Local Pennsylvania bridal shop harassed and threatened by LGBT activist after turning away same sex

They accept your lifestyle
It is you who is intolerant

Nope. If they accepted my lifestyle then they wouldn't be forcing people against their will to do things that go against their beliefs.

That's the opposite of TOLERANCE.

I didn't say ACCEPTANCE, I said TOLERANCE. Big difference.
No one said you had to be gay!
Refusing to sell them dresses or shoes is not tolerance OR acceptance.
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
Nope. If they accepted my lifestyle then they wouldn't be forcing people against their will to do things that go against their beliefs.

That's the opposite of TOLERANCE.

I didn't say ACCEPTANCE, I said TOLERANCE. Big difference.
No one said you had to be gay!
Refusing to sell them dresses or shoes is not tolerance OR acceptance.
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
Last edited:
Nope. If they accepted my lifestyle then they wouldn't be forcing people against their will to do things that go against their beliefs.

That's the opposite of TOLERANCE.

I didn't say ACCEPTANCE, I said TOLERANCE. Big difference.
No one said you had to be gay!
Refusing to sell them dresses or shoes is not tolerance OR acceptance.
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government

WTF? Gawd you get more stupid with every comment. Leave the Christians alone and there wouldn't be an issue but nooooooo the gaystapo is bound and determined everyone must conform.

Gay hair stylist drops New Mexico governor as client because she opposes same-sex marriage

Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 6:55 PM

Doesn’t seem to have lost his business.
Nope. If they accepted my lifestyle then they wouldn't be forcing people against their will to do things that go against their beliefs.

That's the opposite of TOLERANCE.

I didn't say ACCEPTANCE, I said TOLERANCE. Big difference.
No one said you had to be gay!
Refusing to sell them dresses or shoes is not tolerance OR acceptance.
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government

You have absolutely no evidence hatred is involved.
Last edited:
A Man’s Response When He Was Refused Service for Being Conservative Should Be a Lesson to All
Posted on March 6, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a straight person was ‘discriminated” against by a homosexual simply for being straight, conservative, or Christian?

Wonder no more.

Not long ago Alan Sears, the president of Arizona based legal group Alliance Defending Freedom, was turned down by a photographer when asked to take a family photo for a Christmas card.

Alliance Defending Freedom is a conservative, religious organization that seeks to defend the religious freedoms of individuals and company’s against attacks by LGBT groups and the government. In fact, they are currently representing that photographer in New Mexico I mentioned as her case makes its way to the Supreme Court. It’s a strange sort of irony that Sears is defending one photographer against discrimination charges while experiencing discrimination himself.

At this point, a same-sex couple or homosexual individual would have hired a lawyer, filed charges, alerted the press, met with Al Sharpton, and held a support meeting with GLAAD. What did Alan Sears do? He said, “That’s ok.” In a recent article Sears responded to his experience:

We’re talking about human dignity. It violates someone’s dignity to require them to create images that violate their core beliefs. I think I’m a pretty nice guy, and my family are kind folks, but to require this woman to portray me in a loving, family-centered way that is contrary to her views and her conscience, I think it would be an act of violence against her dignity.”

What a novel approach! Rather than suing someone to make headline news for a week and further agitating tensions among people, Alan Sears said, “oh, you don’t want to take my family’s picture because it would violate your conscience and core beliefs. Sure, no problem, we’ll find someone else.”

This is a perfect picture of what tolerance should be. This is respecting the conscience and moral rights of another person with a divergent view and walking away.

A Man’s Response When He Was Refused Service for Being Conservative Should Be a Lesson to All
No one said you had to be gay!
Refusing to sell them dresses or shoes is not tolerance OR acceptance.
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
No one said you had to be gay!
Refusing to sell them dresses or shoes is not tolerance OR acceptance.
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government

You have absolutely no evidence hatred is involved.

What is it other than hatred?
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
Yes, it’s obvious you see what you want to see, but the fact is Muslims also refuse to bake the cakes, cut the hair etc. It’s the same, but you lefties and the alphabet militants are skeeered of Islam and have declared war on Christians. It’s clearly not about the principle, your hypocrisy illustrates that. Thank you again.
Last edited:
Forcing them to participate in and condone something they consider a sin is not tolerant either.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government

You have absolutely no evidence hatred is involved.

What is it other than hatred?
It’s religious people not willing to participate in and endorse a sin - therefore violating their deeply held religious beliefs - just as it is when Muslims also refuse to serve gays - but you don’t seem to care when they do it.
Remember, for Christians, it’s hate the sin, love the sinner. There is no hatred for the individual involved in them not wishing to violate their religious beliefs.
In July of 2017, a local bridal shop in Pennsylvania received threatening voicemails from LGBT activists, after a same-sex couple was denied service because it violated the shop owners moral obligation to uphold Christian values. Similar organizations have fallen victim to the viciousness of the LGBT supposedly tolerant community. Posted on the Bridal shop’s Facebook page were two voicemails

Local Pennsylvania Bridal Shop Harassed and Threatened By LGBT Activists After Turning Away Same Sex Couple

CREATING hate where there was none isn't it grand. wait until it all falls down around their superior attitudes and they're all knocked back down on their asses.

