Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Seriously I wrote down a plan on Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

Not one of you cared... Endless bickering and not even looked at a pretty sensible draft plan...
There's a simple way to end the lockdown: end it.

So that is the ignore any scientific advise and fuck grandma...
No, just ignore those bureaucrats who pretend they know the science. You grandma is your problem, not mine.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....
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I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

Hey, hun. We have an election in a few months. Elect Biden and you can reinstitute the lockdown permanently. Donald J. Trump is ruling this country now, but that could change.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

Hey, hun. We have an election in a few months. Elect Biden and you can reinstitute the lockdown permanently. Donald J. Trump is ruling this country now, but that could change.
Hey, dunce, this has nothing to do with the naked emperor. He has zero control over lockdowns.
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I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....
I've had a lot of doctors who are just plain incompetant. So have a lot of my friends. Your blind faith in govenrment officials indicates that you're a gullible moron.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....
I've had a lot of doctors who are just plain incompetant. So have a lot of my friends. Your blind faith in govenrment officials indicates that you're a gullible moron.
Let's see...on one side you have the overwhelming majority of health experts...and on the other is? Yeah, I'll go with the health experts. You can stick with stupid.
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I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
You know, I am tired of dumb white racist sons of bitches talking this kind of shit.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

Hey, hun. We have an election in a few months. Elect Biden and you can reinstitute the lockdown permanently. Donald J. Trump is ruling this country now, but that could change.
There will be no permanent lockdown if Biden is president. But what trump is talking about will make things worse.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....
I've had a lot of doctors who are just plain incompetant. So have a lot of my friends. Your blind faith in govenrment officials indicates that you're a gullible moron.
And you seem to miss the fact that trump is a government official with ZERO medical knowledge you stupid son of a bitch.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

Hey, hun. We have an election in a few months. Elect Biden and you can reinstitute the lockdown permanently. Donald J. Trump is ruling this country now, but that could change.
There will be no permanent lockdown if Biden is president. But what trump is talking about will make things worse.

How long of lockdown do you think Biden wants to have?
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
You don't think lives are destroyed when people are unemployed for years, go bankrupt, lose everything they own and live on the street?

You're a colossal dumbfuck. If you don't want to be infected, then stay in your house, but don't be telling other people they can't go to work. 95% of people who get COVID-19 don't even know it, so how is half the population going to be so sick that they can't go to work? only 0.01% of the population will die because of COVID-19. I'm not exactly quacking in my boots over that.

As I was explaining to someone yesterday, it's not even just about the lives of people in the United States if the US economy collapses. Even if the pie-in-the-sky leftists are right and America will never devolve into a third-world country, what about those places that already ARE third-world countries, whose people are dependent on American charity and generosity to even survive? What the hell happens to them when we're so broke and desperate ourselves that we have nothing to give them? Or does saving THOSE lives no longer matter when the left has a new set of human shields to hide behind?
I went to Sams Club today and they had no pork and very little beef. What are the callous self centered retired old coots going to do when there's nothing to eat?
Do you even get WHY there is no pork or beef?
There's no beef or Pork because of hysterical douchebags like you.

Wrong, idiot. There is no beef or pork because of the consolidation of the meat packing industry. Hundreds of people crammed together spreading the virus to each other...and turning little towns into COVID hot spots.

Fascinating. And that addresses the topic of the thread how?

Why don't you ask Bripat, your bitchness? He's the one babbling about no meat at Sam's Club

My question was for people who want to extend the lockdowns, Your Stupidness. Bri doesn't want to extend them, so the question is not to him.
No, you asked me what our (his and mine)discussion about meat had to do with the topic of your thread. It is weird that you would ask me what it has to do with the topic when he is the one that brought it up. Only people that agree with you are allowed to talk about meat and not the topic of your thread?

Bri doesn't have a problem addressing the topic. You, on the other hand, have a history of ignoring the topic to try to deflect off onto your talking points.
That was classic projection. Textbook even. Your lame, strawman, topic was "addressed" over and over. You just didn't get the response your hindass demanded. Tissue?

"Straw man" does not mean "things I don't want to talk about", Seabiscuit. If you really can't see how asking what alternative people have to offer to reopening is a relevant topic to discuss, then you are literally the only one who can't see it, and you're probably also in need of a helmet and a babysitter for your own protection.

You just don't like that you can't get away with deflecting and turning this thread into your standard, warmed-over shouting match of "My slogans mean I'm a good person and you aren't!"
Your Strawman is your statement that anyone wants the lockdown. Necessary doesn't equate to desired.
You cant demand a lockdown and then claim you are not responsible for the economic consequences
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?

