Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
The blob said it was going to disappear like a miracle. Don’t you believe your lord and master!

So your plan is to whine and bitch about one sentence months ago and to call Trump childish names? That's your whole fucking plan for dealing with coronavirus?

Just pointing out how batshit crazy your lord and master is.

Don't make me come back in here and whoop your candy ass... again.

What are you going to do? Huh? oh, I know, misquote me some more. It’s your only act.
Nope. You're still angry, and that is your only (paltry) defense.

I watch enough of the news cycle to notice when the guilty party has been caught in a lie, they resort to "I've been misquoted! I've been mistreated! Oh woe is me!"

Stop playing the victim. If anything, you are the victim of your own willful ignorance.

You know exactly what it is you want. Control. You want to hurt Trump, not cure the crisis we exist within.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
The blob said it was going to disappear like a miracle. Don’t you believe your lord and master!

So your plan is to whine and bitch about one sentence months ago and to call Trump childish names? That's your whole fucking plan for dealing with coronavirus?

Just pointing out how batshit crazy your lord and master is.

Don't make me come back in here and whoop your candy ass... again.

What are you going to do? Huh? oh, I know, misquote me some more. It’s your only act.
Nope. You're still angry, and that is your only (paltry) defense.

I watch enough of the news cycle to notice when the guilty party has been caught in a lie, they resort to "I've been misquoted! I've been mistreated! Oh woe is me!"

Stop playing the victim. If anything, you are the victim of your own willful ignorance.

You know exactly what it is you want. Control. You want to hurt Trump, not cure the crisis we exist within.

I’m Not sure what you’re talking about and clearly you have no clue yourself.

I think we should let science guide us. That your blob botched the response is what has hurt him.
I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.

You are full of bullshit as always. I didn't ASK, "When can lockdowns end?" I asked, "If you want the lockdowns to continue, tell me how that looks and what the plan is for that future?"

Is there ever going to be a point in your ignorant, cowardly life when you answer the question being asked instead of the question you WISH had been asked?
And the plan for the future is widespread testing. Nobody wants the lockdown to continue, but we also don't want a 2nd, more serious outbreak to overwhelm hospitals. We want people back to work and the ONLY safe way that can happen is through widespread testing. Surely you're not so much of raging bitch that doesn't permeate?
Nobody wants the lockdown to continue, but we also don't want a 2nd, more serious outbreak to overwhelm hospitals.
more lefty fear mongering

Kung Flu II will be less serious because so many of the weakest targets have already died and only the strong remain
Probably not so much that, but with how covid strains usually mutate.
Possibly so

who knows?

even the experts are guessing much of time
But when a person is ignorantly calling a virus the Chinese disease, there is no reason coming from that persons mind.
I call it that just to annoy the communist dictatorship which does not yet have control over speech in America that it has in china

plus it tweaks libs like you who lean to their side
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
Those are the goals of the Cloward Piven Strategy. It was written in 1966. The democrats have been trying t

1) Defeat Trump

2) Crush the U.S. economy to create a new "Great Depression," and by Great, they mean a Great Crisis they will not let go to waste.

3) Use the Chinese Virus to bankrupt as many hospitals as possible and put as many Doctors and Nurses out of work as possible...creating the health care crisis they need to push total government control over the healthcare system.

4) Use the destruction of the U.S. economy and the healthcare system to create a malleable U.S. population who will be more willing to allow the democrat party to enact socialist policies......these policies will make sure that the U.S. is no longer the worlds Super Power and will allow the other countries of the world to have more power and control over U.S. policy....

There......right off the top of my head I think I covered all the bases...

Universal veganism
Climate change directed
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
250 million people world wide are going to be starving if we don’t get our food supply flowing like it was before the lockdown. How long do you expect to keep grandparents away from their grandkids? This is no where near as simple as you claim it to be.

7.8 billion people world wide are looking at a pandemic right now. We might want to end that first.
And only around 46.8 million of the most unhealthy people are looking at death from covid, vs the 3x that amount, 250 million, infants to elderly, are looking at starving to death. 68 million in this country alone are looking at crippling unemployment.

