Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

You have never given any links
Correct; others have, including numerous cites, as I've said repeatedly.
or references
I've provided numerous references, but some may be more clear to those who actually know what's in the Bible; my bad. :(
to any of your bullshit claims asshole.
You sound worked up.
Because they don’t exist.
They're in this thread, outside this thread - knock yourself out. :)
We aren't the ones who are seen as deplorable mutants.
You may need to get out more. :)
As usual, you have it EXACTLY backwards.
If you live in a very large urban area, maybe the average person is ok with rainbow haired, heavily pierced, gender confused Democrats dressed up as penises and vaginas parading down the streets promoting their cause, but average American shuns that type of behavior. You think it is the norm. It isn't.


If you weren't so dangerously deranged, you'd be hilarious.

What bigotry? Why am I a bigot because I disagree with gay porn being in our school libraries?
I object to actual elephants in school libraries.

Luckily, neither gay porn nor elephants are actually there.
See it is people like you that make an average, normal Democrat(if there are any left) turn away from the party. NORMAL people do not support this stuff. You don't represent mainstream America.
^ Delusional.
Red states in the South have the largest populations of African Americans, by a large margin, who are very largely Democratic. Guess who are committing most of the crimes?
Book banning is a crime in my book.

See what I did there?

You can really tell how weak and sapsy you pussyholes are by your need to invent your opponents argument just so you feel confident enough to attack. 😄

I believe trans men, who are biological females, can still get pregnant if they haven't had gender reassignment surgery yet and I believe homosexuality is natural. Try attacking those point you soft little bitch. 😄
Already covered the Homosexuality is natural, no need to further educate you on that one. Biological women who think they are men are still women so no matter what fantasy world you and they live in men still can't have babies. I understand it's hard for you to reconcile that you and they are freakazoids, but you need to come to terms with your sickness, brought on by whomever abused you!
Already covered the Homosexuality is natural, no need to further educate you on that one. Biological women who think they are men are still women so no matter what fantasy world you and they live in men still can't have babies. I understand it's hard for you to reconcile that you and they are freakazoids, but you need to come to terms with your sickness, brought on by whomever abused you!
You need to review the forum rules, sparky.

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