Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

Individuals are NOT entitled to make their own decisions. They MUST support only what they are told to support.

Liz Cheney is on the right side of all historical records. No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships has survived.

Individuals are NOT entitled to make their own decisions

Grow up, will you? The next libertarian or anarchist that comes with "MY WAY OR THE HIWAY" I will link to here.
Gay marriage splits Cheney sisters | TheHill

"Liz has been a guest in our home, has spent time and shared holidays with our children, and when Mary and I got married in 2012 — she didn't hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us. To have her now say she doesn't support our right to marry is offensive to say the least."

Way to go Liz. Throwing your sister under the bus. Telling the world she isn't as "good" as you are. I would love to be a fly on the wall at your next family Thanksgiving Dinner. Will she be regulated to the "kids" table?

you really are not bright at all. no one was thrown under the bus. you can disagree with someone over what they are doing and still be happy for them.

she never said they weren't as good as she, that is another dean lie. i lost count of how many lies you tell. we now know that when deany disagrees with anyone, he thinks he is better than them.

Can't answer the question, can you?

So she's against gay marriage and has a gay sister. That's not throwing someone under the bus.

Yes, it is.

no it isn't. if i'm against something you do, that means i'm throwing you under the bus? wtf? seriously, i can't believe you think are intelligent. i have a gay uncle who has a long time partner. my dad is does believe in homosexuality at all, however, my dad still loves his brother and likes his partner, always respectfully and they always get along.

broaden your mind dude.
Evidently, throwing her sister under the bus was not worth it

Commissioned poll: Mike Enzi up 53 on Liz Cheney - James Hohmann -

Sen. Mike Enzi (R) has expanded his lead over the former vice president’s daughter by 12 points among likely primary voters since August. The three-term incumbent was up 52 points, 69 percent to 17 percent, in a survey conducted by Bob Wickers of The Wickers Group at the end of October.

In the summer, Cheney was viewed favorably by 42 percent of likely primary voters and unfavorably by 24 percent. At the end of October, she was viewed favorably by 29 percent and unfavorably by 37 percent.

those results are before her comment you moron
And we will see what effect the exchanges have on the voters.

She is trying to revive the far right base, but WYs are fairly independent and libertarian leaning.

Will it backfire?

Time will tell.
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How exactly did Liz Chaney throw her sister under the bus?

By publicly insinuating her sister deserves fewer rights simply because of who she loves?

the problem with your thinking is: let's say you have a sister that has a relationship with another one of your sisters, both are of you believe that saying you don't support your sisters right to get married is throwing them under the bus?

of course not. the public part has nothing to do with it, she is running for public office and you want her to keep quiet because you don't agree with her opinion.

when obama said the SAME thing in 08', not a single liberal who now claims liz has thrown her sister under the bus, claimed obama threw gays or anyone under the bus.

pathetic two faced hypocrites the lot of you
btw....she was being interviewed and was asked a question you dishonest hacks

WALLACE: Some of your conservative critics and, frankly, some of the Enzi people, say that you have flipped positions on some issues to try to attract voters that you didn't previously hold. You now say that you oppose same sex marriage, but they point out that in 2009, you opposed a constitutional amendment -- I know you say it's a state issue -- a constitutional amendment that would have banned same sex marriage and they point out that you supported the State Department offering benefits to same sex partners. They say that's a flip.

CHENEY: It's not and I stand by both of those positions. I don't believe we've got to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation. If people are in a same sex relationship and they want their partner to be able to have health benefits or be designated as a beneficiary on their life insurance, there's no reason they shouldn't do that.

I also don't support amending the constitution on this issue. I do believe it's an issue that's got to be left up to the state. I do believe in the traditional definition of marriage.

But, frankly, you know, Senator Enzi's friends and supporters are running a really scurrilous ad in Wyoming. And the senator said many times that he doesn't believe in gutter politics. He said he won't stoop to that left.

You know, I think he ought to renounce it. I think he ought to run the kind of campaign that frankly the people of Wyoming deserve, which is what I'm doing, which is to campaign based on substance and based on issues.

