Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

struth wrote: what’s the bad faith in the memo? 21OCT26-POST#371

NFBW wrote: Congress is bound by federal law to accept the safe harbor slate of electors from the December 14 deadline? 21OCT26-POST#381

Oldestyle wrote: This whole mess goes to the Supreme Court... 21OCT26-POST#377

NFBW wrote: Do you Oldestyle and struth understand what it means if Congress is bound by federal law to accept the safe harbor slate of electors that met the December 14 Constitutional deadline? 21OCT26-POST#381

NFBW wrote: There is no mess to go to the Supreme Court Oldstyle. All the states reached the Safe Harbor DATE stipulated in the Constitution - - - The election was decided on December 14 when all fifty states submitted their certified election results. 21OCT26-POST#381

Key Election Dates
Dec. 8: States finish vote certification
Dec. 14: Electors vote
Jan. 6: Congress formalizes the outcome
Jan. 20: Inauguration Day
»Read a full timeline from Election Day to Inauguration Day.
"If a state can conclude its process of appointing electors by that [safe harbor deadline] then Congress is bound by federal law to accept the slate of electors that is arrived upon by that date," said Rebecca Green, the co-director of the Election Law program at William and Mary

NFBW wrote: The bad faith in the EASTMAN memo struth was to unconstitutionally ignore the safe harbor date results and advise the President that Pence could reject seven states that Biden won just for believing as Correll suggests that those safe harbor electors were tainted by fraud. 21OCT26-POST#381

Correll wrote: 1. Is it not Pence's job to make that call himself? - - - 2. IF Pence believed that the ballots were fraudulent, is that not what SHOULD have happened? 21OCT16-POST#887
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struth wrote: The blueprint wasn't based on lies, it was based on the possiblity and plan if something happens. 21OCT26-POST#380

NFBW wrote: There was no “if” about it. There was no ongoing disputes in the 7 States. ALL STATES SAFE HARBORED THEIR SLATES OF ELECTORS by DECEMBER 8. - - - 21OCT26-POST#382

EASTMAN wrote: 3. “At the end, he {PENCE} announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States.”

NFBW wrote: Eastman lies in his memo - there were no ongoing disputes in any state. 21OCT26-POST#382

“”” It may come and go without much fanfare, but on Tuesday, the U.S. will pass a key deadline cementing President-elect Joe Biden's victory as the 46th president.

The day, Dec. 8, is known as the "safe harbor" deadline for states to certify their results, compelling Congress to accept those results “””
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NFBW wrote: There were no disputes in any of the states to be resolved. All fifty states certified their elections as required by the Constitution.21OCT26-POST#365

Oldestyle wrote: There were no disputes in any of the States? Really? 21OCT26-POST#373

NFBW wrote: I wrote “ There were no disputes in any of the states to be resolved.” 21OCT26-POST#384

to be resolved.”

to be resolved.”

to be resolved.”

to be resolved.”

TELL the message board Oldestyle what it means: “There were no disputes in any of the states that needed to be resolved because the certified results were all in a safe harbor.

Or if that is too difficult what does “to be resolved.” mean.
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struth wrote: I see nothing illegal about the's actually an interesting legal frame work, and a lawyer...doing what a lawyer does...showing a potential solution or blueprint. 21OCT26- POST#362

NFBW wrote: Solution for what struth ? Biden was Constitutionally the winner of the election on December 14. There was no legal or peaceful remedy to change that outcome of the election on January 6. 21OCT26- POST#385

She doesnt really provide a silver bullet in this statement but it really does look like that is the case. Bannon has an obligation to Trump and it is the logical conclusion.
I think that it might be alike that scene in A Few Good Men where Trump would want to scream at America.

"You cant handle the truth. SAD",

On a positive note it does appear that Liz and her friends have bollocks big enough to deal with this.
If Trump had been involved in an real insurrection to take over the government the participants would have been armed to the teeth and at least initially they would have taken over the Capitol Building.
If Trump had been involved in an real insurrection to take over the government the participants would have been armed to the teeth and at least initially they would have taken over the Capitol Building.
If the crowd had used guns...the LEOs would have retreated to good defensive positions and BLASTED that crowd.

