List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

Trumps taxes .

Donald Trump is audited EVERY YEAR, and has never been charged with any crime or violation of the tax laws. What more do you need to know?

I realize people are curious, and Democrat hacks are keen to find something - ANYTHING- that they can use to reverse the results of the 2016 election, but neither curiosity nor vengeance is justification for trampling on ANY CITIZEN'S rights to avoid intrusion into their PRIVATE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.

It is interesting indeed that Democrats witness poor politicians coming to Washington and leaving as multiillionaires a few decades later (e.g., Harry Reid), and yet here we have a guy who is so rich that he CAN'T BE BOUGHT, and they fret about hotel bills in D.C. Is Trump PROFITING FROM BEING PRESIDENT?????

Where does Trump get his income from? Is he laundering money for the Russians. Who holds the mortgages on his various properties? A friend who worked on the Trump Tower in Toronto said that Trump called the shots, the Saudis signed his paychecks, and when the property went bankrupt, it was owned by a Russian.

How much money is Trump billing the government for in regards to his golfing weekends? He should not be allowed to bill the government for going to his own properties. How much is he earning from the increased innitiation fees at his east coast golf clubs? Or from foreign nations renting rooms and holding functions at his Washington Hotel?

What about the inauguration fund audit. Where did the money come from, and where did it go? It sure as hell wasn't spent on the cheesy low rent Inauguration, with the C list performers.

Who is forcing anyone to invest in his properties? Who is forcing people to pay initiation fees? Who is forcing foreign nations from renting rooms in his hotel in Washington? Trump has nothing to do with those inauguration parties, but you probably knew that already.

The answer is no one, and that is where your nose in his business ends.

It's no longer just HIS business. It's now the nation's business and the nation needs to know that their President doesn't owe substantial amounts of money to hostile foreign nationals. That his personal business interests are not driving foreign policy.

Nice deflections, but if it's the Saudi Princes who are investing in his properties, or suddenly spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to rent rooms in his failing hotels, and he is codddling and protecting MBS from facing international justice in the murder of Jamal Kashoggi, it's a valid question.

Trump is the guy who falsely accused Hillary Clinton of pay for play, and here's Trump taking bribes right out in the open with initiation fees to his golf clubs. That's what these initiation fees are: payment for access to the President, who failed to follow ethics guidelines and continues to promote his brand, sell his merchandise, and take money out of his businesses, while in office. And then picking the taxpayers pocket by going golfing every single weekend and billing the taxpayers for SS rooms, meals and golf cart rentals to the tune of millions of dollars.

OK. When you have proof of any of that happening, we will listen. However, until then, your are sounding like a spoiled brat who continues to whine because Hillary lost.

Falsely accused Hillary of pay for play? That is a well known FACT, not a false accusation.

As to picking the taxpayers pockets, did you complain when Obama jetted off to Hawaii every year for his holiday vacation at the tune of millions of taxpayer dollars to God-knows who? You cannot even provide an accounting for Trump getting any of the funds paid by the Secret Service because such services can be provided by anyone. They don;t have to stay at Trump's facilities.
Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.
Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

You explain it. You're the one who believes this bullshit.

Arapaio never saw the original document. You cannot determine whether or not a document is forged without the original document. Plus he's a racist asshole who is consumed with hatred on non-whites. And Trump has admitted he lied about all of it.
Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Why did it take Republicans 5 years after Hillary left office to investigate her email server? Everyone in Washington KNEW she was using Bill's email server when she was SS. It wasn't a secret. It wasn't even illegal.
Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.
Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.

Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Why did it take Republicans 5 years after Hillary left office to investigate her email server? Everyone in Washington KNEW she was using Bill's email server when she was SS. It wasn't a secret. It wasn't even illegal.

The Surrender Monkeys administration protected her as the Comey video shows. He details over 100 felonies and refused to pass on a prosecution to the AG!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.

Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?

Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.

Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?

Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.

Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
Hildebeast felonies spelled out by Comey who REFUSED to prosecute her. Although it wasn't his place to do that it was the corrupt AGs responsibility

The surrender Monkey for working for the Russians, telling the PM to tell VLAD he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the election

BRENNAN, CLAPPER. COMEY STROZK. McCABE and several dozen more corrupt FBI, & DOJ people for LYING before Congress now that we have emails and texts saying such

Mueller for going ahead with investigations after the primary instrument of the FISA court search has been proven, beyond a doubt to be made up and paid for by the Cunton campaign.

The Podesta brothers for various felonies involving Russia collusion., and foreign dealings not above board...see Wikileaks for dozens of emails

Loretta lynch AND BLOW JOB CUNTPNZ for collusion with the airport meeting a day before his wife's investigation results were announced

Eric "THE RED"Holder for gun running. Death of a border agent and the death of over 200 Mexicsn Nationals FROM those illegal gun sales

ALL DemonRAT heads of committees that lied, leaked. And gave unprecedented access to classified information during Republican run committees...especially Adam Shitt!

Debbie the Wasserman Test Schultz for the cover up of the Pakistani IT scandal with over 30 DemonRAT Congress peoples access to privileged info being stolen and especially what is on DWS computer laptop in hands of the DC police AND STILL not being investigated

The Uranium one deal and kick back money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the role ALL THE Cuntons played in that including Chelsea

The Seth Rich murder, and what Donna Brazile wrote about it and the illegal doings within the DNC

OPPS...that is more than much more!