Liz Cheney on her run for US Senate; Can President Obama 'fix' ObamaCare? | Interviews | Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

liberals now want you to not answer questions because a family member is gay....and answering questions is throwing someone under the bus

not even close to the definition of throwing someone under the bus, morons...she didn't sacrifice her guys are so dishonest

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One sister is unhappy another sister is using her and her wife's relationship to make political points in the WY senatorial race for next year.

Dysfunctional family dynamics is all.

I like the old Liz n' Dick SOOOOOO much better than the new ones.
They had panache, style, scruples, morals, integrity....

I think bullied is a more apt description. The 'liberal' progressive left has become that which they supposedly abhored. Authoritarians, bullies, and judgmental.


She is running for Senator in Wyoming and finds out that having a happily married gay sister will work against her?

Throw that sister under the bus

I seriously doubt it, it was not and has not been a secret since, say, John Edwards outted Mary Cheney dunning a national debate:eusa_whistle:

:lol: She was an out gay women long before that. But I remember RWrs considering it to be something horrible.
Evidently, throwing her sister under the bus was not worth it

Commissioned poll: Mike Enzi up 53 on Liz Cheney - James Hohmann -

Sen. Mike Enzi (R) has expanded his lead over the former vice president’s daughter by 12 points among likely primary voters since August. The three-term incumbent was up 52 points, 69 percent to 17 percent, in a survey conducted by Bob Wickers of The Wickers Group at the end of October.

In the summer, Cheney was viewed favorably by 42 percent of likely primary voters and unfavorably by 24 percent. At the end of October, she was viewed favorably by 29 percent and unfavorably by 37 percent.
I wouldn't count her out. Ol' Dick really cashed-in on his *cough* "gubmint service" so he's got lots of blood $$$ not to mention access to the Koch $$$

Probably knows where the bodies are buried too.
btw....she was being interviewed and was asked a question you dishonest hacks

WALLACE: Some of your conservative critics and, frankly, some of the Enzi people, say that you have flipped positions on some issues to try to attract voters that you didn't previously hold. You now say that you oppose same sex marriage, but they point out that in 2009, you opposed a constitutional amendment -- I know you say it's a state issue -- a constitutional amendment that would have banned same sex marriage and they point out that you supported the State Department offering benefits to same sex partners. They say that's a flip.

CHENEY: It's not and I stand by both of those positions. I don't believe we've got to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation. If people are in a same sex relationship and they want their partner to be able to have health benefits or be designated as a beneficiary on their life insurance, there's no reason they shouldn't do that.

I also don't support amending the constitution on this issue. I do believe it's an issue that's got to be left up to the state. I do believe in the traditional definition of marriage.

But, frankly, you know, Senator Enzi's friends and supporters are running a really scurrilous ad in Wyoming. And the senator said many times that he doesn't believe in gutter politics. He said he won't stoop to that left.

You know, I think he ought to renounce it. I think he ought to run the kind of campaign that frankly the people of Wyoming deserve, which is what I'm doing, which is to campaign based on substance and based on issues.

Liz Cheney on her run for US Senate; Can President Obama 'fix' ObamaCare? | Interviews | Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

liberals now want you to not answer questions because a family member is gay....and answering questions is throwing someone under the bus

not even close to the definition of throwing someone under the bus, morons...she didn't sacrifice her guys are so dishonest


they'll crawl to any low for their cause or politics..

and with this thread from the OP, we see how low
Liz is just burning bridges left and right isn't she? First with Daddy's longtime friend and now with her own sister. She's gonna lose so I hope she feels it was worth it in the end.
How exactly did Liz Chaney throw her sister under the bus?

By publicly insinuating her sister deserves fewer rights simply because of who she loves?

the problem with your thinking is: let's say you have a sister that has a relationship with another one of your sisters, both are of you believe that saying you don't support your sisters right to get married is throwing them under the bus?

of course not. the public part has nothing to do with it, she is running for public office and you want her to keep quiet because you don't agree with her opinion.

when obama said the SAME thing in 08', not a single liberal who now claims liz has thrown her sister under the bus, claimed obama threw gays or anyone under the bus.

pathetic two faced hypocrites the lot of you

Yurt gets in with the Incest comparison first! :clap:

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