Loggers support Trump's claim that wildfires caused by 'poor forest management'

You people do realize that the forests in this country need fires to actually be healthy don't you?
You people do realize that the forests in this country need fires to actually be healthy don't you?


On the other hand grass fires are totally different ..
You people do realize that the forests in this country need fires to actually be healthy don't you?


On the other hand grass fires are totally different ..

What's that about Sequoias, Corky?

Yosemite Sequoias Need Fire

burning underbrush isnt burning trees - SPARKY
Both the Camp Fire in Paradise and the Woolsey Fire in Thousand Oaks, which caused much devastation, occurred on privately owned forest

Study: Wildfires Burn More Severely On Private Timber Plantations Than Public Forests

Study co-author Chris Dunn of Oregon State University says federal forests (BLM- or Forest Service-managed) still burn severely. And the exclusion of fire in the 20th century likely means the wildfires across public lands are burning hotter than they did historically.

But he said tree plantations on commercial timberland play a larger role in severe wildfire than is often acknowledged.

“To me it means that they share in the responsibility in this checkerboard landscape to the overall picture of fire risk,” Dunn said. “It’s not the full picture, but it’s part of it. But if they contribute to part of it, then they share in that responsibility.”

These wildfires are being set purposely using a litany of weapons to drive people off of their property and it's all a part of Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030. The west is particularly important to the global elites. No one can tell me how these fires burn down and destroy granite counter-tops but leave trees standing mere feet away from the property.

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Live trees can survive devastating fires. Depends on the depth of their roots and moisture availability during it's life and if it's been exposed to fire previously and how often...…...they can become what you might call 'hardened' against fire...…..just sayin

Cars burning up from the inside out? I also saw footage of a tree that was burning from the inside out. This is an attack on Californians and the communist Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 plan is at the heart of it.
Support for President Trumps claim that forest management is to blame for the fires in California. When The Dims respond, we can shame them for attacking those hardworking loggers.

A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

“President Trump blamed poor forest management for wildfires in California and throughout the West, and there is truth to statements he has made,” said Daniel Dructor, executive vice president of the American Loggers Council, a coalition of state and regional associations that represents independent contract loggers.

“It’s time to rise above political posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging, thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,” Mr. Dructor said in a statement.

According to the council, some 60 million to 80 million acres of national forest are at “high, to very high, risk of catastrophic wildfire.”

Yet many policy experts, and even the logging industry, now say many environmental groups have relaxed their opposition to forest-thinning projects. A Sacramento Bee investigation in early October showed that while environmental groups once routinely used the courts to block or delay forest-thinning projects, many of them have begun working with the logging industry in recent years.

"The vast majority of the mainstream environmental community is on board," said Rich Gordon, president of the California Forestry Association, the industry's main lobbying group in Sacramento. "We've been working hard together ... and have good partnerships."

In October the Forest Service, which reports to Perdue's Department of Agriculture, gave The Bee a list of 25 forest-thinning projects on Forest Service land in California that environmentalists had tried to scuttle in the past decade.

None of them were in the Plumas National Forest, in the vicinity of where at least one ignition point of the Camp Fire may have been. Cal Fire has said the Camp Fire started either in the Plumas forest or just outside of it.

Gordon faulted the federal government for not spending enough on forest management. McClatchy reported in August that the Trump administration has been proposing carving millions out of the federal budget for management.

Fact Check: Trump administration blames 'radical environmental groups' for Camp Fire. Experts disagree.

Trump is using this fire to play politics.
Both the Camp Fire in Paradise and the Woolsey Fire in Thousand Oaks, which caused much devastation, occurred on privately owned forest

Study: Wildfires Burn More Severely On Private Timber Plantations Than Public Forests

Study co-author Chris Dunn of Oregon State University says federal forests (BLM- or Forest Service-managed) still burn severely. And the exclusion of fire in the 20th century likely means the wildfires across public lands are burning hotter than they did historically.

But he said tree plantations on commercial timberland play a larger role in severe wildfire than is often acknowledged.

“To me it means that they share in the responsibility in this checkerboard landscape to the overall picture of fire risk,” Dunn said. “It’s not the full picture, but it’s part of it. But if they contribute to part of it, then they share in that responsibility.”

These wildfires are being set purposely using a litany of weapons to drive people off of their property and it's all a part of Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030. The west is particularly important to the global elites. No one can tell me how these fires burn down and destroy granite counter-tops but leave trees standing mere feet away from the property.

View attachment 229840

Live trees can survive devastating fires. Depends on the depth of their roots and moisture availability during it's life and if it's been exposed to fire previously and how often...…...they can become what you might call 'hardened' against fire...…..just sayin

Cars burning up from the inside out? I also saw footage of a tree that was burning from the inside out. This is an attack on Californians and the communist Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 plan is at the heart of it.


