Liz Cheney: We're Not Going To Let Trump Testify In Public To The January 6 Committee

Certainly not if she's old enough that she later remembers it, writes about it in her diary, and blames trying to forget the showers for her addictions.

As touch-feeling as Biden is in public on camera with young girls he just met whose parents are watching, anyone want to go on record saying he didn't get touchy feely with his daughter in the privacy of a shower?

You're welcome to fantasize about him doing that.
So, you are predicting that the press will be allowed in the room during the closed door testimony they want?

Has that happened with the J6 committee's other witnesses?

I don't do predictions. I have no idea what they'll do. I'm also not aware of what they've done in private either, beyond what they've shared in their public hearings and what the press has reported.
I don't do predictions. I have no idea what they'll do. I'm also not aware of what they've done in private either, beyond what they've shared in their public hearings and what the press has reported.
I don't do predictions.

Um, you have predicted Trump won't testify, Simp.
He's not going to testify period. He'd be stupid to. There's no need to call his bluff. If he refuses to testify, that will be on him. What I expect is when the time comes for when he has to appear, he will stall by filing a motion with a court to challenge the subpoena. He will keep doing that until January; when it's expected Republicans will take control of tbe House, squash the committee and revoke the subpoena.
Your PREDICTION means nothing.

Trump wants transparency, Nazi Piglosi wants secrecy. If the insists on secrecy Trump should challenge it and refuse to testify. No way he should participate in her sham.

They have zero credibility with their selective leaks of secret testimony and their BOMBSHELL witness who lied under oath.
He's not going to testify period. He'd be stupid to. There's no need to call his bluff. If he refuses to testify, that will be on him. What I expect is when the time comes for when he has to appear, he will stall by filing a motion with a court to challenge the subpoena. He will keep doing that until January; when it's expected Republicans will take control of tbe House, squash the committee and revoke the subpoena.

That's your best case scenario, and it is highly unlikely. If the Repubs "squash" the committee, as nice an image as that may be, it will only give the Dems ammo to say "they don't want to know the truth."

What will most likely happen is that the GOP congress will take over the committee, select the Dems that they want for it, and push forward with a real investigation. They'll fire the television producer the Dems hired, since they will be conducting a real investigation and not a night time pseudo-reality dramedy.

Then they will control all - yes all - of the footage of the behind closed door testimony of the previous witnesses. If any of it disappears, Democrats should WILL go to the slammer. They can recall all of the witnesses and ask them about the part of their testimony that the Dems did not choose to air.

They will have FBI Director Comey testify about the FBI sending the Proud Boys to the protests and ignoring the informants' reports of the breach of the Capital.

Will they invite Trump to appear on live television in primetime? You know the answer, but I want to hear you say it.

Come on, SAY IT!

What specifically could they ask him that would make him lie and be vulnerable to a charge of perjury?


He's pathological. He's been recorded telling thousands of lies. They could ask him if he was involved in the plot to send fake Trump electors to Congress. If he acknowledges he did, he's admitting to committing a crime; if he denies it, he's committing perjury; if he pleads the 5th, which is most likely, he appears guilty. It's a lose-lose-lose situation of which he would be an idiot to subject himself to. Especially since he can stall until January to get out of it without looking guilty.
Your PREDICTION means nothing.

Trump wants transparency, Nazi Piglosi wants secrecy. If the insists on secrecy Trump should challenge it and refuse to testify. No way he should participate in her sham.

They have zero credibility with their selective leaks of secret testimony and their BOMBSHELL witness who lied under oath.

How sad you failed to prove their bombshell witness lied under oath.

He's pathological. He's been recorded telling thousands of lies. They could ask him if he was involved in the plot to send fake Trump electors to Congress. If he acknowledges he did, he's admitting to committing a crime; if he denies it, he's committing perjury;
If the people behind the "fake Trump electors" committed an actual crime, rather than just trying an election legal maneuver that didn't work, and it is known that Trump was one of them, why isn't he already indicted?

I assume since you claim that they committed a crime, that the other plotters in the "fake Trump elector" caper have been indicted? Names so I can verify?

if he pleads the 5th, which is most likely, he appears guilty. It's a lose-lose-lose situation of which he would be an idiot to subject himself to. Especially since he can stall until January to get out of it without looking guilty.
What if he gives a non-responsive answer?

They ask if he was involved in the fake elector plot, and he says, "the people who wanted to submit alternate electors were great patriotic Americans who wanted to stop the Democrats from stealing the election. I admire them bigly!"

What if he goes on for several minutes like that? How could that be perjury?

You Dems always mess up when you think that you can outsmart Donald Trump. You are intellectual dwarfs, against a titan of political brawling.

Your only hope is that he suddenly succumbs to all the Big Macs.

That's your best case scenario, and it is highly unlikely. If the Repubs "squash" the committee, as nice an image as that may be, it will only give the Dems ammo to say "they don't want to know the truth."

What will most likely happen is that the GOP congress will take over the committee, select the Dems that they want for it, and push forward with a real investigation. They'll fire the television producer the Dems hired, since they will be conducting a real investigation and not a night time pseudo-reality dramedy.

Then they will control all - yes all - of the footage of the behind closed door testimony of the previous witnesses. If any of it disappears, Democrats should WILL go to the slammer. They can recall all of the witnesses and ask them about the part of their testimony that the Dems did not choose to air.

They will have FBI Director Comey testify about the FBI sending the Proud Boys to the protests and ignoring the informants' reports of the breach of the Capital.

Will they invite Trump to appear on live television in primetime? You know the answer, but I want to hear you say it.

Come on, SAY IT!

That remains to be seen.

Been proven many times. You just deny reality, Simp.

Nope, you never did produce a quote from Tony Ornato denying the story claimed by Hutchinson. Saying you did when you really didn't isn't proof she lied -- it's proof you're desperate.

You failed as usual because you're a failure.
Nope, you never did produce a quote from Tony Ornato denying the story claimed by Hutchinson. Saying you did when you really didn't isn't proof she lied -- it's proof you're desperate.

You failed as usual because you're a failure.
Like I said, you just deny reality.
If that were true, he would testify. But it's not true, so he won't.
The problem is that if Trump, testifies it set a precedent that effects the balance of power between the three branches of government. It may also be a matter of principal that Trump can waive if he wishes.


The Republican has urged his associates not to cooperate with the probe and has argued that a former president has a right to keep conversations and material confidential under a legal doctrine called executive privilege.

This link describes the issues involved with executive privilege in more detail.

Our Congress critters are a bunch of worthless snowflakes. In the event of a real war they'd run and cower in the basement just like they did in J6.

We should defund those fuckers. :p
Hopefully in a couple of weeks we will vote a bunch of those Congress critters out of office.

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