Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

Do you think the forum needed evidence you don't know what sexual assault is?
Well if a daddy is taking a shower with his daughter and she says it was inappropriate. She also blames her sexual addiction and drug addiction on it. I'd say there was some sexual things going on.
Well if a daddy is taking a shower with his daughter and she says it was inappropriate. She also blames her sexual addiction and drug addiction on it. I'd say there was some sexual things going on.
They don't know the difference any more. Moral relativity has been hammered so hard it has destroyed any conscience they ever had. Nothing is wrong to them if it feels good. That's why they make so many babies only to kill them.

Pointing out rightards are lying about it is not defending him. It's pointing out they're lying. If there was actual evidence he sexually assaulted her, I'd have nothing to say other than condemnation of his actions.
See, here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. You're demanding that the legal definition of sexual assault be used while saying nothing about what she claimed he did.

Pretending that a father showering with his young daughter, showers that she said were "probably inappropriate" is ignoring sexual assault. I mean, I know you're either desperate or contractually bound to deflect any and all criticism away from Quid Pro, but that needs to be looked into and cleared up if possible because it doesn't matter what the exact legal definition of assault is. If he did this, he had no business doing it and needs help.
you don’t think forcing your young daughter to shower with you is abuse? and you wonder why you are called cultist? I bet you think that Jefferies guy from Utah was railroaded too
I've seen this tactic way too many times. When confronted with the statements of a daughter who said he did this, all of a sudden, they want to hide behind legal definitions.
I've seen this tactic way too many times. When confronted with the statements of a daughter who said he did this, all of a sudden, they want to hide behind legal definitions.

What did she say he did?
I've seen this tactic way too many times. When confronted with the statements of a daughter who said he did this, all of a sudden, they want to hide behind legal definitions.
the lengths these cultist go to defend the sexual abuse of a child at the hands of the cult leader is really sick
the lengths these cultist go to defend the sexual abuse of a child at the hands of the cult leader is really sick


The sickness is all yours, fantasizing about sexual abuse where there's no such evidence.
Pelosi wouldn't allow Trump asseaters Jordan & Banks to sit on the committe & spend time playing with themselves playing pocket pool as they disrupt the proceedings which is all those two assclowns are good for.

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