And that's just our country. Anyone who thinks the US economy can collapse without taking every other country with it is high as balls and hallucinating.
Anybody who thinks the economy can be fully productive when people are scared to go to work because they could get sick or die is high as balls and hallucinating.
Better to be afraid of the chinese disease without cause than to die of starvation in lib nirvana
No one is going to die of starvation. But when a person is ignorantly calling a virus the Chinese disease, there is no reason coming from that persons mind.
Yes people are going to die from starvation. Probably not in America because we are blessed, but around the world, hell yeah. Especially in Northern Africa where out of control locust swarms have decimated their farms. They were relying on other countries for aid, but everyone’s food production is dropping.
You are preaching to the wrong crowd

liberals have long felt there are too many people on the planet anyway

if they could just find a way for more Americans than africans to starve I think some of them would jump at the chance
I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.

You are full of bullshit as always. I didn't ASK, "When can lockdowns end?" I asked, "If you want the lockdowns to continue, tell me how that looks and what the plan is for that future?"

Is there ever going to be a point in your ignorant, cowardly life when you answer the question being asked instead of the question you WISH had been asked?
And the plan for the future is widespread testing. Nobody wants the lockdown to continue, but we also don't want a 2nd, more serious outbreak to overwhelm hospitals. We want people back to work and the ONLY safe way that can happen is through widespread testing. Surely you're not so much of raging bitch that doesn't permeate?

So your answer is, "We continue the lockdowns until testing"? That's it? What does that even MEAN? Does it mean we keep the whole country locked down until a test for the coronavirus is invented? Got that. Does it mean we keep the whole country locked down until antibody testing is invented? Got that. Until X number of people are tested for having it, or for having had it? What's the number? How long would that take? And what does the world look like in the meantime? And what does that actually do for us? And, most importantly, once your metric - whatever it is - is met, THEN what happens?

Surely you're not so bitter that I see you for the pretentious halfwit you are that you can't understand the questions being asked.
It’s these stupid people who don’t know wtf they’re talking about, that demand government preform a show for them, so they can “feel” safer. They don’t understand the limits of testing. They don’t understand what happens when one size fits all changes from “up top” get placed onto highly complicated and immensely intertwined systems. And they don’t understand that what they stupidly deem “unnecessary” is part of an incredibly complex and intertwined system that they rely upon, and the ones who feel the hurt from that disruption of the system are the MOST needy among us.

Essentially all we needed to do here was stop all visitation to nursing homes, and step up PPE and sanitation procedures at nursing homes. Not that that would’ve have prevented all death, but it would’ve been by far the most effective way to do so. I was a person ringing the bell on this loudly a month before many of these twats took covid seriously. I’m an RN at very large hospital. We’re just a couple of hours outside of NYC. I’m seeing what’s happening on the ground in real time. It is not as bad as we thought. The people we see getting rocked by covid are almost all 80 year old diabetics, with congestive heart failure or something else of the sort going. I’m probably more jaded to death in the elderly than most, but I’m just looking at this whole situation in its entirety.

Politicians never let a good disaster go to waste.
That aside, people still don't want to see their elderly relatives die.
I agree re old folks' homes.
If you don't want to see your elderly relatives die, then keep then inside. Don't tell the rest of us we can't go to work.
If you don't want to see your elderly relatives die, then keep then inside. Don't tell the rest of us we can't go to work.

I actually do agree with some of what you say. Even though the lock down down here seemed to work, I think it was way OTT in some instances. Some parts I agree with. To me a lot of common sense went out the window. However, I think the issue authorities have is that they have to play to the lowest common denominator - and that's the dumbest guy in the room. See, you and I would probably social distance, wash our hands etc. We don't need an official to tell us to do that. Yet, then you have pastors telling people to go around hugging each other, so the govt feels like it has to do something. If people would just use common sense none of this would probably happen.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
250 million people world wide are going to be starving if we don’t get our food supply flowing like it was before the lockdown. How long do you expect to keep grandparents away from their grandkids? This is no where near as simple as you claim it to be.

