Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Did you have a comment on the topic, or just more trolling aka your submission/concession?

Ultimately, this is about conservative sexual repression.

Specifically, their rage, embarrassment and confusion over their same sex attractions, past/present/future.

Don't you agree?

^ Mindless Democrat drone
What I don't see is the connection between the OP and our southern border. Unless you feel 'whataboutism' is a valid counter argument.

Whataboutism is a valid argument because it means that you don't believe what you are saying
You're framing it incorrectly,
I'm exposing the homophobia behind conservative hystria over content in books that aren't intended for, nor are being presented to, young children.
I believe on purpose.
See above.
The thread is about parental objections to sexually explicit materials being put into schools for young children to freely access without their parents' knowledge or consent.
Yes - this is the conservative delusion.

Thus I'm addressing it as the delusion it is, and explaining its homophobic roots.
How you get from that to what you're talking about is anyone's guess.
See above.
How do you go from parents wanting their children to be shielded from sexually explicit material (NOTHING about burning books) to book burning, unless you're really drunk, in which case you just need to go sleep it off.
You're trying ro remove more than just sexually explicit books!
I'm exposing the homophobia behind conservative hystria over content in books that aren't intended for, nor are being presented to, young children.

See above.

Yes - this is the conservative delusion.

Thus I'm addressing it as the delusion it is, and explaining its homophobic roots.

See above.
There are no such roots, and as I've had to explain to numerous posters on here, those foil helmets you get from the back page of your comic books don't really give you mind-reading powers, any more than the X-Ray glasses let you see through clothes.
79 pages of democrats defending child abuse and child sexualization.
A great day for US Messageboard
Can't speak for the Democratic party.

I can speak for me. Is this a huge problem? With salacious images on every screen they touch, every TV show they see, every movie they watch (and that is just the virtual world they are exposed to--let alone reality)...are you really thinking that inappropriate words in books is a huge issue?

As for the politics of the matter; the standard bearer for the GOP paid a porn star for sex. I'm not sure but wasn't that much more impactful than a book a kid might or might not check out from a library in a school. I mean here is the leader of the nation behaving in such a way that is not only immoral; he turns around and lies about having done it. Gee...and you think the Democrats are the smut peddlers?
Yes little kids watch TV and have access to porn on the net. And your a fool if you think their not.
Your working against your self's. A book that's been selling only a few, suddenly starts selling like hot cakes, Why BECAUSE ITS BEEN BANNED. Maybe there is an up side? they may start reading SHAKESPEAR, now that you want it banned.
Yes little kids watch TV and have access to porn on the net. And your a fool if you think their not.
Your working against your self's. A book that's been selling only a few, suddenly starts selling like hot cakes, Why BECAUSE ITS BEEN BANNED. Maybe there is an up side? they may start reading SHAKESPEAR, now that you want it banned.

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