“Literally, I Was Shaking” – CNN'S Van Jones Rattled After Vivek Ramaswamy Exposes the Democrats’ Sinister Scheme to Replace Native-Born Americans

Republicans want mass non-White immigration so that businesses get cheap labor. In an olive branch to their base, they say that they support legal immigration, which really means legal mass migration of non-Whites.
not all Republicans
Republicans want mass non-White immigration so that businesses get cheap labor. In an olive branch to their base, they say that they support legal immigration, which really means legal mass migration of non-Whites.
Dude, that is so 1980’s republic pol bullshit. That party moved on to xenophobia and racism to win you over.
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And the 20 to 40 thousand year old human finds in the Americas smash the Tribal affiliation hilarity of early Americans
Not really, but the section of whites who think like you try looking for anything to claim white supremacy.
What a commie coward Van Jones is. Maybe Van can explain the millions upon millions of illegal invaders the Biden Regime is allowing into the country. What exactly is their purpose?
To pick our veggies. Red state farmers can’t make it without an open border.
What a commie coward Van Jones is. Maybe Van can explain the millions upon millions of illegal invaders the Biden Regime is allowing into the country. What exactly is their purpose?

Ahhhh...that old chestnut. The Great White Replacement conspiracy theory.

Vivek Ramenoodle's parents were born in India. The Democrats brought those darkies here to replace real Americans.

They're not even Christians, and neither is Vivek! :aargh:
Do we really want a guy who does not believe in the One True God occupying the White House?

The dude believes in 33 million deities!!!

That's almost as many gods as the entire population of California!

Who wrote into law all men (humans) are created equal but denied women the vote and made blacks 2/3 human.

So yeah, there’s that.
Yet Another demofk who doesn’t understand history
What's disconcerting is the amnesia right wing whites seem to have.
Looks like the work of terrorists


Vivek is a crackpot

Actually he is not.

The world economic forum and their leaders like George soros, Bill Gates, black rock leaders and a whole lot more are the root cause.

They made these predictions.

As soon as trump was out of office these "predictions" suddenly started to become true.

Chiefly they said America would no longer be a world super power. Well what better way to get rid of the worlds strongest, most influential, independent country that is free? You destabilize it by taking away what it makes it great, you take away true Americans and fracture it's society

It's no secret George soros has financed a huge majority of politicians in America that have fought to divide this nation and take away what makes America America. People like him know if you can't change the rules then you change the people who enforce and create the rules.

You're blind hatred of Republicans makes you blind to what is happening to our country because you're more invested in petty squabbles than the country as a whole. Our society is going down the shitter but you'll ignore it because you've been bamboozled into being part of the problem.
Someone please photoshop Shock G’s Head onto the body of the Harvard President lady as she testified in Congress

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