7.8 billion people world wide are looking at a pandemic right now. We might want to end that first.
And only around 46.8 million of the most unhealthy people are looking at death from covid, vs the 3x that amount, 250 million, infants to elderly, are looking at starving to death. 68 million in this country alone are looking at crippling unemployment.

And that's just our country. Anyone who thinks the US economy can collapse without taking every other country with it is high as balls and hallucinating.
Anybody who thinks the economy can be fully productive when people are scared to go to work because they could get sick or die is high as balls and hallucinating.
Better to be afraid of the chinese disease without cause than to die of starvation in lib nirvana
No one is going to die of starvation. But when a person is ignorantly calling a virus the Chinese disease, there is no reason coming from that persons mind.
There's no reason coming from the mind of a callous self centered asshole who has no problem wacthing people losing everything they own because of this insane shutdown.
I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.

You are full of bullshit as always. I didn't ASK, "When can lockdowns end?" I asked, "If you want the lockdowns to continue, tell me how that looks and what the plan is for that future?"

Is there ever going to be a point in your ignorant, cowardly life when you answer the question being asked instead of the question you WISH had been asked?
And the plan for the future is widespread testing. Nobody wants the lockdown to continue, but we also don't want a 2nd, more serious outbreak to overwhelm hospitals. We want people back to work and the ONLY safe way that can happen is through widespread testing. Surely you're not so much of raging bitch that doesn't permeate?

So your answer is, "We continue the lockdowns until testing"? That's it? What does that even MEAN? Does it mean we keep the whole country locked down until a test for the coronavirus is invented? Got that. Does it mean we keep the whole country locked down until antibody testing is invented? Got that. Until X number of people are tested for having it, or for having had it? What's the number? How long would that take? And what does the world look like in the meantime? And what does that actually do for us? And, most importantly, once your metric - whatever it is - is met, THEN what happens?

Surely you're not so bitter that I see you for the pretentious halfwit you are that you can't understand the questions being asked.
It’s these stupid people who don’t know wtf they’re talking about, that demand government preform a show for them, so they can “feel” safer. They don’t understand the limits of testing. They don’t understand what happens when one size fits all changes from “up top” get placed onto highly complicated and immensely intertwined systems. And they don’t understand that what they stupidly deem “unnecessary” is part of an incredibly complex and intertwined system that they rely upon, and the ones who feel the hurt from that disruption of the system are the MOST needy among us.

Essentially all we needed to do here was stop all visitation to nursing homes, and step up PPE and sanitation procedures at nursing homes. Not that that would’ve have prevented all death, but it would’ve been by far the most effective way to do so. I was a person ringing the bell on this loudly a month before many of these twats took covid seriously. I’m an RN at very large hospital. We’re just a couple of hours outside of NYC. I’m seeing what’s happening on the ground in real time. It is not as bad as we thought. The people we see getting rocked by covid are almost all 80 year old diabetics, with congestive heart failure or something else of the sort going. I’m probably more jaded to death in the elderly than most, but I’m just looking at this whole situation in its entirety.

Politicians never let a good disaster go to waste.
That aside, people still don't want to see their elderly relatives die.
I agree re old folks' homes.
If you don't want to see your elderly relatives die, then keep then inside. Don't tell the rest of us we can't go to work.
Especially since the dipshit doesn’t even live here.
I didn’t dumbass. I’m not voting for your blob.

I never suggested you should. Vote for whoever you want.

But you can't criticize him for spending on the stimulus checks and have a premade talking point ready to blame him for not doing anything.

You're too easy.

The blob did something.

He did bail out multi-million dollar corporations. He did bail out the Los Angeles Lakers. He did authorize sending tons of medical supplies to China. He did call the virus a hoax. He did admit he didn't know people died from viruses. He did force thousand of unscreened travelers to stand shoulder to shoulder at the airports around the nation. He did tell the States that the stockpile as "our" stockpile. He did lie about the availability of testing. He did say it would disappear like a miracle. He did say we would have "close to zero cases" in a few days. He lied and said he had the authority to restart the economy. He has done quite a bit. Almost all of it bad.

