Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
My plan is for the governors to follow Trump's 'Opening Up America Again' guidelines. These are science based and data driven. So far, no state has met these guidelines.

Nobody needs to re-invent the wheel. It's right there on Trump's own White House website. But Trump does not pay attention to science, that's for babies.
What we didn't need was only 17% of it going to citizens.

Where did you get this figure?

17% of the $2 trillion package is $340 billion. That's roughly enough to give 283.3 million eligible Americans a $1200 check. Or, about 85% of Americans.

Do you do math? At all?

Look at you being so dishonest.
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From your post above:

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February.

The rest of the post:

"A Democratic group’s ad attacking President Donald Trump leaves the misleading impression that medical equipment donated by U.S.-based organizations and businesses to China early in the global coronavirus outbreak came from the Trump administration.

“He shipped China 17 tons of American masks and medical supplies,” says the ad from American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal super PAC, referring to Trump. “Our masks and supplies. Supplies we need now.”

(Insert paragraph you cherry-picked here)

But the medical supplies were not “American” or “ours” in the sense that they belonged to the federal government, which the ad’s language may lead viewers to believe. The equipment was donated by those companies and organizations specifically for use by health care workers in China."
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I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.
The pat answer. How many people do you want to test before you consider it safe? How often do you want to repeat the tests? How long is your Tested Safe good for?
Now once tested do you get chipped or carry an ID card?
What to you do with the people who test positive? Lock them away there and then?
TESTING is not the end all be all solution.

A vaccination is. That aside, let's not do testing! Let it run it's course. While we're at it, why bother trying to do anything about any disease! Woo hoo...
That seems to be the preferred GOP plan. Let the chips fall where they may. Meemaw and Pepaw will have to be sacrificed. As will the lower-paid, front-line workers who are not worth the cost and bother of testing.

Testing is for the rich and well-connected. And there are enough poor, uneducated Trump supporters who will think that is the way it has to be. Everything for the wealthy. Without them, we are nothing.
I went to Sams Club today and they had no pork and very little beef. What are the callous self centered retired old coots going to do when there's nothing to eat?

Starve and die. The same as everyone else, when the economy collapses to the point where there is no longer nearly enough food for everyone to live.

But at least the LIbEral pieces of shit will take comfort in delusionally believing that we've slowed the spread of the virus.
It does seem that some folks posting on this thread were not very careful with their money during the three and a half years of the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Now you want the rest of us to sacrifice our elderly, or immune-compromised relatives because of your free-spending, wasteful lifestyles. You should have saved some money to get you through times like this. That's what responsible people do.

What we didn't need was only 17% of it going to citizens.

Where did you get this figure?

17% of the $2 trillion package is $340 billion. That's roughly enough to give 283.3 million eligible Americans a $1200 check. Or, about 85% of Americans.

Do you do math? At all?

Look at you being so dishonest.

You're right, I overestimated the blob's payments to citizens.


Of the $2.2 Trillion, ordinary Americans only saw about $250B.

Another botch job by your lord and master.
From your post above:

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February.

The rest of the post:

"A Democratic group’s ad attacking President Donald Trump leaves the misleading impression that medical equipment donated by U.S.-based organizations and businesses to China early in the global coronavirus outbreak came from the Trump administration.

“He shipped China 17 tons of American masks and medical supplies,” says the ad from American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal super PAC, referring to Trump. “Our masks and supplies. Supplies we need now.”

(Insert paragraph you cherry-picked here)

But the medical supplies were not “American” or “ours” in the sense that they belonged to the federal government, which the ad’s language may lead viewers to believe. The equipment was donated by those companies and organizations specifically for use by health care workers in China."

Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought. Instead...here is what happened:

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February.
He did bail out multi-million dollar corporations.
And? What impact did that have on you, specifically?
None. Neither did slavery, the internment of Japanese Americans, the Tuskegee Experiment or the death of Elvis. I can state that they were all terrible things though. As was the blob sending money to Wall Street instead of Main Street.

