Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

"Just doesn't happen" means it didn't happen this time either. I simply needed to correct your incorrect statements that were so ludicrous. You can stop panicking now.
^ Incomprehensible gibberish.

(Which is likely what she said as well.)

No asswipe. You made the claim, now back it up faggot. Or STFU and hit the bricks with the rest of the degenerates. GFY.
^ In a raging frenzy of repressed gay desire.

But yeah - this is the thread with the numerous cites/references asked for.

If you're not too engorged with gay panic, feel free to read it. :)
So you would show porn films to children in K-12?
I wouldn't show porn to any child OR adult, they can find that on their own. All porn is about sex but not everything about sex is porn.

Question is what is an appropriate age. When explicit words describe accurately homosexuals using the shit chute as an entrance, would you do that as well?
If a kid is already engaging in sex, I'd say no information is off limits.
if we don't teach them the bible before they get to indoctrination stations (schools) they have no chance

I got the bible drummed into me for 12 years... and it had pretty much the opposite effect.

"Um, Sister Mary Butch, it says here in the bible that God wants no Graven images, so why do we have all these statues of the saints?" WHACK!
"Um, Sister, the Gospels of Luke and Matthew give two different genealogies of Jesus back to King David, and the are both through Joseph, who wasn't his father, right?" Whack!

My personal favorite. We had this nasty old nun who was screaming at us about the Great Flood and how God killed all the sinners because they were "Wicked!" To which I asked the very sensible question, 'Why did God drown the babies?" This woman shouted, "They were WICKED BABIES! WIIIIICKED!!!!"

The minute I hit 18, I ran away from their crazy religion as fast as I could.
I got the bible drummed into me for 12 years... and it had pretty much the opposite effect.

"Um, Sister Mary Butch, it says here in the bible that God wants no Graven images, so why do we have all these statues of the saints?" WHACK!
"Um, Sister, the Gospels of Luke and Matthew give two different genealogies of Jesus back to King David, and the are both through Joseph, who wasn't his father, right?" Whack!

My personal favorite. We had this nasty old nun who was screaming at us about the Great Flood and how God killed all the sinners because they were "Wicked!" To which I asked the very sensible question, 'Why did God drown the babies?" This woman shouted, "They were WICKED BABIES! WIIIIICKED!!!!"
Raised Catholic I am not surprised as it goes against much of the bIBLE
If English is your second language, I'll try to simplify what I say.
Did you have a comment on the topic, or just more trolling aka your submission/concession?

Ultimately, this is about conservative sexual repression.

Specifically, their rage, embarrassment and confusion over their same sex attractions, past/present/future.

Don't you agree?
Did you have a comment on the topic, or just more trolling aka your submission/concession?

Ultimately, this is about conservative sexual repression.

Specifically, their rage, embarrassment and confusion over their same sex attractions, past/present/future.

Don't you agree?
You're framing it incorrectly, I believe on purpose. The thread is about parental objections to sexually explicit materials being put into schools for young children to freely access without their parents' knowledge or consent. How you get from that to what you're talking about is anyone's guess.
So you want more book burnings? Mmm... when was the last time they did that?
How do you go from parents wanting their children to be shielded from sexually explicit material (NOTHING about burning books) to book burning, unless you're really drunk, in which case you just need to go sleep it off.
You went from this:

To this:

Quite the leap, especially since I only asked for a link to which Democrats pushed gay porn on six year olds in Florida. I'm thinking there is no such thing or you'd happily offer up a link. Thanks for admitting the truth.

Yeah, I need to show a link that Democrats turned our southern border over to drug cartels and you are enabling drug, sex, child and child sex trafficking.

You don't see it because you're a sick, depraved fuck and you don't want to see it
Yeah, I need to show a link that Democrats turned our southern border over to drug cartels and you are enabling drug, sex, child and child sex trafficking.

You don't see it because you're a sick, depraved fuck and you don't want to see it
What I don't see is the connection between the OP and our southern border. Unless you feel 'whataboutism' is a valid counter argument.

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