Here is what Trump did right:
He did shut down the parks which hurt me but was a good idea. He did use the DPA in some cases--he should have done more of that. It was too a good idea. The guidelines that the CDC put out to guide the States was a good idea. Why his blobness isn't in front of the microphones chiding governors of both parties for ignoring the guidelines is a mystery from a PH standpoint; from a political standpoint--it makes sense.

What the grotesque bitch did was criticize the spending. What the grotesque bitch will do is vote for the blob who authorized every penny of the spending. That is having it both ways shit-brains.

The spending, BTW is fine. Its what we needed.

What we didn't need was only 17% of it going to citizens.
What we didn't need was publicly traded companies being able to get "small business" loans.
What we didn't need was for your blob to fire the IG who would be in charge of dispersing the funds
What we didn't need was the banks to cash in on $10B of it (that figure is old--I'm sure it's much more now) in the form of fees for processing loans.
Also, in fairness, what we needed was Congress--and I'm looking at you Pelosi--to have acted much quicker than it did. That they held it up to put some safeguards in was fine but they should have started weeks earlier.

The Treasury does fall under the blob. He is responsible.
He did bail out multi-million dollar corporations.
And? What impact did that have on you, specifically?

He did bail out the Los Angeles Lakers.

Yeah? And? There are ushers and ticket takers and concession stand workers that are employed by them. Or do they not count?

He did authorize sending tons of medical supplies to China ... He did tell the States that the stockpile as "our" stockpile.

No, he did not.

A Democratic group’s ad attacking President Donald Trump leaves the misleading impression that medical equipment donated by U.S.-based organizations and businesses to China early in the global coronavirus outbreak came from the Trump administration.

“He shipped China 17 tons of American masks and medical supplies,” says the ad from American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal super PAC, referring to Trump. “Our masks and supplies. Supplies we need now.”

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February. The State Department even lauded the donations as “a testament to the generosity of the American people,” and said they were an example of “strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak.”

But the medical supplies were not “American” or “ours” in the sense that they belonged to the federal government, which the ad’s language may lead viewers to believe. The equipment was donated by those companies and organizations specifically for use by health care workers in China.

He did call the virus a hoax.

He did not call the virus a hoax:

Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.

You really are gullible aren't you?
What the grotesque bitch did was criticize the spending. What the grotesque bitch will do is vote for the blob who authorized every penny of the spending.
Who wouldn't be? This is government trying to help people in a time of crisis, but we can't keep doing it and doing it.

Or did you intentionally misconstrue what she said?
He did bail out multi-million dollar corporations.
And? What impact did that have on you, specifically?
None. Neither did slavery, the internment of Japanese Americans, the Tuskegee Experiment or the death of Elvis. I can state that they were all terrible things though. As was the blob sending money to Wall Street instead of Main Street.

He did bail out the Los Angeles Lakers.

Yeah? And? There are ushers and ticket takers and concession stand workers that are employed by them. Or do they not count?
Again, you are either drunk or high.

The money the lease holder on the Staples Center can pay the workers out of money he's not paying out in bonuses to LeBron & Co.

He did authorize sending tons of medical supplies to China ... He did tell the States that the stockpile as "our" stockpile.

No, he did not.

A Democratic group’s ad attacking President Donald Trump leaves the misleading impression that medical equipment donated by U.S.-based organizations and businesses to China early in the global coronavirus outbreak came from the Trump administration.

“He shipped China 17 tons of American masks and medical supplies,” says the ad from American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal super PAC, referring to Trump. “Our masks and supplies. Supplies we need now.”

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February. The State Department even lauded the donations as “a testament to the generosity of the American people,” and said they were an example of “strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak.”

But the medical supplies were not “American” or “ours” in the sense that they belonged to the federal government, which the ad’s language may lead viewers to believe. The equipment was donated by those companies and organizations specifically for use by health care workers in China.

From your post above:

It’s true the State Department was involved in delivering to China tons of personal protective equipment donated by American companies and organizations in early February.

He did call the virus a hoax.
He did not call the virus a hoax:

Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.

You really are gullible aren't you?
He did call it a hoax.

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