Little Known Facts About General Robert Edward Lee

The war started in 1861 because of states rights it wasn’t until two years later that Abraham Lincoln added the Emancipation Proclamation.. it’s you left he said don’t understand history.. and everybody knew slavery was ending. It was cheaper to pay blacks to work on your farm then it was to house them healthcare feed them and pay them

Fuckhead, the "States Right" that the Inbreds were fighting over was slavery. They seceeded because Lincoln got elected.

Oh, yeah... also have a degree in History from UIC. What do you have? I mean, besides dementia?
Some of these I already knew, but some surprised me.
I enjoyed the video, Often had read that Lee was a very kind and decent man.

That could have been one of his downfalls in his military leadership per written work of British Army Major-General, Nazi sympathizer, racist, and anti-Semite J. F. C. Fuller.

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Some of these I already knew, but some surprised me.
I enjoyed the video, Often had read that Lee was a very kind and decent man.

That could have been one of his downfalls in his military leadership per written work of British Army Major-General, Nazi sympathizer, racist, and anti-Semite J. F. C. Fuller.

The way I heard it described

Lee was the General you wanted to win a battle
Grant was the General you wanted to win a war
Some of these I already knew, but some surprised me.
I enjoyed the video, Often had read that Lee was a very kind and decent man.

That could have been one of his downfalls in his military leadership per written work of British Army Major-General, Nazi sympathizer, racist, and anti-Semite J. F. C. Fuller.

The way I heard it described

Lee was the General you wanted to win a battle
Grant was the General you wanted to win a war

Lee was a brilliant tactical general. Grant was a good tactical general but a better strategic thinker. Both were the best for their sides.
He was a racist, traitorous piece of shit who needs to be expunged from the public eye?

Yes. Yes, we know.

The real problem that Modern Liberals have with Gen. Robert E. Lee is the fact that Lee was a southern Honky, and ever since the white people from the south rejected liberal leadership after Clinton, they have had a bug up their ass about Lee.

After all, liberal leaders like Jimmy Carter pardoned and restored the citizenship of Confederate leaders.

The Rejection of Slick Willy and Al Gore after their reign of error in the 1990's changed liberal views of Southern white people.
Lee was a very flawed human being as was Grant. Grant battled alcoholism and was easily duped his entire life.

Lee was in many ways honorable but he had racists views (i.e. Blacks could not thrive without White paternalism}. Lee did not hate Blacks, but he did not respect them either. He was condescending and quietly and subtlely arrogant. That was his undoing.
The Lost Cause rewrote the legacy of Robert E Lee to give him almost saintlike virtues. All in the name of legitimizing the Confederacy and its reason for being.

In canonizing Lee, they needed to destroy the reputation of Grant as a drunkard, a butcher, a General who won by luck.
He was a racist, traitorous piece of shit who needs to be expunged from the public eye?

Yes. Yes, we know.

The real problem that Modern Liberals have with Gen. Robert E. Lee is the fact that Lee was a southern Honky, and ever since the white people from the south rejected liberal leadership after Clinton, they have had a bug up their ass about Lee.

After all, liberal leaders like Jimmy Carter pardoned and restored the citizenship of Confederate leaders.

The Rejection of Slick Willy and Al Gore after their reign of error in the 1990's changed liberal views of Southern white people.
Actually I think JoeB131 ’s attitude toward Lee is wrong and not at all typical of most Liberal views. I suppose your own comment that Lee was “a Southern Honkey” was making fun of Joe’s “piece of shit” language. It is easy to over-react when racists or simply naive people misuse “Lost Cause“ views of slavery or Robert E. Lee symbolism for political purposes. Lee had many worthy character traits, and of course he was a fine General. But his weaknesses as a “Southern gentlemen” and aristocrat led him to choose the Confederate side, the side of slavery and rebellion, when he might have chosen to lead the Union armies instead.

There is no need or reason for liberals or anybody else to denigrate Lee personally. But to use his name to veil a partisan Republican “southern strategy” that appeals to latent white racism or identity politics ... is also absolutely uncalled for.
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The Lost Cause rewrote the legacy of Robert E Lee to give him almost saintlike virtues. All in the name of legitimizing the Confederacy and its reason for being.

In canonizing Lee, they needed to destroy the reputation of Grant as a drunkard, a butcher, a General who won by luck.

Grant was a good man and a fine general. He did battle alcoholism for many, many years. He was a binge drinker who finally got sober in the latter part of his life. He was not the tactical battle field general of Lee's ability, but he was certainly very good.

Lee was also a good man who could not escape his Virginian aristocratic upbringing. I was born and raised in Virginia and some of my family are FFV stock (First Families of Virginia). However I see Lee clearly.

