Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

Because it was not well coordinated. Some individuals went there with that intent, and the rest were incited on the spot.

Because insurrection charges are never pursued. If it were that easy, then the people stating on video and facebook that their intent was to overturn the election and keep their orange pile of shit in power would already be in prison for insurrection, based on their public confessions.

So now you know.
So if one is not legally convicted or even charged with insurrection then how can it be an insurrection? Based solely on opinion?
Adam Schiff claimed Trump colluded with Russia too!!!!

If....AND I MEAN can be proven by non partisan political hacks that Trump did this, then that would change my view of things.

Im confident that will never happen.
I see - Was this a Trump backed poll? :)

I see - Was this a Trump backed poll? :)

Not to my knowledge, it wasn't. I can't find it, I'm assuming that Google buried it
Is she the entire committee? I dont think she is. Like I said, if the evidence can ever be presented and witnesses actually testify and nothing is revealed, I'll drop it.

LOL at you thinking the storming of the Capitol should not be investigated after trump was presented with a "plan" to circumvent the results of the election.
I haven't said anything about the protest at the Capitol. So I guess you like to put words into my mouth and argue odd. :rolleyes-41:
A LOT of broken bullet proof glass and doors...140 cops injured..."tourists" hunting lawmakers...death threats chanted...feces smeared around the seat of our government and


Nothing excuses that.
“Feces smeared”? Yea right.

Half those idiots were Antifa posing as MAGA supporters, others were FBI informants.

Show us how many of them have been charged with violent assault or “insurrection”.
I didn't bother reading past page 2.

Has ANY Trump Humper said they would be bothered if Trump either helped plan 1/6 or had knowledge of it ahead of time?
I suspect that they'll be as bothered as you fucking lunatics were, when it was revealed that three years of the RUSSIA! narrative was 100% fake.
Is she the entire committee? I dont think she is. Like I said, if the evidence can ever be presented and witnesses actually testify and nothing is revealed, I'll drop it.

LOL at you thinking the storming of the Capitol should not be investigated after trump was presented with a "plan" to circumvent the results of the election.
Ahhh.....The stale old "if true" ring-around-the-rosy horseshit.

You moonbats really need to get a new act.
I suspect that they'll be as bothered as you fucking lunatics were, when it was revealed that three years of the RUSSIA! narrative was 100% fake.
In other words… none of you would give a shit
“Feces smeared”? Yea right.

Half those idiots were Antifa posing as MAGA supporters, others were FBI informants.

Show us how many of them have been charged with violent assault or “insurrection”.
Too bad not ONE of them has shown to be anything BUT MAGA assholes.

As seen on their social media posts and court statements
Oh right, a “violent insurrection” with zero guns. Wow, a few broken windows. Compare that to BLM and Antifa riots, burning down police precincts, shooting cops, and burning people’s businesses down.
Again, who needs guns when you have the sheer volume of people and outnumber your opponent by at least 5 to 1. Flag poles, sticks, sharp instruments, even small knives were more than adequate.
And sorry, none of those protests for social justice that got out of hand were rooted in the belief that a free and fair election was "stolen", or an attempt to interrupt and reverse the peaceful transition of
power in this county.

I would have thought by now that those of you in Alt-Right Nation would just own it and stop trying to deflect from it.
There was nothing peaceful about that day. I hope they nail Trump to the cross for it. :)
Until someone is charged with Insurrection and is found guilty it's not an Insurrection. Last time I checked in America one is innocent until proven guilty
The event as a whole is an insurrection, according to the definition of the word.

For charges against the offenders, it requires some basic understanding of our legal system and justice. There is no precedent for the events of Jan 6th. There is a law in the books 18 U.S.C. § 2383 "rebellion or insurrection", but it hasnt been prosecuted since the civil war. Regular criminal charges come first, because there is case law history, AKA precedent. But charging under 18 U.S.C. § 2383 requires more legal effort, see the case law history here.
So if one is not legally convicted or even charged with insurrection then how can it be an insurrection?
Because this is the court of public opinion, not a court of law. It is obvious that the expresident incited an insurrection and fanned the flames while it was occuring. Holding him culpable under the law is a different ballgame.

It also may be necessary to refine our code of law so that the actions of the rioters and the expresident on and leading up to Jan 6 are more easily held to account and penalized. This investigation will be very important for that.
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She doesnt really provide a silver bullet in this statement but it really does look like that is the case. Bannon has an obligation to Trump and it is the logical conclusion.
I think that it might be alike that scene in A Few Good Men where Trump would want to scream at America.

"You cant handle the truth. SAD",

On a positive note it does appear that Liz and her friends have bollocks big enough to deal with this.
She should get her evidence over to the DOJ....they don't appear to think the evidence supports her claims, about either of Bannon or the President
Because this is the court of public opinion, not a court of law. It is obvious that the expresident incited an insurrection and fanned the flames while it was occuring. Holding him culpable under the law is a different ballgame.

It also may be necessary to refine our code of law so that the actions of the rioters and the expresident on and leading up to Jan 6 are more easily held to account and penalized. This investigation will be very important for that.
Oh cool, so then we can hold every elected Democrat accountable for the actions of BLM and Antifa. Any time a cop is executed by a black guy, we can charge the Democrats that have supported BLM publicly with murder.
Oh cool, so then we can hold every elected Democrat accountable for the actions of BLM and Antifa.
You already do, ya dumbass. Like all day every day. You cant get 3 posts into any topic without bleeding from your wherever about them.

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