Both the Camp Fire in Paradise and the Woolsey Fire in Thousand Oaks, which caused much devastation, occurred on privately owned forest

Study: Wildfires Burn More Severely On Private Timber Plantations Than Public Forests

Study co-author Chris Dunn of Oregon State University says federal forests (BLM- or Forest Service-managed) still burn severely. And the exclusion of fire in the 20th century likely means the wildfires across public lands are burning hotter than they did historically.

But he said tree plantations on commercial timberland play a larger role in severe wildfire than is often acknowledged.

“To me it means that they share in the responsibility in this checkerboard landscape to the overall picture of fire risk,” Dunn said. “It’s not the full picture, but it’s part of it. But if they contribute to part of it, then they share in that responsibility.”

These wildfires are being set purposely using a litany of weapons to drive people off of their property and it's all a part of Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030. The west is particularly important to the global elites. No one can tell me how these fires burn down and destroy granite counter-tops but leave trees standing mere feet away from the property.

View attachment 229840

Live trees can survive devastating fires. Depends on the depth of their roots and moisture availability during it's life and if it's been exposed to fire previously and how often...…...they can become what you might call 'hardened' against fire...…..just sayin

Cars burning up from the inside out? I also saw footage of a tree that was burning from the inside out. This is an attack on Californians and the communist Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 plan is at the heart of it.
Support for President Trumps claim that forest management is to blame for the fires in California. When The Dims respond, we can shame them for attacking those hardworking loggers.

A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

“President Trump blamed poor forest management for wildfires in California and throughout the West, and there is truth to statements he has made,” said Daniel Dructor, executive vice president of the American Loggers Council, a coalition of state and regional associations that represents independent contract loggers.

“It’s time to rise above political posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging, thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,” Mr. Dructor said in a statement.

According to the council, some 60 million to 80 million acres of national forest are at “high, to very high, risk of catastrophic wildfire.”

Do you really believe, or are you so stupid to believe, an organization which needs to cut down trees for profit, would agree with Trump's foolishness?
What "foolishness?" Trump is right. What's wrong with cutting down trees for profit?
Support for President Trumps claim that forest management is to blame for the fires in California. When The Dims respond, we can shame them for attacking those hardworking loggers.

A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

“President Trump blamed poor forest management for wildfires in California and throughout the West, and there is truth to statements he has made,” said Daniel Dructor, executive vice president of the American Loggers Council, a coalition of state and regional associations that represents independent contract loggers.

“It’s time to rise above political posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging, thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,” Mr. Dructor said in a statement.

According to the council, some 60 million to 80 million acres of national forest are at “high, to very high, risk of catastrophic wildfire.”

Do you really believe, or are you so stupid to believe, an organization which needs to cut down trees for profit, would agree with Trump's foolishness?
What "foolishness?" Trump is right. What's wrong with cutting down trees for profit?
simply, better supply chain management.
Live trees can survive devastating fires. Depends on the depth of their roots and moisture availability during it's life and if it's been exposed to fire previously and how often...…...they can become what you might call 'hardened' against fire...…..just sayin

They survive controlled burns all the time. They work very well.
sure , cut down trees to make profit and to make the woods healthy , it is a Science . My main thing is the debris in the woods that dries out and is lying on the ground . When a fire starts this debris starts burning and blowing all over the place setting more fires . If TRUMP said that the woods need to be raked up or cleaned up he is correct .

On the other hand grass fires are totally different...

Were these fires in the Redwood forests?

Does screaming help make your point?
Sorry bout that,

  1. There are fire suppressant foam machines that can blow foam around ones house during a shit storm fire, and prevent the loss of houses, can be bought online that use biodegradable foams.
  2. Neighbors could buy them and split the cost.
  3. Tree huggers are the main problem for safety from fire damages, and or deaths.
Both the Camp Fire in Paradise and the Woolsey Fire in Thousand Oaks, which caused much devastation, occurred on privately owned forest

Study: Wildfires Burn More Severely On Private Timber Plantations Than Public Forests

Study co-author Chris Dunn of Oregon State University says federal forests (BLM- or Forest Service-managed) still burn severely. And the exclusion of fire in the 20th century likely means the wildfires across public lands are burning hotter than they did historically.

But he said tree plantations on commercial timberland play a larger role in severe wildfire than is often acknowledged.

“To me it means that they share in the responsibility in this checkerboard landscape to the overall picture of fire risk,” Dunn said. “It’s not the full picture, but it’s part of it. But if they contribute to part of it, then they share in that responsibility.”

