Literally Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns Including a Nobel Prize-Winning Biophysicist.

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Though you don’t hear their perspectives on CNN, countless scientists and doctors have tried to warn us not only that COVID-19 isn’t nearly as deadly as we’ve been led to believe; they’re also certain that the real threat to public health we’re facing is from the lockdowns.

For example, though the establishment media has somehow failed to make it widely known, in May over 600 physicians from “all specialties and from all states” signed a public letter to President Trump describing, not COVID-19, but the lockdowns as a “mass casualty incident.” Since the letter first appeared, the number of doctors signing on has grown into the thousands.

Expect ALL the little demtards to just BLOW PAST THIS and start in with their pathetic insults.

And they wonder why the president wants to collect the covid infection information in his admin before it goes to the CDC. Wonder how much of it they'll find is pure BS. Inflated to make this FARCE pandemic look far worse than it is, thus hoping it'll make Trump look bad. It's ALWAYS about POWER to democrats, and they have ZERO compulsion about LYING to achieve their FASCIST goal.

Good God I hate fucking democrats. Democrats are the party of TRASH, the new AMERICAN TALIBAN, an ENEMY to America.
How to Deal With Someone Threatening You With a Weapon

Some mutha f*er is gonna
die 'cause I can't get my
mutha f*ing FREQUENT

Though you don’t hear their perspectives on CNN, countless scientists and doctors have tried to warn us not only that COVID-19 isn’t nearly as deadly as we’ve been led to believe; they’re also certain that the real threat to public health we’re facing is from the lockdowns.

For example, though the establishment media has somehow failed to make it widely known, in May over 600 physicians from “all specialties and from all states” signed a public letter to President Trump describing, not COVID-19, but the lockdowns as a “mass casualty incident.” Since the letter first appeared, the number of doctors signing on has grown into the thousands.


Probably tramp freaks.

Because we will only read what they want, its all good news, covid is over.
Though you don’t hear their perspectives on CNN, countless scientists and doctors have tried to warn us not only that COVID-19 isn’t nearly as deadly as we’ve been led to believe; they’re also certain that the real threat to public health we’re facing is from the lockdowns.

For example, though the establishment media has somehow failed to make it widely known, in May over 600 physicians from “all specialties and from all states” signed a public letter to President Trump describing, not COVID-19, but the lockdowns as a “mass casualty incident.” Since the letter first appeared, the number of doctors signing on has grown into the thousands.


Well, if it says so on it MUST be true!
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