Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

You are calling Pedo Joe’s daughter a liar. So much for every woman should be believed, huh Vermin?

Another Project V narrative. The diary was stolen and given to Project V who passed it along to another entity

Yet Ms. Biden has not public said that it happen

Her public comments about her father have all been positive. Does not sound like a person who has been molested

She praised her parents, though, saying, according to The List, “I was taught by both of my parents to work hard, to be passionate about whatever I did, and I felt that I did that and kind of got to where I am today because of hard work and passion and determination.”


Another Project V narrative. The diary was stolen and given to Project V who passed it along to another entity

Yet Ms. Biden has not public said that it happen

Her public comments about her father have all been positive. Does not sound like a person who has been molested

She praised her parents, though, saying, according to The List, “I was taught by both of my parents to work hard, to be passionate about whatever I did, and I felt that I did that and kind of got to where I am today because of hard work and passion and determination.”

So, how were people charged with stealing her diary if it isn’t hers, Simp?

Why do you think she has never denounced her entry about Pedo Joe molesting her in the shower?

You are a dupe.
So, how were people charged with stealing her diary if it isn’t hers, Simp?

Why do you think she has never denounced her entry about Pedo Joe molesting her in the shower?

You are a dupe.

As it was stolen, and then modified Simp

Its a fake entry

How else would Project V get it


She has not public accused Biden of molesting her and they appear to have a good relationship

She is successful and appears to be happily married

Her statements about her father have all been positive simp

Explain that for Biden to have Molested is child does require the person to accuse him of it

The statement in the diary about afraid to take a shower and waiting until dark is so fake

You needs more that a diary that was stolen is my only point

Its simple Biden is the best choice for President!
As it was stolen, and then modified Simp

Its a fake entry

How else would Project V get it

View attachment 868949

She has not public accused Biden of molesting her and they appear to have a good relationship

She is successful and appears to be happily married

Her statements about her father have all been positive simp

Explain that for Biden to have Molested is child does require the person to accuse him of it

The statement in the diary about afraid to take a shower and waiting until dark is so fake

You needs more that a diary that was stolen is my only point

Its simple Biden is the best choice for President!
You have no evidence it was altered, Vermin.

why hasn’t she made that claim?
There’s nothing false about the fact that Trump is a wannabe despot and autocrat.

There’s nothing false about the fact that Trump is an enemy of democracy.

There’s nothing false about the fact that Trump has already attempted to overturn an election and disenfranchise millions of American voters.

And there’s nothing false about the fact that those who support, defend, and vote for Trump are just as much a danger to democracy as Trump.
Man, you got it bad
You have no evidence it was altered, Vermin.

why hasn’t she made that claim?
Seems to be going around these days. Douchebag Goldman claiming Rudy faked Hunter's laptop. Without a shred of evidence.
These people on the right are so simple minded stupid and no one is denying that their isn't lot of them, dictators throughout history have used hate and ugliness to take power, along with the fact that these people are the most stupid among us. and you start to realize what could happen if they gained power again.
As it was stolen, and then modified Simp

Its a fake entry

How else would Project V get it

View attachment 868949

She has not public accused Biden of molesting her and they appear to have a good relationship

She is successful and appears to be happily married

Her statements about her father have all been positive simp

Explain that for Biden to have Molested is child does require the person to accuse him of it

The statement in the diary about afraid to take a shower and waiting until dark is so fake

You needs more that a diary that was stolen is my only point

Its simple Biden is the best choice for President!
You need to understand the addled mind of a Trumpanzee.

26 accusations of sexual assault? "Obviously all liars. Why didn't they come forward earlier?"

Contrived innuendo, no accusation. "Obviously he molested her!"

These people are not attached to reason or reality.

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