Listen to Obama sounding like Donald Trump in 2006 on immigration.

Who is the Kenyan?
Ask Malik Obama and Harvard University.

The same one Malik and Harvard U has referenced…are you sure you’re not confused?
Not sure what you're talking about there...

I'm curious about this Kenyan you keep mentioning. Was it one of your fellow graduate school chums? LOL
If true, how do you suppose the Kenyan added 2.5 million more illegals to the taxpayer tit?

Your point is meaningless. O still deported many while giving many asylum.

O may have been the biggest fraud ever to be potus.
If true, how do you suppose the Kenyan added 2.5 million more illegals to the taxpayer tit?

Actually, the number of undocumented immigrants declined under Obama.


and Obama deported more people than Trump did.


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