And every law enforcement member within 35 miles would have been there in half an hour as well as the National Guard and probably 82nd Airborne..and those MAGArats knew it.
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@jehenne wrote: Maybe one day you will see "the big picture" and the enemy of America and of God for who it really is. 21OCT26-POST#372

NFBW wrote: You can help me see the same big picture that you see if you can explain something you wrote right after I watched some Americans carrying JESUS flags during a violent attack on the US Capitol to do something patriotic for DJT You wrote this: 21OCT26-POST#388

jehanne1431 wrote: Trump lost because of the corona virus which brought down the economy. - - - But he also lost because the DNC is so corrupt and lawless they stole an election. - - - But most of all he lost because America is stupid, ignorant, and full of themselves. - - - And by that I mean they seek pleasure and comfort and care little or nothing about God. - - - Now, go celebrate. 21JAN08-POST#2021

NFBW wrote: So how does this work when you say that DJT lost because “the DNC is so corrupt and lawless they stole an election” ? If the DNC stole the election why doesn’t that mean DJT won despite Americans being stupid, ignorant, and full of themselves seeking pleasure and comfort and caring little or nothing about God. (You know being Trump-Like) ? - - - just wondering why you say DJT lost. don’t you mean to say DJT won except the DNC stole it from him? 21OCT26-POST#388
Again, my opinion doesn't matter, I don't have a vote on the committee and in my personal opinion, again, what does it matter?
I already answered that.

Yes, I am curious if you are making up preemptive excuses or if you are to evidence.

So there IS a point to the investigation. Glad we cleared that up.
@jehenne wrote: Maybe one day you will see "the big picture" and the enemy of America and of God for who it really is. 21OCT26-POST#372

NFBW wrote: You can help me see the same big picture that you see if you can explain something you wrote right after I watched some Americans carrying JESUS flags during a violent attack on the US Capitol to do something patriotic for DJT You wrote this: 21OCT26-POST#388

jehanne1431 wrote: Trump lost because of the corona virus which brought down the economy. - - - But he also lost because the DNC is so corrupt and lawless they stole an election. - - - But most of all he lost because America is stupid, ignorant, and full of themselves. - - - And by that I mean they seek pleasure and comfort and care little or nothing about God. - - - Now, go celebrate. 21JAN08-POST#2021

NFBW wrote: So how does this work when you say that DJT lost because “the DNC is so corrupt and lawless they stole an election” ? If the DNC stole the election why doesn’t that mean DJT won despite Americans being stupid, ignorant, and full of themselves seeking pleasure and comfort and caring little or nothing about God. (You know being Trump-Like) ? - - - just wondering why you say DJT lost. don’t you mean to say DJT won except the DNC stole it from him? 21OCT26-POST#388
Dude...there's a quote button. Learn it. Use it
Dude...there's a quote button. Learn it. Use it

Dont you have anything else to do? What’s it to you? The only way to deal with and track RWNJ’s lies is the way I’m doing it

Lesh works better for me. You can use the @ symbol and the screen name pops up - it’s pretty slick learn to use it for dialing in to specific comments. Cuts out the meaningless crap that goes with most posts around here

Now do you Lesh have anything meaningful to contribute?
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struth wrote: I see nothing illegal about the's actually an interesting legal frame work, and a lawyer...doing what a lawyer does...showing a potential solution or blueprint. 21OCT26- POST#362

NFBW wrote: Solution for what struth ? Biden was Constitutionally the winner of the election on December 14. There was no legal or peaceful remedy to change that outcome of the election on January 6. 21OCT26- POST#385
for if there wwee to legal challenges when it was being certified.