Let me know when the combined population numbers of those countries comes close to our actual population number....
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

You do understand that most doctors are germaphobe by practice right? More importantly, most doctors don't see or understand the bigger practice of economic collapse.
things that are more likely to kill you than the corona: sharks, alcohol, the flu, smoking, falling coconuts, thunder, aaaaaand...Crooked Hillary!
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

Hey, hun. We have an election in a few months. Elect Biden and you can reinstitute the lockdown permanently. Donald J. Trump is ruling this country now, but that could change.
There will be no permanent lockdown if Biden is president. But what trump is talking about will make things worse.

How long of lockdown do you think Biden wants to have?
I don't know or care. What I do know is if you get sick, you're locked down in a hospital and if you die you're locked down in a casket.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
250 million people world wide are going to be starving if we don’t get our food supply flowing like it was before the lockdown. How long do you expect to keep grandparents away from their grandkids? This is no where near as simple as you claim it to be.

7.8 billion people world wide are looking at a pandemic right now. We might want to end that first.
And only around 46.8 million of the most unhealthy people are looking at death from covid, vs the 3x that amount, 250 million, infants to elderly, are looking at starving to death. 68 million in this country alone are looking at crippling unemployment.

And that's just our country. Anyone who thinks the US economy can collapse without taking every other country with it is high as balls and hallucinating.
Anybody who thinks the economy can be fully productive when people are scared to go to work because they could get sick or die is high as balls and hallucinating.

That is silly.
When only 70k out of 330 million have died, that only 0.021%.
That means only 2 out of every 10,000 people have died.
No one would be scared about going to work if they were not constantly be lied to and facing hysterical propaganda.

And the culprit is obvious.
When a vaccine is available, think about the profits from selling 330 million anxious customers, a vaccine at $100 a shot?
It's not the number that have died that concerns people, it's number that will die. One does not have to be a scientist or a visionary to see where we're going. The average number of covid 19 deaths per day in the US averaged over the last 2 weeks has been 1650/day. If that death rate continues without increasing due to opening up the country, the death toll will rise to 240,000 by the middle of August and exceed 450,000 by the end of the year. And that's if we're successful in opening the country so the death rate does not increase.

But there are two questions that need to be addressed in that.

One, are the lockdowns actually saving people from dying, or are they just delaying it a little? I mean, we've been locked down to varying degrees for a while now, and cases and deaths keep coming up. And whatever the leftists might like to believe, they aren't concentrated in the areas with less-strict lockdowns. If the lockdowns are delaying people getting it and dying from it, that works IF a vaccine or cure is going to come along soon. Otherwise, the end result is going to be the same.

Two, what about the deaths caused by the lockdowns themselves? Anyone who pretends that reopen vs lockdown is a binary choice between deaths vs no deaths is drunk.
I agree. Lock downs or partial openings of economy only delay new cases and deaths until such time as we have a vaccine to prevent covid19, and/or antivirals to treat it. With over 50 different organization developing vaccines and dozens of drug companies working on antivirals, we are almost certain to have a few next year. Once we do, we will begin saving a lot of lives and building confidence in the safety of both consumers, and workers. Then and only then will we see our lives return to normal and long term economic growth.

IMHO, if we completely open up the country, we certainly would have increases in number cases and deaths and consumers would be very reluctant consumers. People would go to the groceries stores because they feel they need to and yes they would dine out occasionally, go to sporting events, and other activities but they would be reluctance to do so fueled by daily reports of rising number deaths and cases. In the end it will consumers, not goverment or business that decide whether the country opens and stays open.

I don't know any way of determining how many deaths occur do to lock-downs. My gut feel is they are a lot less than 75,000 every two months.
Y’all still don’t get it, this is 3 times as infectious as the flu. Apparently an even more infectious strain is starting to take over. The whole 6ft of social distance is nothing more than a show. It’s makes us feel safe as long as where six feet away from each other at the grocery store. A. it’s bullshit as far as there’s no magical barrier that this virus can’t travel past 6 ft in the air. It can’t travel far as fuck depending on things like vapor pressure and ventilation. On top of that it hangs in the air, so you might be walking behind someone with 6ft distance, but in a few seconds you’re going to be right in their previous “airspace”. B. What no one is talking about is indirect transmission meaning you pick it up from touching something that a carrier touched, which is the most likely path of transmission for everyone. We’re all touching the same pin pads and card readers at the grocery store. This is where masks help because it’s stops you from touching your face, but they are in no way 100% effective, not even close.

