Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

Says the tyrant who locked up political opponents on J6.
They weren’t political opponents they are criminals …you don’t get to beat up the police … you don’t get to break windows and force your way in … they are in jail because the pled guilty to the crimes they committed … this wasn’t a political opponents … you don’t get to violate the capitol cause you don’t like democrats … vote them out … the problem you have is their are more democrats in this country then there are republicans and you are going to learn that this next election the hard way … Kamala isn’t going to. Beat trump by a couple percentage points he’s going to lose big time and you will come here and say we cheated …the republicans Are done screwing up the country … not only will you lose the presidency but you will lose the super majority in the senate no more filibustering… you republicans are going to have to start paying the price for all the fucked up things you republicans have done to this country… times up!!!! Stuck a fork in you republicans you are done…
Yes and No.

The American People at-large need to continue to guard against Trumpian extremism for a decade or more afterwards.

But this does not mean "watching them" per se... this is not an Orwellian State nor should we tolerate Orwellian measures.

No... this merely means counterpointing them vigorously whenever they come out of the woodwork... a battle of ideas.

After all... after the American Civil War... Unionists did not harangue ex-Confederates for the rest of their lives.

We... some generations removed... and with the Bad Guys not even being guilty of large-scale armed rebellion...

We... some generations removed... can do no less than our Union predecessors...

"...In Victory: Magnanimity..." - Winston Churchill.
Not true, we follow the movement and actions of North Korea, Russia , China, Iran, Iraq. And if you don't understand that MAGA was by far a bigger threat to our country and democracy then any of these countries and in fact anything in History. Then I will ask what in history was a bigger threat to our democracy then Trump and MAGA. They aren't the other side of the isle, or the noble opposition or a group that just has a different opinion then us , They are this countries biggest threat and enemy.

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