Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Private school or home schooling might be for y'all, but a therapist would be better deployed to help triggered conservatives curb their deranged fantasies about Marxist groomers. :)
Public schools should be safe for students and not a place to push your freakshow lifestyles.
So you're saying that nothing like this has ever happened to you before?

I believe you! ;)
"Just doesn't happen" means it didn't happen this time either. I simply needed to correct your incorrect statements that were so ludicrous. You can stop panicking now.
^ I'm losing track, but I think this is the 20th+ post Kaz has made which is 100% trolling devoid of content.

That's impressive even for a triggered conservative - forgive my redundancy.

Faced with irrefutable proof of the lunacy of their beliefs, they descend into feces flinging.

Or perhaps it's an ascent? :eek:

Should the Bible be blamed for this mindlessness?

Because - according to them - they don't read the gay stuff. ;)

^ Responding again without content. Troll says what?
You went from this:
Democrats pushed gay porn on six year olds in Florida until DeSantis stopped it.
To this:
You don't care about Democrats letting drug, sex and slave traffickers across the border. This is suddenly a line for you?
Quite the leap, especially since I only asked for a link to which Democrats pushed gay porn on six year olds in Florida. I'm thinking there is no such thing or you'd happily offer up a link. Thanks for admitting the truth.
Correct; others have, including numerous cites, as I've said repeatedly.

I've provided numerous references, but some may be more clear to those who actually know what's in the Bible; my bad. :(

You sound worked up.

They're in this thread, outside this thread - knock yourself out. :)
No asswipe. You made the claim, now back it up faggot. Or STFU and hit the bricks with the rest of the degenerates. GFY.
Bomb making. Everything else is appropriate at an appropriate age.
So you would show porn films to children in K-12? Question is what is an appropriate age. When explicit words describe accurately homosexuals using the shit chute as an entrance, would you do that as well?

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