In other words there is no stopping the spread of this virus. Only slightly slowing it. By the time a vaccine is ready it will be too late. We will have reached herd immunity. The only goal of the shutdown was to make sure our healthcare system doesn’t get overwhelmed. IT WAS NOT TO BUY TIME FOR A VACCINE. The place where this is raging probably the most in the world is NYC. Their hospitals are busy yes, but not overwhelmed. They also live crammed on top of each other, take an elevator that’s been touched 100 times per day, go to the subway that’s been touched a thousand time per day, and then ride on a tube that has thousands of people on it per day. Maybe NY should stay shut down a little longer. But for at least 95% of the rest of the country, there is no logical reason for people under 65, in relatively good health to stay locked down. Our hospitals have almost double the amount of ICU beds, and specialized equipment than most countries in Europe. We also have twice as many specialized medical staff like MDs, RN, and RT’s than Europe does, who many of their doctors are just general practitioners. Like our system or not, it’s damn good at taking care of very sick people compared to Europe. This isn’t going to overwhelm the system. We should encourage the young to go out and catch this as quickly as possible.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
You don't think lives are destroyed when people are unemployed for years, go bankrupt, lose everything they own and live on the street?

You're a colossal dumbfuck. If you don't want to be infected, then stay in your house, but don't be telling other people they can't go to work. 95% of people who get COVID-19 don't even know it, so how is half the population going to be so sick that they can't go to work? only 0.01% of the population will die because of COVID-19. I'm not exactly quacking in my boots over that.

As I was explaining to someone yesterday, it's not even just about the lives of people in the United States if the US economy collapses. Even if the pie-in-the-sky leftists are right and America will never devolve into a third-world country, what about those places that already ARE third-world countries, whose people are dependent on American charity and generosity to even survive? What the hell happens to them when we're so broke and desperate ourselves that we have nothing to give them? Or does saving THOSE lives no longer matter when the left has a new set of human shields to hide behind?
I went to Sams Club today and they had no pork and very little beef. What are the callous self centered retired old coots going to do when there's nothing to eat?
Do you even get WHY there is no pork or beef?
There's no beef or Pork because of hysterical douchebags like you.

Wrong, idiot. There is no beef or pork because of the consolidation of the meat packing industry. Hundreds of people crammed together spreading the virus to each other...and turning little towns into COVID hot spots.

Fascinating. And that addresses the topic of the thread how?

Why don't you ask Bripat, your bitchness? He's the one babbling about no meat at Sam's Club

My question was for people who want to extend the lockdowns, Your Stupidness. Bri doesn't want to extend them, so the question is not to him.
No, you asked me what our (his and mine)discussion about meat had to do with the topic of your thread. It is weird that you would ask me what it has to do with the topic when he is the one that brought it up. Only people that agree with you are allowed to talk about meat and not the topic of your thread?

Bri doesn't have a problem addressing the topic. You, on the other hand, have a history of ignoring the topic to try to deflect off onto your talking points.
That was classic projection. Textbook even. Your lame, strawman, topic was "addressed" over and over. You just didn't get the response your hindass demanded. Tissue?

"Straw man" does not mean "things I don't want to talk about", Seabiscuit. If you really can't see how asking what alternative people have to offer to reopening is a relevant topic to discuss, then you are literally the only one who can't see it, and you're probably also in need of a helmet and a babysitter for your own protection.

You just don't like that you can't get away with deflecting and turning this thread into your standard, warmed-over shouting match of "My slogans mean I'm a good person and you aren't!"
Your Strawman is your statement that anyone wants the lockdown. Necessary doesn't equate to desired.
You cant demand a lockdown and then claim you are not responsible for the economic consequences
You can't ignore all advice given to you about an approaching pandemic then not understand the economic damage you have created.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

Hey, hun. We have an election in a few months. Elect Biden and you can reinstitute the lockdown permanently. Donald J. Trump is ruling this country now, but that could change.
There will be no permanent lockdown if Biden is president. But what trump is talking about will make things worse.

How long of lockdown do you think Biden wants to have?

Don't care. It's not about what politicians want, it's about what's recommended safe for the American people by health professionals.
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I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

They are the experts and we need to end this time of thinking we know more than experts just because we stayed at a holiday inn express.
What a servile bootlicker. You meekly follow the orders of your masters and decline to use your own brain.

Pathetic and revolting.
Following the advice of medical and health professionals is prudent. You don't do what your doctor tells you to do so you won't be seen as a "bootlicker"? Yeah, dumb is so much better....

Hey, hun. We have an election in a few months. Elect Biden and you can reinstitute the lockdown permanently. Donald J. Trump is ruling this country now, but that could change.
There will be no permanent lockdown if Biden is president. But what trump is talking about will make things worse.

How long of lockdown do you think Biden wants to have?
I don't know or care. What I do know is if you get sick, you're locked down in a hospital and if you die you're locked down in a casket.
What if you lose your job and have no income for 6 months, you lose your house, you file for bankruptcy, you have no credit, no money and live on the street with the rest of the COVID homeless?

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