Congress has to certify the votes and Congressmen can object

if that were to happen, it’s a perfectly legal blueprint of what could happen

try and keep up
struth wrote: Doesn’t Biden run the DOJ that conducted an investigation that exonerated Trump? 21OCT24-POST#285

NFBW wrote: We started here struth . We are discussing what DJT did in 2020/21 to cause a riot at the Capitol in
an attempt to overturn the election. He had a plan - The Eastman Plan and he tried to get Pence to throw in with him. When PENCE refused on the Eve of the ceremony his militia minded followers thought ‘fight to save America’ meant to assault the Capitol to stop Pence by hanging the pussy anti-American coward 21OCT26-POST#

struth wrote: For if there were to {be}legal challenges when it was being certified. - - - Congress has to certify the votes and Congressmen can object - - - if that were to happen, it’s a perfectly legal blueprint of what could happen 21OCT26-POST#392

NFBW wrote: And all you are doing struth here is avoiding those facts by changing the discussion to what if something happens in the future. - - - Lesh take note. See what the likes of struth does. 21OCT26-POST#
struth wrote: Doesn’t Biden run the DOJ that conducted an investigation that exonerated Trump? 21OCT24-POST#285

NFBW wrote: We started here struth . We are discussing what DJT did in 2020/21 to cause a riot at the Capitol in
an attempt to overturn the election. He had a plan - The Eastman Plan and he tried to get Pence to throw in with him. When PENCE refused on the Eve of the ceremony his militia minded followers thought ‘fight to save America’ meant to assault the Capitol to stop Pence by hanging the pussy anti-American coward 21OCT26-POST#

struth wrote: For if there were to {be}legal challenges when it was being certified. - - - Congress has to certify the votes and Congressmen can object - - - if that were to happen, it’s a perfectly legal blueprint of what could happen 21OCT26-POST#392

NFBW wrote: And all you are doing struth here is avoiding those facts by changing the discussion to what if something happens in the future. - - - Lesh take note. See what the likes of struth does. 21OCT26-POST#
yeah a perfectly legal potential plan
Quote feature works better and you can hit the little arrow and go back to the original.

Try it. Works great.

I know how to use it but I prefer keeping RWNJ’s posts on my notes and I can click on the posts going back 2015 with no searching .
yeah a perfectly legal potential plan

But unconstitutional on Jan62021
Great - you need to continue avoid dealing with the facts abd truth about DJT’s failed attempt to overthrow the safe harbored election results from fifty states
struth wrote: yeah a perfectly legal potential plan 21OCT26-POST#395

NFBW wrote: Can we go back to the actively pursued plan on Jan6 this year? Or is dealing with the facts on Jan6 still a huge problem and you don’t want to deal with facts ever?

Eastman says his memo is crazy:

“”” On Friday, National Review reported that one of the key legal architects of Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the last election, John Eastman, now has some second thoughts. “Anybody who thinks that that’s a viable strategy is crazy,” Eastman now says of his own work product. While Eastman’s acknowledgment comes with many strings attached—he repeatedly misremembered and mischaracterized his own advice to Trump in his conversation with National Review—it is not wrong.

The Eastman memo and its suggestion that Vice President Mike Pence had unilateral authority to overrule the voters and decide the election for his own side was crazy “””

struth wrote: What about it? Sounds like a blue print of a perfectly literal legal route 21OCT25- POST#356
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I already answered that.

Yes, I am curious if you are making up preemptive excuses or if you are to evidence.

So there IS a point to the investigation. Glad we cleared that up.
No, I'd say IF they were to actually find evidence, I'd support what follows, but I don't have any hope that they will find evidence. They will put up a lot of distraction, circumstance, and a lot of trying to manipulate context, and assumptions in order to show, "we think soandso did this and we feel that means...etc..." combine that with the fact that everyone on that committee wants to see Trump indicted means that yes, the committee is pointless, because it's not honest.

Ill ask you the same question I asked another poster, do you think there is any circumstance where the dems walk away admitting they were wrong? Do you think that would ever happen? I dont...what say you?
No, I'd say IF they were to actually find evidence, I'd support what follows, but I don't have any hope that they will find evidence.
A fair point. Trump will drag this out for infinity, if he can.

As for the others? Hmm, don't be so sure. The committee will be pulling phone records.

that with the fact that everyone on that committee wants to see Trump indicted means that yes, the committee is pointless, because it's not honest.
And I argue that it is NOT, whether or not their opinion is predisposed. I say that it IS important that some facts come out.

It IS important that we heard Trump extort a foreign leader. regardless of how impeachment turned out or happened. It IS important that we know if Congresspeople or the president were planning for and hoping for/encouraging violence on Jan 6.

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