He was an honorable man who held quietly racist views. He could not rise above the biases of his class. His views ultimately were his downfall imho.
Oh brother. Your post clearly indicates you know nothing.

France and Great Britain considered supporting the South. Had the South not lost so many pivotal battles, it’s likely support would have materialized.

Not likely, because, again, slavery was unacceptable in these countries. France was still under the sway of revolutionary thinking, having just deposed another King for another Napoleon. The UK had abolished slavery in the entire Empire 30 years before.

The reason why we need to really denounce and reject any praise for Confederate leaders is because what they did was not only evil, it was massively stupid. There was NO scenario where they were going to win.
British trade with the Confederacy fell over 90% from the prewar period, with a small amount of cotton going to Britain and some munitions and luxury goods slipped in by numerous small blockade runners. They were operated and funded by British private interests. They were legal under international law and caused no dispute between the US and Britain..
Britain also sold 2 war ships to the Confederacy. After the war Britain was forced to pay £15 m. compensation to the US.
The real problem that Modern Liberals have with Gen. Robert E. Lee is the fact that Lee was a southern Honky, and ever since the white people from the south rejected liberal leadership after Clinton, they have had a bug up their ass about Lee.

After all, liberal leaders like Jimmy Carter pardoned and restored the citizenship of Confederate leaders.

actually, most of the Confederate Leadership had their citizenship rights restored within their lifetimes. the only person who Carter (who was, after all a fucking idiot) restored was Jefferson Davis.

Lee and Davis should have been hanged as traitors.

The Rejection of Slick Willy and Al Gore after their reign of error in the 1990's changed liberal views of Southern white people.

Nobody rejected Clinton and Gore.

Here's the real problem. The GOP has gotten very good at using racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. And the South just has more stupid white people per capita.

Trump is just the last, fatal version of that.
The Lost Cause rewrote the legacy of Robert E Lee to give him almost saintlike virtues. All in the name of legitimizing the Confederacy and its reason for being.

In canonizing Lee, they needed to destroy the reputation of Grant as a drunkard, a butcher, a General who won by luck.

Grant was a good man and a fine general. He did battle alcoholism for many, many years. He was a binge drinker who finally got sober in the latter part of his life. He was not the tactical battle field general of Lee's ability, but he was certainly very good.

Lee was also a good man who could not escape his Virginian aristocratic upbringing. I was born and raised in Virginia and some of my family are FFV stock (First Families of Virginia). However I see Lee clearly.

He was an honorable man who held quietly racist views. He could not rise above the biases of his class. His views ultimately were his downfall imho.
Grant was like a pit bull. Once he engaged, he did not let go.
Previous Union Generals would fight, fall back, regroup and come back in a couple months. Grant would lick his wounds and keep fighting. He understood the south had it worse and an Army at 75 percent strength was better than an Army at 60 percent strength.
Grant had a better strategy to win the war than Lee did

Grant waged total war and destroyed Southern resources. Sherman marching through Georgia and Sheridan in the Shenandoah. He knew he could replace lost men and equipment and the South couldn’t.

Lee defended Richmond at all costs. He tied up his forces in Petersburg and they were useless the rest of the war. Richmond was just a city and the Capital could have been moved elsewhere. Lee was most effective when his Army was moving. He could have been more effective and done more damage by breaking out
I have no comment about his political or military views, but after listening to a C-SPAN discussion, I learned that he was definitely a genuine gentleman.

We do not have many of them anymore.

He was a role model for young men of all ethnicities.

Too bad there are not more statues to his memory.
I have no comment about his political or military views, but after listening to a C-SPAN discussion, I learned that he was definitely a genuine gentleman.

We do not have many of them anymore.

He was a role model for young men of all ethnicities.

Too bad there are not more statues to his memory.
All Grant has is a dumb joke about his tomb
The real problem that Modern Liberals have with Gen. Robert E. Lee is the fact that Lee was a southern Honky, and ever since the white people from the south rejected liberal leadership after Clinton, they have had a bug up their ass about Lee.

After all, liberal leaders like Jimmy Carter pardoned and restored the citizenship of Confederate leaders.

actually, most of the Confederate Leadership had their citizenship rights restored within their lifetimes. the only person who Carter (who was, after all a fucking idiot) restored was Jefferson Davis.

Lee and Davis should have been hanged as traitors.

The Rejection of Slick Willy and Al Gore after their reign of error in the 1990's changed liberal views of Southern white people.

Nobody rejected Clinton and Gore.

Here's the real problem. The GOP has gotten very good at using racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. And the South just has more stupid white people per capita.

Trump is just the last, fatal version of that.