“End Time Headlines”. A radical right wing religious site. No bias or bigotry there!

Where’s the police report. No evidence that this even happened.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
Yes, it’s obvious you see what you want to see, but the fact is Muslims also refuse to bake the cakes, cut the hair etc. It’s the same, but you lefties and the alphabet militants are skeeered of Islam and have declared war on Christians. It’s clearly not about the principle, your hypocrisy illustrates that. Thank you again.

The poster above is simply a lying dotard.

Muslims and Liberals.....joined at the hip.

Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) if partnering with the terrorist-tied CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in an effort to fight bullying and “Islamophobia” at schools – a secretive, informal alliance over which five families are suing the district.

Parents disclosed evidence in the lawsuit that SDUSD did not cancel its CAIR “anti-Islamophobia” program as it claimed – exposing information that school officials are continuing their relationship with the Muslim group that has already been exposed for its ties and involvement in Islamic terrorism.

....exposing the SDUSD’s controversial teachings that many angry parents contended were intended to portray Islam and its jihadist teachings in a biased and deceptively favorable light."
Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
Save the threatening emails and phone calls. Encourage the gays to actually confront the business. BLAMMO, justifiable homicide.
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government

You have absolutely no evidence hatred is involved.

What is it other than hatred?
It’s religious people not willing to participate in and endorse a sin - therefore violating their deeply held religious beliefs - just as it is when Muslims also refuse to serve gays - but you don’t seem to care when they do it.
Remember, for Christians, it’s hate the sin, love the sinner. There is no hatred for the individual involved in them not wishing to violate their religious beliefs.
Boston: Simmons College warns that saying “God bless you” is “Islamophobic”
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government

You have absolutely no evidence hatred is involved.

What is it other than hatred?
It’s religious people not willing to participate in and endorse a sin - therefore violating their deeply held religious beliefs - just as it is when Muslims also refuse to serve gays - but you don’t seem to care when they do it.
Remember, for Christians, it’s hate the sin, love the sinner. There is no hatred for the individual involved in them not wishing to violate their religious beliefs.
Boston: Simmons College warns that saying “God bless you” is “Islamophobic”
Good God! (I’ve just committed an islamomisia)!
Wondered when a new word would be added to the lexicon of victimhood.
Such tolerance.
But, as with all the other intolerant nonsense coming from muslims, banning phrases such as ‘God bless you’ will be perfectly OK with the lefties and the alphabet people.
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
Yes, it’s obvious you see what you want to see, but the fact is Muslims also refuse to bake the cakes, cut the hair etc. It’s the same, but you lefties and the alphabet militants are skeeered of Islam and have declared war on Christians. It’s clearly not about the principle, your hypocrisy illustrates that. Thank you again.

The poster above is simply a lying dotard.

Muslims and Liberals.....joined at the hip.

Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) if partnering with the terrorist-tied CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in an effort to fight bullying and “Islamophobia” at schools – a secretive, informal alliance over which five families are suing the district.

Parents disclosed evidence in the lawsuit that SDUSD did not cancel its CAIR “anti-Islamophobia” program as it claimed – exposing information that school officials are continuing their relationship with the Muslim group that has already been exposed for its ties and involvement in Islamic terrorism.

....exposing the SDUSD’s controversial teachings that many angry parents contended were intended to portray Islam and its jihadist teachings in a biased and deceptively favorable light."
Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'

Thank you, PoliticalChick.
From your link.
Waiting for leftie outrage :popcorn:

After reviewing the materials and teachings, it was discovered that the anti-Islamophobia curriculum adopted and implemented by San Diego public schools was more about giving special privileges to Muslim students and indoctrinating students to view Islam with a pro-Muslim perspective – without giving a realistic take on jihad and the truth behind Islamic terrorism.

“The program – the families argued – singled out Muslim students for special accommodations and called for changes to school curricula to make it more favorable to Islam,” Moore noted. “It also allowed CAIR officials into classrooms to teach students about Islam and ‘how to be allies’ to Muslim students.”

It was also divulged that taxpayer money was used to pay the Islamic group for school supplies from CAIR, which is often referred to as the “Muslim mafia.”

“The district [also] purchased thousands of dollars of CAIR’s recommended teaching materials, which were then distributed to the schools,” Moore added...

Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
Why stop at gay weddings?

