Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

Did she take money in connection with her role on the January 6th House Committee?

Did she take money in connection with her votes on House impeachments?

Did she take money to continue to criticize Trump subsequent to her departure from Congress?
She took money for her position hate of trump
Oh? I'd be very interested to see a link to a credible non-partisan source that provides solid proof of that "interesting" accusation...
They all got the money from the establishment. You think they announce such things. Hilarious. Remember, I knew the vax was useless, I bet you still are taking booster shots
They all got the money from the establishment. You think they announce such things. Hilarious. Remember, I knew the vax was useless, I bet you still are taking booster shots
Shut up! A stupidly conceived accusation with absolutely no evidence. You can be post-truth, most of us are not.
They all got the money from the establishment. You think they announce such things. Hilarious.
About what I expected from a True Believer... all Accusations... no Substance... but thank you for playing... :laughing0301:

Barring any substantive evidence to the contrary, it is safe to say that Liz Cheney did not take money to go "anti-Trump"...

And, given that lack of monetary or political gain...

And, given that she fell on her sword in order to uphold the Rule of Law and to Lead by Example... it is righteous to say...

Liz Cheney is an American Hero - deserving of the Thanks of the People and their Republic.
Oh? I'd be very interested to see a link to a credible non-partisan source that provides solid proof of that "interesting" accusation...
Her family got us into wars, and we ended up with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and the TSA among other things. Talking freedom is not the same as living it.
Her family got us into wars,
She was not personally responsible nor even involved... in this country the Sins of the Father do not become the Sins of the Child.

The Constitution even explicitly references that sort of thing as a bar against any "corruption of blood".

Liz Cheney... and Adam Kinzinger... put their money where their mouths are... and chose Country over Party and Self.
Remember this doesn't end when Trump loses and MAGA is buried next to him, They have to be watched for the rest of their lives because I guaranty that if they get the chance they will try to overthrow this great country again and give it to some piece of shit like Trump. That's how they see us , they are either just stupid or it means dollars and cents to them.
Remember this doesn't end when Trump loses and MAGA is buried next to him, They have to be watched for the rest of their lives because I guaranty that if they get the chance they will try to overthrow this great country again and give it to some piece of shit like Trump. That's how they see us , they are either just stupid or it means dollars and cents to them.
Yes and No.

The American People at-large need to continue to guard against Trumpian extremism for a decade or more afterwards.

But this does not mean "watching them" per se... this is not an Orwellian State nor should we tolerate Orwellian measures.

No... this merely means counterpointing them vigorously whenever they come out of the woodwork... a battle of ideas.

After all... after the American Civil War... Unionists did not harangue ex-Confederates for the rest of their lives.

We... some generations removed... and with the Bad Guys not even being guilty of large-scale armed rebellion...

We... some generations removed... can do no less than our Union predecessors...

"...In Victory: Magnanimity..." - Winston Churchill.
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Defend "my hero"? All you spew are lies and narratives that don't exist in reality. You are a pathetic demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLE. Nothing anyone says opposite of your programming can reach you. You are contaminated with self loathing and hatred for your own country.
You were TAUGHT to hate.
Who did this to you?
Why did you accept that?
Anyway, you have to wake up before it's too late.
Talk about screwed up people you can’t defend you hero he has no experiance in government and you pick the orange turd …
A conservative could not support a candidate with Marxist roots like Kamala Harris.
And yet we are getting all kinds of republicans coming to the democrats to vote for Kamala Harris … generals former VP and your trying to tell us they are all commies … they are voting for Harris and they are letting the press and the people know that trump is the worse thing that could happen to this country…

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