases to conduct govt business and communicate while hiding those communications

D-Schiff admittedly leaking Classified

D-Corey 'I am Spartacus' Booker admitting to sexual assault

Former President Obama potential collusion with Russians, knowing about Russia in 2014 but doing nothing for 2 years....

Obama administration arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- US AG Holder Censured for Perjury but no one else punished for illegal gun running that resulted in 4 Americans dead by use of those guns

Where was Obama while Benghazi overrun / attacked for HOURS
- Question STILL never answered


That's a good start. :p

Your post is EXACTLY what the good guys can use to show casual readers and the people who are apolitical or even Never Trumpers or Liberals who at least love America, what is an accurate picture from a very high vantage point.

I trust someone will produce such a list showing Right Wing issues needing investigation or prosecution.

I I trust it will be their best evidence they can produce.

Once we see both lists, we will get closer to knowing the truth about who is generally more trustworthy.

Thanks. Keep it coming.

But I've ready to explain and support and defend each point you make.

We want objectivity and transparency.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

The video concludes with absolute certainty and scientific proof that the birth certificate tendered to the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff's office for forensic testing was a forged document.

100% certain.

And you will see how the forgery was done because they reproduced the result after they figured out how it was forged.

There would be no humanly possible way for the document to be authentic.

If you like CSI and law enforcement forensics (I miss Abby Sciutto), you will enjoy this video.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

The video concludes with absolute certainty and scientific proof that the birth certificate tendered to the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff's office for forensic testing was a forged document.

100% certain.

And you will see how the forgery was done because they reproduced the result after they figured out how it was forged.

There would be no humanly possible way for the document to be authentic.

If you like CSI and law enforcement forensics (I miss Abby Sciutto), you will enjoy this video.

The video is a proven lie.

See if you can explain why this...


... is not identical to this ...


... and just in case you’re too ignorant to spot the differences, you’ll note in the top image, the bottom of the ‘O’ is higher than the other letters, whereas it’s even on the bottom image.

On top, the ‘a’ and ‘h’ are touching, but not on the bottom image. And the ‘u’ is bolder on the top image.

According to Arpaio, someone copied and pasted these grapghic images from another birth certificate onto Obama’s. If that were true, the two images would be identical. If they’re not identical down to the last pixel, and they’re not, that because Arpaio lies and you’re foolish enough, and desperate enough, to fall for his rouse.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

The video concludes with absolute certainty and scientific proof that the birth certificate tendered to the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff's office for forensic testing was a forged document.

100% certain.

And you will see how the forgery was done because they reproduced the result after they figured out how it was forged.

There would be no humanly possible way for the document to be authentic.

If you like CSI and law enforcement forensics (I miss Abby Sciutto), you will enjoy this video.

The video is a proven lie.

See if you can explain why this...


... is not identical to this ...


... and just in case you’re too ignorant to spot the differences, you’ll note in the top image, the bottom of the ‘O’ is higher than the other letters, whereas it’s even on the bottom image.

On top, the ‘a’ and ‘h’ are touching, but not on the bottom image. And the ‘u’ is bolder on the top image.

According to Arpaio, someone copied and pasted these grapghic images from another birth certificate onto Obama’s. If that were true, the two images would be identical. If they’re not identical down to the last pixel, and they’re not, that because Arpaio lies and you’re foolish enough, and desperate enough, to fall for his rouse.
I will keep your assertion in mind and when/if I get the chance to bring something new to the matter, I will be sure to share it.

In the meantime, I have noticed that neither side seems to be attacking or defending or much commenting on this.

They say that in astronomy the way to detect a black hole is to notice a LACK of any light in an area.

Similarly, the fact that there is nothing being made of this by either side seems odd.

Lee has disengaged from this exchange.

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