Little Mermaid White Again - Left Goes Crazy - RACE SWAPPING!

They did try to redo Uncle Buck as a television show with an all black cast. Predictably it bombed and didn’t get renewed. Seems people remember that John Candy (a large white guy) was the man who played Uncle Buck (a movie I enjoyed). Don’t know why anybody, black or not, would want to try to play that role after Candy.
Wouldn't a movie with a black cast be racist if they used "Uncle Buck" as the name?

videos talking about it are being removed and twitter is of course, banning those who would post such an atrocity. but what is so damn funny is all the whining about "race swapping" when that is exactly what disney did to begin with.

now you can and on the left will argue DISNEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT and save their rage for the truly problematic bakers who won't make cakes for a gay wedding. apparently they CAN'T do what they want.

amazing to me the problems that get our focus today.

Imagine that a corporation is so racist that they use a young black girl as a prop for manufactured controversy to make money. Then when people complain they use her as a shield against criticism.
Imagine a world where no one cares.
Must be why the new and “ improved “ Ariel has absolutely no motivation for wanting to live on the surface.

Disney just wants you to watch because she is black. Zzzzz.
Projection rejection…
Disney just wants everyone to watch.
You want everyone to see your grievance over a black lead.
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For the life of me, I can’t figure out why grown men would care this much about the race of an animated and fictional character.
Sad, you fail to see the bigger picture. Race swapping any form of art is a denigration to all parties involved. Such things degrade the original with a sappy carbon copy, such things also degrade whoever is swapped, as they are deemed unworthy of their own unique story, movie, etc.
Sad, you fail to see the bigger picture. Race swapping any form of art is a denigration to all parties involved. Such things degrade the original with a sappy carbon copy, such things also degrade whoever is swapped, as they are deemed unworthy of their own unique story, movie, etc.
Mermaids. Aren’t. Real.

You wanna know what’s really sad? You’re a grown man whining about the race of an imaginary creature in a children‘s movie. That’s what’s sad.
Mermaids. Aren’t. Real.

You wanna know what’s really sad? You’re a grown man whining about the race of an imaginary creature in a children‘s movie. That’s what’s sad.
What part of bigger picture don't you get? The mermaid is incidental. The whole race swapping issue reeks of cultural appropriation. We all know who whines the loudest over that.
What part of bigger picture don't you get? The mermaid is incidental. The whole race swapping issue reeks of cultural appropriation. We all know who whines the loudest over that.

I see YOU whining about the race of an imaginary creature in a children’s movie.

If you have a bigger picture argument, this is a REALLY stupid place to bring it up. I see no reason why your imaginary fictional creature has to be white. You look like a complete man-baby if you’re offended by this.
Did no one one read the article the OP posted?

There are good reasons to be mad at this film, another in a series of unnecessary and by definition unoriginal remakes, about the virtues of a woman giving up her family and the very core of her being in order to land a man.

But casting isn’t one of them.

Alas, they wanna be where the white people are, and they’ve found an answer to their woes.

Multiple folks on Twitter immediately focused on the poster boiling down “woke” to just be a synonym for “Black,” a rare moment of pure honesty about what these folks really mean when they complain about it.

It's so obvious to everyone that when cuck whites complain about things being "woke" they're complaining about black people.

videos talking about it are being removed and twitter is of course, banning those who would post such an atrocity. but what is so damn funny is all the whining about "race swapping" when that is exactly what disney did to begin with.

now you can and on the left will argue DISNEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT and save their rage for the truly problematic bakers who won't make cakes for a gay wedding. apparently they CAN'T do what they want.

amazing to me the problems that get our focus today.

This isn’t an issue for the left.

Only you.

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