These wildfires are being set purposely using a litany of weapons to drive people off of their property and it's all a part of Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030. The west is particularly important to the global elites. No one can tell me how these fires burn down and destroy granite counter-tops but leave trees standing mere feet away from the property.

View attachment 229840

Live trees can survive devastating fires. Depends on the depth of their roots and moisture availability during it's life and if it's been exposed to fire previously and how often...…...they can become what you might call 'hardened' against fire...…..just sayin

Cars burning up from the inside out? I also saw footage of a tree that was burning from the inside out. This is an attack on Californians and the communist Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 plan is at the heart of it.

I don't know about the cars or whatever agenda's......but I do know healthy trees can survive fires. Trees with thick bark that protect the tree from many types of disaster tend to die from within.
We have a woodstove for winter heat, and I've seen plenty of wood from trees that are rotting from the inside while the outside looks fine. Also much of the insect damage occurs in forests is from the insects boring into, feeding from and nesting within the trees, making them more susceptible.

The trees in the pics that survived the fire, were trees within the community that would have little or no underbrush to defer away any moisture, rainwaters, nutrients, or harbor insects and would be more healthy because of it and more likely to survive.

The trees in a dense unkept forest are more vulnerable to damage, whether from the outside or the inside. Trump was right about mismanagement of forest lands only added fuel to the fire, literally and figuratively.
Support for President Trumps claim that forest management is to blame for the fires in California. When The Dims respond, we can shame them for attacking those hardworking loggers.

A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

“President Trump blamed poor forest management for wildfires in California and throughout the West, and there is truth to statements he has made,” said Daniel Dructor, executive vice president of the American Loggers Council, a coalition of state and regional associations that represents independent contract loggers.

“It’s time to rise above political posturing and recognize that active forest management — including logging, thinning, grazing and controlled burning — are tools that can and must be used to reduce fire risks and help mitigate the impacts to landscapes,” Mr. Dructor said in a statement.

According to the council, some 60 million to 80 million acres of national forest are at “high, to very high, risk of catastrophic wildfire.”

I live in the mountains--there are 2 types of fires. Ground fires that spread and ones that are spread by wind.

Ground fires can be stopped around populated areas by good fire mitigation, raking pine needles--cutting lower branches on trees up to a height of 6 to 8 feet from the ground--but you're not going to stop a wind blown fires that jump from trees to houses. PERIOD. That's what has gone on in California. Dry windy conditions are always a recipe for disaster.

California is suffering from climate change--and we see abnormal weather patterns everywhere. Denying it is just plain downright stupid.

What's abnormal climate?


I don't know where you live, but Colorado doesn't get the snow levels that we experienced 20 years ago. We know if we get into June with no snow or rain, we go into the fire season, which we never used to worry about.

Yes there is such a thing as climate change.
Anyone want to take my bet that the Trump Administration and the big players in the logging industry will now strike a deal to have the logging industry take over “forest management” on federal lands and eliminating the need for the forest service, in exchange for the elimination of stumpage fees.

Trump will try to sell this as a HUGE tax savings for the American people by either lying about or completely ignoring how much revenue the Federal government receives in stumpage fees, and the costs in environmental damage, including landslides, floods and other problems associated with logging industry tactics. After all, clear cutting completely eliminates the potential for forest fires.
already harvested areas are good places to consider for watershed management purposes. A State Corps of Engineers could get things handled.

I agree. Leaving large logging companies in charge of forest management is leaving the foxes in charge of the henhouse. But there are vast swaths of the North American temperate rainforest which are federally controlled and managed by the National Forest Service.

Trump will argue that he’s saving $billions cutting the National Forest Services who are the “losers” who mismanaged the forests and let the fires happen, and getting good forest management from the loggers for free. He will further argue that the country will save all of the lives lost in the California fires by doing this and the loss of $billions more in lost property.

And it will all be a lie.
It's a dance to avoid climate change. Everyone knows the only answer for Ca is to basically alter the outlaying cities themselves to remove all flammable material besides houses. They have 60mph winds fanning flames 100 feet off the forest flores in trees that are too dry to stay alive.

Fire mitigation is a standard required by most insurance companies today for people who live in the mountains. Depending on the company, some won't allow trees within a certain distance of a home, mountain grass not to be higher that 6" within a certain distance, lower branches of trees to be cut 6 to 8 feet from the ground, dead fuel underbrush and pine needles to be raked and hauled off within so many feet of a residence.

There's no doubt that a lot of forest lands need to be thinned to prevent the mega fires.

But California, or in the area that was on fire didn't look to be so much trees but bushes and shrubbery which would be very difficult to mitigate.

A wild fire with 60 mph winds you're not going to be able to stop, you just have to get out of it's way and evacuate immediately.
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