Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

I don't watch MSM, or the TEE VEE anymore. I don't have a digital antenna, or cabal or satellite. . .

. . but when I was younger, the morning shows, satellite and cabal, always had both sides of every story.

Is there a morning show somewhere telling his side of the story?

Or are we just talking about a complete law-fare assault in the courts, and 24/7 government-corporate propaganda from all sides on all the networks, programming the masses on only one narrative?

"his side" is repeated with mind numbing authority but little detail everywhere. one example, we now know that, mto trump and his lawyers, "uphold and defend" do not mean "support,"
You are completely unhinged.
not at all can't stand the fact that everything I said is true can't defend a thing he has done ... he lied about the election being stolen... he tried to get Georgia and Arizona, and now Michigan to remove democratic votes ... then the dumb fuck took classified documents and refused to give them back ... now he's trying to turn the country into a nazi country and your best is I'm unhinged ... priceless !!!! if he isn't grabbing women's pussies he's raping women he has no respect for anybody ... and your best defense is I'm unhinged ... you can't get any stupider than that ...
Do you want to put money on that STATEMENT ....
I long ago concluded that placing bets on this message board is stupid. Maybe not as stupid as you. But only some of your fellow libturds could be that dumb.

But, if you want to smarten up, now’s a good time to start.

Work on trying to become interesting and literate. Until then, your silence is golden, you simp.
and still, you could respond to the original post ... I get it ya got nothing ... you use these pathetic responses ... it's what you repub-lie-clowns do
I long ago concluded that placing bets on this message board is stupid. Maybe not as stupid as you. But only some of your fellow libturds could be that dumb.

But, if you want to smarten up, now’s a good time to start.
in other words, you can't back up your bull shit ...we get it...
More evidence Dizzy Lizzie is batshit crazy.
It's funny, everything she has said has been backed up in court by Meadows himself ... you see meadows has had several of the people who worked around him testify .... he had to tell the truth... which has corroborated her testimony in her book and the courts .......seems it is you who has a problem with reality... the problem you have is you don't take the time to see what was said and what was done ... you have to remember everything she has said in her book was corroborated in the house and court under oath ... where's trump statement in these matters ?? well, he said he was going to testify ... what happens with that ??? Maybe Trump didn't want to get more charges for lying under oath, could that be it ...
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Your run on sentences are merely a litany of empty claims.

Come back when you’ve got something.
here we have one of the most corrupt politicians Donald Trump ...he lies to the public, he attacks them for no reason, he tried to force himself on the country by trying to steal the election from Biden ... but lost ... he exposed classified documents ...he has DONE SO MUCH EVIL ITS APPALLING, AND YOU HAVE THE GUAL TO SIT HERE AND TRY AND TELL US HOW BAD WE ARE ... YOU ARE THE LOSER HERE ... there is that better for you ???
here we have one of the most corrupt politicians Donald Trump ...he lies to the public, he attacks them for no reason, he tried to force himself on the country by trying to steal the election from Biden ... but lost ... he exposed classified documents ...he has DONE SO MUCH EVIL ITS APPALLING, AND YOU HAVE THE GUAL TO SIT HERE AND TRY AND TELL US HOW BAD WE ARE ... YOU ARE THE LOSER HERE ... there is that better for you ???
The problem is that you won't be able to convince them that he has done any of that, that he has done anything wrong, that he is not an honest Man of God and a great patriot.

So the conversation simply begins dead in the water.

The universes just continue to separate.
The problem is that you won't be able to convince them that he has done any of that, that he has done anything wrong, that he is not an honest Man of God and a great patriot.

So the conversation simply begins dead in the water.

The universes just continue to separate.
I guess we will have to wait until the convictions start ...
Ya don't say


here we have one of the most corrupt politicians Donald Trump ...he lies to the public, he attacks them for no reason, he tried to force himself on the country by trying to steal the election from Biden ... but lost ... he exposed classified documents ...he has DONE SO MUCH EVIL ITS APPALLING, AND YOU HAVE THE GUAL TO SIT HERE AND TRY AND TELL US HOW BAD WE ARE ... YOU ARE THE LOSER HERE ... there is that better for you ???

You repeat your desired conclusions as a premise even though it’s baseless.

You suck at this.

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