He did bail out the Los Angeles Lakers.

Yeah? And? There are ushers and ticket takers and concession stand workers that are employed by them. Or do they not count?
Again, you are either drunk or high.

The money the lease holder on the Staples Center can pay the workers out of money he's not paying out in bonuses to LeBron & Co.

He did authorize sending tons of medical supplies to China ... He did tell the States that the stockpile as "our" stockpile.

No, he did not.

A Democratic group’s ad attacking President Donald Trump leaves the misleading impression that medical equipment donated by U.S.-based organizations and businesses to China early in the global coronavirus outbreak came from the Trump administration.

“He shipped China 17 tons of American masks and medical supplies,” says the ad from American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal super PAC, referring to Trump. “Our masks and supplies. Supplies we need now.”

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February. The State Department even lauded the donations as “a testament to the generosity of the American people,” and said they were an example of “strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak.”

But the medical supplies were not “American” or “ours” in the sense that they belonged to the federal government, which the ad’s language may lead viewers to believe. The equipment was donated by those companies and organizations specifically for use by health care workers in China.

From your post above:

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February.

He did call the virus a hoax.
He did not call the virus a hoax:

Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.

You really are gullible aren't you?
He did call it a hoax.

"Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself."

More from that article:

Trump, Feb. 28:

Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.
But Trump does not pay attention to science, that's for babies.

Of course he doesn't, that's why he appointed scientists to his coronavirus task force.
That was just for show, silly!

You honestly can't believe that, can you?

(By the way, who's sock are you?)
Of course I believe that. Only a fool would think Trump is actually following the advice of his science advisors.

Trump is worried about his re-election. He does not care who lives and dies. He's not even smart enough to realize that a lot of his base is already old, fat, poor, and in poor health.

Go bother someone else with your sock nonsense. I live in sunny SoCal. I don't own socks. We wear flip-flops.
He did bail out multi-million dollar corporations.
And? What impact did that have on you, specifically?
None. Neither did slavery, the internment of Japanese Americans, the Tuskegee Experiment or the death of Elvis. I can state that they were all terrible things though. As was the blob sending money to Wall Street instead of Main Street.

He did bail out the Los Angeles Lakers.

Yeah? And? There are ushers and ticket takers and concession stand workers that are employed by them. Or do they not count?
Again, you are either drunk or high.

The money the lease holder on the Staples Center can pay the workers out of money he's not paying out in bonuses to LeBron & Co.

He did authorize sending tons of medical supplies to China ... He did tell the States that the stockpile as "our" stockpile.

No, he did not.

A Democratic group’s ad attacking President Donald Trump leaves the misleading impression that medical equipment donated by U.S.-based organizations and businesses to China early in the global coronavirus outbreak came from the Trump administration.

“He shipped China 17 tons of American masks and medical supplies,” says the ad from American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal super PAC, referring to Trump. “Our masks and supplies. Supplies we need now.”

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February. The State Department even lauded the donations as “a testament to the generosity of the American people,” and said they were an example of “strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak.”

But the medical supplies were not “American” or “ours” in the sense that they belonged to the federal government, which the ad’s language may lead viewers to believe. The equipment was donated by those companies and organizations specifically for use by health care workers in China.

From your post above:

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February.

He did call the virus a hoax.
He did not call the virus a hoax:

Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.

You really are gullible aren't you?
He did call it a hoax.

"Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself."

More from that article:

Trump, Feb. 28:

Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right?
Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.

Again, he called it a hoax. Sorry. Can we try to stay on topic now?
Gee, maybe your blob should have lobbied to have those supplies sent here instead of to his buddies in China. Just a thought.

You just complimented him on invoking the DPA. A lot of that did go to the states.
The material made by the DPA and the gifts your blob gave to the Chinese are two different things.

Who else would you have put in charge of delivering the supplies? We are a country that helps people. We are not going to let innocent people anywhere suffer because of the CCP's negligence.

I wouldn't have delivered the supplies to China in the first place. But your blob did. That you defend his actions? Well...thats on you.

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