Living In A Racist Negro Dictatorship

I myself do not know any. If YOU do it speaks to those you run with.
Simple as that.
So you were just making stuff up when you bloviated on who attended Klan meetings?

Who would ever have thought?
As democrats have a LOOONG history supporting and funding AND defending the klan one would expect them to attend the meetings if not hold and chair them.
Putting your little argument aside.
Why wold I give a shit about some idiot reporter who goes over to the Middle East and gets in trouble regardless of their race?
Ahhh, yet another edifying dorky-fuzzlenutz-IQ-214 thread!

from the OP:
DorkyFuzzlenutz said:
Racist Negro Dictatorship

hmmmm, ok..... well..... ok.......

As democrats have a LOOONG history supporting and funding AND defending the klan one would expect them to attend the meetings if not hold and chair them.
But the slave states have turned Republican since then.
And the northern cities have turned BLUE. Where is your modern day fires and riots and lootings? Those BLUE democrat cities. The thugging is nothing but good ole boy SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT history. SAME bigoted narrow minded self defeating bullshit they have sold for over 100 years.

The sides never changed the democrats TAUGHT another race HOW to be bigots. Conservatives left the cities and democrats STARTED winning elections there. MOST if not all those cities were REPUBLICAN strong holds.

WE conservatives built modern plumbing and housing to the south while democrats TORE UP the modern northern cities that conservatives BUILT.

Democrats really need to switch to the logo of a rat. And given what they have done to the cities I SUGGEST a hood rat.
Ahhh, yet another edifying dorky-fuzzlenutz-IQ-214 thread!

from the OP:
DorkyFuzzlenutz said:
Racist Negro Dictatorship

hmmmm, ok..... well..... ok.......

You know stats, I seldom talk to you because you are so horribly stupid. I would think retards point at you and laugh in public. You care to show your total LACK of smarts? Define the word NEGRO per say Websters.

That is NOT a racist word you nit wit. NOW IF you want to act like the little childish shit you are fine! YOUR polls have been dropping of late. What three ANTI Stat threads this WEEK and none by me YET.

Your a loser that relies on a cut and paste from a stat site and nothing more. In other words you ARE cyber bullshit. A fake loser persona with NO real skills at posting at problem solving and most likely about LIFE as a whole.

NOW as to why you are acting the way you do is rather easy. For EVERY person here that KNOWS Hillary is a LIAR they also know you are a FAKE. And as the foot steps get louder for her they WILL get louder for you shit for brains and you know why?

Boards flux you ignorant twit. You go back to the first couple of "who is" on this board and you will find it was CONSERVATIVE dominated. You and those other pole smokers LOSE the national you lose the board AS WELL.

The "Loon Platoon" comes to a grinding halt and the board shifts. It's cyber evolution and it happens. Now do I blow a word here or there? Or maybe use the wrong word? Yeah, but I was taught to make choices and money and not quit.

My plan in high school was to retire at 50. I retired at 45. Your NOBODY Stat a big nobody. I got NO fear of you and could truly care less if you draw your next breath.

THAT to me is just how important you are. :flameth:
Too much apparently incoherent ranting for me to be able to interpret.
moved to the rural and built suburbs.

Too much apparently incoherent ranting for me to be able to interpret.
Okay, simple terms.
Republicans moved to the rural areas and built the suburbs.
Democrats moved to the cities and destroyed them.
Democrats were broke and ignorant and needed work.
Republicans had cash and wanted to build.
While the republicans were building the rural.
Democrats were destroying the city.

And THAT is where we are today.
Ahhh, yet another edifying dorky-fuzzlenutz-IQ-214 thread!

from the OP:
DorkyFuzzlenutz said:
Racist Negro Dictatorship

hmmmm, ok..... well..... ok.......

You know stats, I seldom talk to you because you are so horribly stupid. I would think retards point at you and laugh in public. You care to show your total LACK of smarts? Define the word NEGRO per say Websters.

That is NOT a racist
word you nit wit.
NOW IF you want to act like the little childish shit you are fine! YOUR polls have been dropping of late. What three ANTI Stat threads this WEEK and none by me YET.

Your a loser that relies on a cut and paste from a stat site and nothing more. In other words you ARE cyber bullshit. A fake loser persona with NO real skills at posting at problem solving and most likely about LIFE as a whole.

NOW as to why you are acting the way you do is rather easy. For EVERY person here that KNOWS Hillary is a LIAR they also know you are a FAKE. And as the foot steps get louder for her they WILL get louder for you shit for brains and you know why?

Boards flux you ignorant twit. You go back to the first couple of "who is" on this board and you will find it was CONSERVATIVE dominated. You and those other pole smokers LOSE the national you lose the board AS WELL.