The Clintons and Gores ruled the South, and they were summarily rejected by the people. Mrs. Clinton got schlonged royally in Dixie in 2016, if you look at the returns. And it had nothing to do with President Trump "tricking" "stupid" people. Remember, if you will, the fact that Hillary Clinton reigned as Arkansas' First Lady for a full decade. And the Gore Famlly ran their Tennessee fiefdom for a couple of generations before Dubya shlongred him in 2000.
Lee was a very flawed human being as was Grant. Grant battled alcoholism and was easily duped his entire life.

Lee was in many ways honorable but he had racists views (i.e. Blacks could not thrive without White paternalism}. Lee did not hate Blacks, but he did not respect them either. He was condescending and quietly and subtlely arrogant. That was his undoing.

I just watched a 6-hour mini-series on Grant on The History Channel. Please explain your comment of how he was easily duped.
The real problem that Modern Liberals have with Gen. Robert E. Lee is the fact that Lee was a southern Honky, and ever since the white people from the south rejected liberal leadership after Clinton, they have had a bug up their ass about Lee.

After all, liberal leaders like Jimmy Carter pardoned and restored the citizenship of Confederate leaders.

actually, most of the Confederate Leadership had their citizenship rights restored within their lifetimes. the only person who Carter (who was, after all a fucking idiot) restored was Jefferson Davis.

Lee and Davis should have been hanged as traitors.

The Rejection of Slick Willy and Al Gore after their reign of error in the 1990's changed liberal views of Southern white people.

Nobody rejected Clinton and Gore.

Here's the real problem. The GOP has gotten very good at using racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. And the South just has more stupid white people per capita.

Trump is just the last, fatal version of that.

The Clintons and Gores ruled the South, and they were summarily rejected by the people. Mrs. Clinton got schlonged royally in Dixie in 2016, if you look at the returns. And it had nothing to do with President Trump "tricking" "stupid" people. Remember, if you will, the fact that Hillary Clinton reigned as Arkansas' First Lady for a full decade. And the Gore Famlly ran their Tennessee fiefdom for a couple of generations before Dubya shlongred him in 2000.
You have to remember that Hillary was from Chicago, just like Ohbummer!
He was a racist, traitorous piece of crap who needs to be expunged from the public eye? Yes. Yes, we know.

Wow, it just figures you would spew this kind of ignorant garbage about Robert E. Lee. You condemn Lee but praise Mao Tsetung and complain about people "demonizing" Joseph Stalin.
Lee was a very flawed human being as was Grant. Grant battled alcoholism and was easily duped his entire life.

Lee was in many ways honorable but he had racists views (i.e. Blacks could not thrive without White paternalism}. Lee did not hate Blacks, but he did not respect them either. He was condescending and quietly and subtlely arrogant. That was his undoing.

I just watched a 6-hour mini-series on Grant on The History Channel. Please explain your comment of how he was easily duped.
The real problem that Modern Liberals have with Gen. Robert E. Lee is the fact that Lee was a southern Honky, and ever since the white people from the south rejected liberal leadership after Clinton, they have had a bug up their ass about Lee.

After all, liberal leaders like Jimmy Carter pardoned and restored the citizenship of Confederate leaders.

actually, most of the Confederate Leadership had their citizenship rights restored within their lifetimes. the only person who Carter (who was, after all a fucking idiot) restored was Jefferson Davis.

Lee and Davis should have been hanged as traitors.

The Rejection of Slick Willy and Al Gore after their reign of error in the 1990's changed liberal views of Southern white people.

Nobody rejected Clinton and Gore.

Here's the real problem. The GOP has gotten very good at using racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. And the South just has more stupid white people per capita.

Trump is just the last, fatal version of that.

The Clintons and Gores ruled the South, and they were summarily rejected by the people. Mrs. Clinton got schlonged royally in Dixie in 2016, if you look at the returns. And it had nothing to do with President Trump "tricking" "stupid" people. Remember, if you will, the fact that Hillary Clinton reigned as Arkansas' First Lady for a full decade. And the Gore Famlly ran their Tennessee fiefdom for a couple of generations before Dubya shlongred him in 2000.
You have to remember that Hillary was from Chicago, just like Ohbummer!
If you saw the end of the series when he was President, he was easily duped by his staff who he trusted. After leaving office, he lost all his money in a Ponzi scheme.
Lee was the General you wanted to win a battle. Grant was the General you wanted to win a war.

What a joke. Grant used his men as cannon fodder and only won because Lee had his supplies severely cut due to the CSA's loss of ports and rail lines. On two occasions, Grant left his wounded men to die on the battlefield because he was too proud to admit he had lost and refused to call for a flag of truce to retrieve the wounded and bury the dead.

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