Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

17% is closer to a fourth. Not a fifth.

I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you'd like.


Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.

It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.

You think 17% is closer to a fourth than a fifth?

Actually yeah, it is less than a fifth. But less than a fifth is $374 billion. Divide $374 billion by $1200 (the size of the base check being given out), and you get 311,666,667. Or that many Americans getting checks from the aid package.

I'm not gonna sit here and lie about getting the fractions right, that's what calculators are made for. But if you think an error like that invalidates my argument, guess again.

Looks like I beat you into submission my mathematically challenged friend. I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you like.

And you said "The blob had some good guidelines to follow," if I recall correctly. I got you to say that in similar form twice (EDIT: three times now) already.

But yeah, celebrate a meaningless victory. I care not. I won the overall debate.

Wanna laugh? Go right ahead. It doesn't make the situation any better for you.

Not sure what you think you've won. I think the states should be following the science--set up by the Blob's CDC. Therefore You seem to think the blob wants us locked down until 2024.

Yet you plan on voting for El Blob'o. That makes you a loser.
17% is closer to a fourth. Not a fifth.

I can keep pointing out more mathematical failures on your part if you'd like.


Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.

It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.

You think 17% is closer to a fourth than a fifth?

Actually yeah, it is less than a fifth. But less than a fifth (17% of 2.2 trillion) is $374 billion. Divide $374 billion by $1200 (the size of the base check being given out), and you get 311,666,667. Or that many Americans getting checks from the aid package.

I'm not gonna sit here and lie about getting the fractions right, that's what calculators are made for. But if you think an error like that invalidates my argument, guess again.

Want to do the math yourself then, candycorn?

Still haven't answered the question, have we, little buddy?

What math is that...that you've confirmed that the average Americans are getting less than 20% of the blob's $2.2T corporate welfare package? You finally confirmed what a bad deal it is for Americans. Yet you still support el-blob-o.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.
Species survival...ddduh, genocidal smugness tomfoolery

The CDC guidelines are based on science.

Let me deal the killing blow to your argument, math whiz.

So were Trump's guidelines, which ironically, were advised by the CDC guidelines.

But you insist Trump doesn't listen to science.

Keep swingin' little buddy.

Again..you can't quote me as saying any such thing. But that doesn't stop you from lying and saying I did. I understand you have no problem lying. It's all you have left.

Where I fault your blob is in the fact that he isn't chiding governors for ignoring his own guidelines and, if you go by what he said on his trip to AZ, he isn't even wanting them to follow the guidelines. You will note that he is no longer mentioning them.
Therefore You seem to think the blob wants us locked down until 2024.

I never once said that. And, you want to lecture me about misquoting somebody?

Your suggestion in reply to the OP was to "follow the science." Which means continuing this lockdown for 2 to 5 years. Your suggestion, not mine. I have posted direct links to scientific studies in this thread which assert as much.

But I never once said Trump is going to keep us locked down for that long.

You did. By insisting we 'follow the science.'

But keep flailing. I'll be happy to wrap you around the maypole a few more times.
I just popped in on my lunch break to see if any lockdown proponents bothered to answer my questions, or if they all just came crowding in to scream slogans and tell us, "All I need to know is Orange Man Bad!"

So I guess that clears it up: there is no one supporting continued lockdowns who is doing so because they want to save lives. They just want a chance to attack Trump. That's it, that's all, and they haven't given a single thought to what the effects of their demands might be, because it doesn't matter to them.
You are full of bovine feces as usual. Quite a few people told you exactly when the lockdowns can end. It’s a very simple answer. TESTING.
The pat answer. How many people do you want to test before you consider it safe? How often do you want to repeat the tests? How long is your Tested Safe good for?
Now once tested do you get chipped or carry an ID card?
What to you do with the people who test positive? Lock them away there and then?
TESTING is not the end all be all solution.

A vaccination is. That aside, let's not do testing! Let it run it's course. While we're at it, why bother trying to do anything about any disease! Woo hoo...
That seems to be the preferred GOP plan. Let the chips fall where they may. Meemaw and Pepaw will have to be sacrificed. As will the lower-paid, front-line workers who are not worth the cost and bother of testing.

Testing is for the rich and well-connected. And there are enough poor, uneducated Trump supporters who will think that is the way it has to be. Everything for the wealthy. Without them, we are nothing.
The GOP lives in the real world that needs a healthy economy to afford the wipe-every-nose welfare state that libs demand
GOP red states are most dependent on the federal government.

Maybe if they could get their shit together and start working they wouldn't be such a drain on our healthy economy.
Ok if you think so lets cut of all federal spending for welfare and leave it entirely to the states

I’m for it but knowing libs I bet they are against it
It's a fact, not a matter of opinion. I'm fine with leaving welfare to the states. It's time to cull the red state nutters and you know the red state governments will not spend money to care for their citizens.

You have almost 20% of Mississippi living in poverty. It's time for this shit to stop. It's not fair to make the rest of us pay for these lazy welfare states.

States with the highest poverty Rates

StatePoverty Rate
New Mexico19.7
West Virginia19.1

44 Important Welfare Statistics for 2020 - Lexington Law
Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.
It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.
Actually I claimed it was less than a fifth.

A fourth is more than a fifth.

You're as good at rhetoric as you are at math. LOL

Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.
It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.
Actually I claimed it was less than a fifth.

A fourth is more than a fifth.

You're as good at rhetoric as you are at math. LOL

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Okay, now I'm confused.
You have almost 20% of Mississippi living in poverty. It's time for this shit to stop. It's not fair to make the rest of us pay for these lazy welfare states.
You are aware that most of that 20% are black democrat voters arent you?

if we returned welfare to the states you and I both would be lynched by irate welfare bums

but forcing them to work would be the best thing thst ever happened to them
Where I fault your blob is in the fact that he isn't chiding governors for ignoring his own guidelines

Were you not paying attention to how hard he laid into Brian Kemp for being the first to open?
I was paying attention to him when he tweeted LIBERATE MICHIGAN, LIBERATE VIRGINIA, LIBERATE MINNESOTA.

Trump is no longer pushing these recommendations. He wants states opened up and some people will just have to be sacrificed for the economy. He said as much a couple of days ago. Everyone paying attention knows this.
Therefore You seem to think the blob wants us locked down until 2024.

I never once said that. And, you want to lecture me about misquoting somebody?

Your suggestion in reply to the OP was to "follow the science." Which means continuing this lockdown for 2 to 5 years. Your suggestion, not mine. I have posted direct links to scientific studies in this thread which assert as much.

But I never once said Trump is going to keep us locked down for that long.

You did. By insisting we 'follow the science.'

But keep flailing. I'll be happy to wrap you around the maypole a few more times.

Following science does not mean waiting until 2024 to end the lockdown. It never has; never will. You keep saying "see you in 2024".
Life, that is our endgame.

Have fun dying for freedom that ends with death.
So you think that everyone will die from this virus? Isn't it about an average of 1 to 1.5% death rate, worldwide?

Actually right now it is infected 6.5 death rate , rendering it one of one of the worst pandemic death rates in the early stages, because it will go on all year, of all time.

Worse than the death rate of World War Two I might add.

As you will learn, if you live?
Jeeze....lets hope you are wrong....holy mole.....
Candycorn insisted that only 17% of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act aid went to regular American citizens, which he further claimed was "a fifth" of the package.
It's one fourth of the package, not a fifth.
Actually I claimed it was less than a fifth.

A fourth is more than a fifth.

You're as good at rhetoric as you are at math. LOL

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Another blob supporter who can't read. Shocked? No...me neither.

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