Shouldn’t you be able to force all your religious beliefs on your customers?
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
Yes, it’s obvious you see what you want to see, but the fact is Muslims also refuse to bake the cakes, cut the hair etc. It’s the same, but you lefties and the alphabet militants are skeeered of Islam and have declared war on Christians. It’s clearly not about the principle, your hypocrisy illustrates that. Thank you again.
If that is true.....why don’t conservatives take them to court?

Because most of the claims against Muslims are false
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
Yes, it’s obvious you see what you want to see, but the fact is Muslims also refuse to bake the cakes, cut the hair etc. It’s the same, but you lefties and the alphabet militants are skeeered of Islam and have declared war on Christians. It’s clearly not about the principle, your hypocrisy illustrates that. Thank you again.

The poster above is simply a lying dotard.

Muslims and Liberals.....joined at the hip.

Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) if partnering with the terrorist-tied CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in an effort to fight bullying and “Islamophobia” at schools – a secretive, informal alliance over which five families are suing the district.

Parents disclosed evidence in the lawsuit that SDUSD did not cancel its CAIR “anti-Islamophobia” program as it claimed – exposing information that school officials are continuing their relationship with the Muslim group that has already been exposed for its ties and involvement in Islamic terrorism.

....exposing the SDUSD’s controversial teachings that many angry parents contended were intended to portray Islam and its jihadist teachings in a biased and deceptively favorable light."
Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'

Thank you, PoliticalChick.
From your link.
Waiting for leftie outrage :popcorn:

After reviewing the materials and teachings, it was discovered that the anti-Islamophobia curriculum adopted and implemented by San Diego public schools was more about giving special privileges to Muslim students and indoctrinating students to view Islam with a pro-Muslim perspective – without giving a realistic take on jihad and the truth behind Islamic terrorism.

“The program – the families argued – singled out Muslim students for special accommodations and called for changes to school curricula to make it more favorable to Islam,” Moore noted. “It also allowed CAIR officials into classrooms to teach students about Islam and ‘how to be allies’ to Muslim students.”

It was also divulged that taxpayer money was used to pay the Islamic group for school supplies from CAIR, which is often referred to as the “Muslim mafia.”

“The district [also] purchased thousands of dollars of CAIR’s recommended teaching materials, which were then distributed to the schools,” Moore added...

Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
Special accommodations for Muslims was allowing them to pray
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
Yes, it’s obvious you see what you want to see, but the fact is Muslims also refuse to bake the cakes, cut the hair etc. It’s the same, but you lefties and the alphabet militants are skeeered of Islam and have declared war on Christians. It’s clearly not about the principle, your hypocrisy illustrates that. Thank you again.
If that is true.....why don’t conservatives take them to court?

Because most of the claims against Muslims are false
No, because normal people without an agenda are able to exercise tolerance and brush it off.
I don’t have any religious beliefs, so I wouldn’t be forcing any on anybody, anywhere.

However, what I guess I object to the most is that the gvmnt forces religious people - under threat of legal action, crippling fines and the destruction of their businesses and livelihoods - to thoroughly violate their religious convictions when freedom of religion is part of your constitution.

It’s also interesting that the alphabet militants target Christians whilst deliberately turning a blind eye to the very same attitudes toward them when perpetrated by muslims, for example.
This indicates it’s not so much the principle they really care about, or that the principle doesn’t really matter enough to tackle Islam over. There is even footage of muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but the media and the LGBTQ brigade aren’t interested.

They are at war with Christianity and have given other religious businesses who do the same a pass. They are hypocrites with little of the tolerance they themselves demand.
I see it as Christian militants forcing their hatred of gays on the government
And you expose your Christianophobia and hypocrisy by singling out Christians and ignoring muslims, for example.
Thanks for illustrating my point :up:
I don’t see Muslims forcing their doctrine on this country
I see Christians
Yes, it’s obvious you see what you want to see, but the fact is Muslims also refuse to bake the cakes, cut the hair etc. It’s the same, but you lefties and the alphabet militants are skeeered of Islam and have declared war on Christians. It’s clearly not about the principle, your hypocrisy illustrates that. Thank you again.

The poster above is simply a lying dotard.

Muslims and Liberals.....joined at the hip.

Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) if partnering with the terrorist-tied CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in an effort to fight bullying and “Islamophobia” at schools – a secretive, informal alliance over which five families are suing the district.

Parents disclosed evidence in the lawsuit that SDUSD did not cancel its CAIR “anti-Islamophobia” program as it claimed – exposing information that school officials are continuing their relationship with the Muslim group that has already been exposed for its ties and involvement in Islamic terrorism.

....exposing the SDUSD’s controversial teachings that many angry parents contended were intended to portray Islam and its jihadist teachings in a biased and deceptively favorable light."
Schools' 'anti-bullying' agenda teams w/'Muslim mafia'
That is horrid

Schools fighting bigotry against Muslims

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