The "Loon Platoon" comes to a grinding halt and the board shifts. It's cyber evolution and it happens. Now do I blow a word here or there? Or maybe use the wrong word? Yeah, but I was taught to make choices and money and not quit.

My plan in high school was to retire at 50. I retired at 45. Your NOBODY Stat a big nobody. I got NO fear of you and could truly care less if you draw your next breath.

THAT to me is just how important you are. :flameth:

Well, hello, Dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, of course "Negro" is a racist term when non-blacks use it to degrade Black people, and that is all you have done since you have gotten to USMB, from the very first day. Your very behavior betrays you.

Asclepias MarcATL C_Clayton_Jones - what do you all think of this very easy definition?

And then, Dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, you go out of your way to call Black people racists based on a riot in one city of the USA where not even close to a miniscule part of the city's population took part in said riot. You do understand this very easy to understand point, right?

What we saw in Baltimore does not even come close to the Tulsa (OK) race-riots of 1921, started by White folks, who destroyed over 1,000 black homes. And then there's the Springfield (ILL) race riot of 1908, caused by white people, and then there's the riots against globalization, where people of all races are involved.

So, you keep on boasting about retiring early and having an IQ of 214 and threatening to report people to the elections commission and stuff, because all we are doing it laughing at you. Hell, even Righties are laughing at you, telling you you are going too far. That's quite a phenomenon!

But please, keep on doing what you are doing, Dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, because the entertainment value of it all is just too good!

The USA has a real, tangible, verifiable problem with racism in all corners, white-on-black, black-on-white, white-on-brown, brown-on-white, etc, but full-idiots like you aren't making it any better.

In your blind hatred for anything that is not you, you have long forgotten that we are ALL homo-sapiens. And this is why you shall forever be known as Dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, till the end of time, Dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.

Oh, and the stuff in green? More evidence of your massive IQ of 214!

Obama is the most outwardly racist politician to ever hold office yet the sycophantic left will accuse anyone who opposes him of racism. This thread will bear that out.
Your posts bears out that you are racist scum.

Your ilk if not watched could be as dangerous as jihadism, your other favorite force because it threatens the American mainstream.

Anything is right by you if it brings down America.
Did you use your above 200 IQ to figure all that out, or did you just pick it up at a klan rally?
Republicans and Libertarians AND Tea Party members do not go to klan meetings. Those are for democrats.

I know some klan members. Yes they do.
I myself do not know any. If YOU do it speaks to those you run with.
Simple as that.

In the grownup world, it's possible to have dealings with people that aren't necessarily your best friends. I didn't have much control over the employees of companies I did worked for.
I myself would never work for a klan controlled company as you say you have. There are other jobs and I would find another.

Odd that someone who claims to have such a high IQ would jump to the conclusion that a company was KKK controlled. One of the companies I made deliveries to had a couple of them working on the loading dock. I hardly call that being controlled.
Did you use your above 200 IQ to figure all that out, or did you just pick it up at a klan rally?
Republicans and Libertarians AND Tea Party members do not go to klan meetings. Those are for democrats.

I know some klan members. Yes they do.
I myself do not know any. If YOU do it speaks to those you run with.
Simple as that.

In the grownup world, it's possible to have dealings with people that aren't necessarily your best friends. I didn't have much control over the employees of companies I did worked for.
So you sold out your principals (or lack thereof) for financial gain?

S. J., of course, does not want to work with people of color.

Sux to be S. J.
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That IS what you are living in IF you live in the United States. The little hints that support that come out almost daily. Such as Al Sharpton. "white people should never kill black people EVEN in self defense". You know I bet that very SAME statement was made by white racist democrats LONG before the black racist democrats ever picked it up.

When you live in a racist negro dictatorship when one negro kills another nothing happens. BUT when a white/hispanic/asian kills a negro the world is coming apart! These ARE the very things that define equality NOT who has a I-pod but is justice equal?

What are the other clues you might be living in a racist negro dictatorship? Well let's look at a few.
1, Four white people trapped in Libya. Result? They die.
2, One white journalist taken hostage in the middle east. Result? They die.
3, Arab pilot downed over the ocean. Result? Found and saved in TWO hours.

4, One asian and one hispanic cop killed in New York. Result? Crickets.
5, Black thug dies after committing strong arm robbery in St. Louis. Result? Protests and looting.

Those facts DO say you are living under a Racist Negro Dictatorship. I don't care if your white, hispanic or asian. when your rights are removed and other rights are granted to another race that you DO NOT have based on color that IS racist.

Welcome to the days of Negro Skin Privilege brought to you by the Racist Negro Dictatorship....

You are free to make as much noise about white people dying as Blacks do about Black people dying at the hands of racist cops. If there is apathy on your part as a white guy you have no one to blame but yourself.
S. J. just wants to partner up with enemies of America, the Klan or the jihadis or whatever.

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