Liz Cheney: No surprise Trump doesn't want you to see the J6 Committee evidence

just a thought: do you embarrass the women you know with talk like that? We know Trump does:

Donald Trump regularly made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka and fantasized about what it would be like to have sex with her, according to a former Trump administration official.

Donald Trump said that he and his daughter Ivanka have sex in common in a February 2013 taped appearance on The Wendy Williams Show . During a question and answer game, Williams asked Ivanka, "What's the favorite thing you have in common with your father?" Ivanka answered, "Either real estate or golf" while Trump added, "Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that to her."

“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” Taylor wrote, recalling an alleged exchange with Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff between 2017 and 2019.

“Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was ‘a very, very evil man.’”
There are many other topics to be embarrassed to support, like grooming and mutilating children and multiple genders .. before disagreeing with a politician and their position.

try harder next time.
You missed the nail completely.
The only way Smith can "prove" what Trump might or might not have known is through the sworn statements of those experts around him (Chief of Staff, Attorney General, campaign staff, Vice President, and so on) who repeatedly explained to him that he had legitimately lost the election.
Then it will be up to the jury to decide whether a reasonably intelligent person after being told by pretty much everybody in the know that he had lost, could still believe otherwise.
And if the answer is "yes," he was incapable of listening to reason, fact, and common sense then that opens up an entirely new can of worms that calls his competence to even hold the office into question.
All the people on the planet could have told Him He lost.......the more important issue that Smith has to prove is if Trump acknowledged those opinions and self admitted He lost. If so, Smith has Him......if not.......Smith is in a world of hurt.
His speech that day was only a small part of it.
He had months of dog whistling to his MAGAts between November and January.
And even before that in the summer of 2020 when he kept saying that the only way Biden could win was by "cheating."
All of this rhetoric was setting the stage for and fuelling the insurgency.

You’re still doing the dog whistle thingy. Leftist haven’t used that since the howls of racism in the nineties. You need to get a copy of the new leftists catch phrases. PM Dante, it can hook you up.
All the people on the planet could have told Him He lost.......the more important issue that Smith has to prove is if Trump acknowledged those opinions and self admitted He lost. If so, Smith has Him......if not.......Smith is in a world of hurt.
Smith has quite a bit of evidence that Trump knew he lost including his own statements.
But you are mistaken. Even if Trump refused to "believe" he had lost he still didn't have the right to resort to illegal means to rectify the situation.
If I "believe" my bank made an error on my monthly statement that doesn't give me the "right" to go into the bank and rob it in order to make it right.

Donald Trump privately admitted to losing the 2020 election even as he worked to undermine and change the results, according to two top aides who testified before the January 6 committee.
During the ninth and possibly final hearing, the committee investigating the January 6 insurrection shared new testimony from Alyssa Farah, a former White House aide, who said that a week after the election was called in favor of Biden, Trump was watching Biden on the television in the Oval Office, and said: “‘Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?

Smith has quite a bit of evidence that Trump knew he lost including his own statements.
But you are mistaken. Even if Trump refused to "believe" he had lost he still didn't have the right to resort to illegal means to rectify the situation.
If I "believe" my bank made an error on my monthly statement that doesn't give me the "right" to go into the bank and rob it in order to make it right.

Donald Trump privately admitted to losing the 2020 election even as he worked to undermine and change the results, according to two top aides who testified before the January 6 committee.
During the ninth and possibly final hearing, the committee investigating the January 6 insurrection shared new testimony from Alyssa Farah, a former White House aide, who said that a week after the election was called in favor of Biden, Trump was watching Biden on the television in the Oval Office, and said: “‘Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?

This is of the same level of 'evidence' as Cassidy Hutchinson's hearsay about Trump grabbing the steering wheel.
This is of the same level of 'evidence' as Cassidy Hutchinson's hearsay about Trump grabbing the steering wheel.
Smith is a veteran prosecutor.
You can be sure he has more than that to connect the dots that make his point.
As I said before Huchinson's sworn testimony is just what we've seen.
There is more.
This is a common misconception circulating around.
All Smith has to do is prove that Trump broke the law.
That's it.
Whatever Trumps "state of mind" was when he broke the law doesn't factor in.
Unless he is criminally insane....but in that case he isn't qualified to be POTUS anyway.

The entire RICO thingy is a joke. Conspiracy to commit this and conspiracy to commit that. Conspiracy is a state of mind. RICO charges meant for gangsters and drug lords. You leftist are the most gullible sheep on the planet. You morons have more evidence the pee pee tapes exist than you do on all four fake indictments and 91 charges.
Smith is a veteran prosecutor.
You can be sure he has more than that to connect the dots that make his point.
As I said before Huchinson's sworn testimony is just what we've seen.
There is more.

Sure he does captain. Sure he does.
The entire RICO thingy is a joke. Conspiracy to commit this and conspiracy to commit that. Conspiracy is a state of mind. RICO charges meant for gangsters and drug lords. You leftist are the most gullible sheep on the planet. You morons have more evidence the pee pee tapes exist than you do on all four fake indictments and 91 charges.
It will now be up to a jury of Trump's peers to determine that.
Smith has quite a bit of evidence that Trump knew he lost including his own statements.
But you are mistaken. Even if Trump refused to "believe" he had lost he still didn't have the right to resort to illegal means to rectify the situation.
If I "believe" my bank made an error on my monthly statement that doesn't give me the "right" to go into the bank and rob it in order to make it right.

Donald Trump privately admitted to losing the 2020 election even as he worked to undermine and change the results, according to two top aides who testified before the January 6 committee.
During the ninth and possibly final hearing, the committee investigating the January 6 insurrection shared new testimony from Alyssa Farah, a former White House aide, who said that a week after the election was called in favor of Biden, Trump was watching Biden on the television in the Oval Office, and said: “‘Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?

You’ve seen this evidence personally or have you fantasized it with the help of the dems and their media wing?
Smith is a veteran prosecutor.
You can be sure he has more than that to connect the dots that make his point.
As I said before Huchinson's sworn testimony is just what we've seen.
There is more.

I’m sure smith is a “relentless bulldog” just like Mueller.
I don't want to slog through all that stuff so could someone point me to the part where Trump tells people to storm the Capitol so that he can overthrow the government? Thanks in advance.
We know your kind doesnt like to read. But what you may be surprised to know is that trump still has plenty of opportunities to go to jail without having to prove trump instructed people to storm the Capitol. Have a great day, traitor!
We know your kind doesnt like to read. But what you may be surprised to know is that trump still has plenty of opportunities to go to jail without having to prove trump instructed people to storm the Capitol. Have a great day, traitor!
I wasted a lot of time reading the Mueller Report, which was a nothingburger. I have no interest in wasting my time on the J6 report. But thanks for admitting that Trump didn't order his followers to overthrow the government.
I wasted a lot of time reading the Mueller Report, which was a nothingburger. I have no interest in wasting my time on the J6 report. But thanks for admitting that Trump didn't order his followers to overthrow the government.
I didnt admit that. I said that doesnt have to be proved in order for trump to be found guilty of something. But that's why your kind consistently has problems comprehending what they read, which makes you susceptible to conspiracy theories.
I didnt admit that. I said that doesnt have to be proved in order for trump to be found guilty of something. But that's why your kind consistently has problems comprehending what they read, which makes you susceptible to conspiracy theories.
And if you had any evidence you would have gleefully presented it. You got nothing. Your dodge is an admission of innocence.

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