I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.


I got as far as your idiocy about Comey not prosecuting Hillary. You must be the only moron who thinks the FBI Director has prosecutorial powers.
I'm surprised you could type a response with The Surrender Monkeys privates in your mouth...and perhaps you need to listen..AGAIN BUT GET A 5 YEAR OLD to explain it to you!

I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.

And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO

Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.

Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?

You're arguing over Hillary's email investigation. Enough of YOUR stupidity.

The email investigation was always politically motivated and had no basis in law or reality. It was just a scam to continue to smear Hillary into the election, and Comey delivered that in spades. But there were NEVER going to be any charges because what she was doing, wasn't ILLEGAL at the time.

Republicans played you fools like a fiddle believing this time you had her! There is absolutely NO REASON, no evidence and no crime to prosecute Hillary Clinton for. She is NOT going to jail because Clinton has done nothing illegal.

The same cannot be said for DONALD TRUMP.
I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.
And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO
Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.
Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!

We do know what you mean. And you are an imbecile if you think Hillary did anything illegal.
I don’t care how rightarded you are, the FBI can’t prosecute anyone. The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, not the prosecutorial arm.
And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO
Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.
Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
What I know is what you type. Who the fuck types something they don’t mean?

And you [idiotically] said that Comey wouldn’t prosecute Hillary. Dumbfuck, Comey was an investigator, not a prosecutor.
And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO
Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.
Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
What I know is what you type. Who the fuck types something they don’t mean?

And you [idiotically] said that Comey wouldn’t prosecute Hillary. Dumbfuck, Comey was an investigator, not a prosecutor.
Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
And Lynch was supposed to announce the findings as procedure dictates and she did not simply becauseb2 weeks prior she met Blow Job on the tarmac of thevAriz. Airport to discuss GRANDCHILDREN and GOLF....ROTFLMFAO!

Talking about arrested and a pump for the DNC and anything Cunton Naw,Surrender Monkey.... You be da one, monkey boy....ROTFLMFAO
Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.
Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!

We do know what you mean. And you are an imbecile if you think Hillary did anything illegal.
Same to you Ole lady watch the video as Comey LISTS the felonies and at 1:30 mark says that others might not get the same treatment (PASS) as the Beast if they did the same crimes.
Dumbfuck, you already said she wasn’t prosecuted because Comey wouldn’t prosecute her. There’s no reeling back your stupidity.
Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
What I know is what you type. Who the fuck types something they don’t mean?

And you [idiotically] said that Comey wouldn’t prosecute Hillary. Dumbfuck, Comey was an investigator, not a prosecutor.
Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
Poor, dumbfuck, t-h-e-y d-o-n-‘-t p-r-o-s-e-c-u-t-e.

Get that through your numb skull.
Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
What I know is what you type. Who the fuck types something they don’t mean?

And you [idiotically] said that Comey wouldn’t prosecute Hillary. Dumbfuck, Comey was an investigator, not a prosecutor.
Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
Poor, dumbfuck, t-h-e-y d-o-n-‘-t p-r-o-s-e-c-u-t-e.

Get that through your numb skull.
Asshole go to 1:30 of that video....enough of your stupidity!....You argue over semantics. What is the difference of an INVESTIGATION and a MATTER?
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
What I know is what you type. Who the fuck types something they don’t mean?

And you [idiotically] said that Comey wouldn’t prosecute Hillary. Dumbfuck, Comey was an investigator, not a prosecutor.
Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
Poor, dumbfuck, t-h-e-y d-o-n-‘-t p-r-o-s-e-c-u-t-e.

Get that through your numb skull.
Answer the question

Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
What's happening in the room when tRump confiscates the translator's notes?

How did Kushner get a security clearance?

What does tRump owe the Saudi crown prince?

What does tRump have on Devin Nunes to make him act that way?

Since Kelly Anne Conway is the White House leaked why do they keep looking for different ones and how come she hasn't been fired?

What exactly is "executive time"?

The list goes on and on and on.......
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
What I know is what you type. Who the fuck types something they don’t mean?

And you [idiotically] said that Comey wouldn’t prosecute Hillary. Dumbfuck, Comey was an investigator, not a prosecutor.
Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
Poor, dumbfuck, t-h-e-y d-o-n-‘-t p-r-o-s-e-c-u-t-e.

Get that through your numb skull.
Who’s arguing? I’m pointing out you’re an imbecile for thinking Comey could have prosecuted Hillary. No one is arguing you’re an imbecile.
Little man you knew exactly what I meant. .you are such an ass,...ROTFLMFAO!!
What I know is what you type. Who the fuck types something they don’t mean?

And you [idiotically] said that Comey wouldn’t prosecute Hillary. Dumbfuck, Comey was an investigator, not a prosecutor.
Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
Poor, dumbfuck, t-h-e-y d-o-n-‘-t p-r-o-s-e-c-u-t-e.

Get that through your numb skull.
Answer the question

Do the FBI testify at a prosecution....
Poor thing. Now you’re just triggered because you were exposed again as an imbecile. This time for claiming Comey had prosecutorial powers. Even though they testify, Cindy still could not prosecute since the FBI only investigates. :cuckoo:

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