logical conundrum

I'm trying to figure out some puzzling positions I've seen some people holding.

It seems the NRA is somehow an evil racist organization despite the fact that one of its principles reasons for existence is to promote the rights of women and minorities to defend themselves from harm.

Meanwhile planned parenthood is good not racist organization despite it being founded specifically to exterminate racial and ethnic minority babies.

I can't figure our any rationalization to support these positions if you have any internal consistency. I suppose if you were ignorant of the organizations history you could but other than that how does it work? And why continue to hold those positions when you do know the history?

I didn't know Planned Parenthood was started to eliminate minorities' babies. Do you have a link to confirm this assertion?

Assuming you can provide a reliable source to support your claim, I would suggest that many organizations morph over time, and perhaps you can tell us what PP's stated objective is currently.

FYI- I am no fan of government funding of PP.
Look up Margaret Sanger, its founder.

Do you believe that safe, legal birth control is a plot to exterminate black America?

Well I think if you read about the founder, you will have to admit that was her goal. She made that abundantly obvious.

Except it's not true.

Holly crap, has this board lost all rational foundation? Be a fricken man NYCARBINER and support your statement with a link. You are like arguing with a 4th grader who just sits there and says "nuhuh, no sir, that's not true". It's lame and makes you look like an uneducated dolt.
I'm trying to figure out some puzzling positions I've seen some people holding.

It seems the NRA is somehow an evil racist organization despite the fact that one of its principles reasons for existence is to promote the rights of women and minorities to defend themselves from harm.

Meanwhile planned parenthood is good not racist organization despite it being founded specifically to exterminate racial and ethnic minority babies.

I can't figure our any rationalization to support these positions if you have any internal consistency. I suppose if you were ignorant of the organizations history you could but other than that how does it work? And why continue to hold those positions when you do know the history?

I didn't know Planned Parenthood was started to eliminate minorities' babies. Do you have a link to confirm this assertion?

Assuming you can provide a reliable source to support your claim, I would suggest that many organizations morph over time, and perhaps you can tell us what PP's stated objective is currently.

FYI- I am no fan of government funding of PP.
Look up Margaret Sanger, its founder.

Do you believe that safe, legal birth control is a plot to exterminate black America?

Well I think if you read about the founder, you will have to admit that was her goal. She made that abundantly obvious.

Ok, so now that we've established that you believe it should be illegal for black Americans to use birth control,

what should the penalties be? If a black guy is caught using a condom, should he go to prison?
I'm trying to figure out some puzzling positions I've seen some people holding.

It seems the NRA is somehow an evil racist organization despite the fact that one of its principles reasons for existence is to promote the rights of women and minorities to defend themselves from harm.

Meanwhile planned parenthood is good not racist organization despite it being founded specifically to exterminate racial and ethnic minority babies.

I can't figure our any rationalization to support these positions if you have any internal consistency. I suppose if you were ignorant of the organizations history you could but other than that how does it work? And why continue to hold those positions when you do know the history?
Here is my take on both issues. Abortion is the left wings form of black genocide.

Conceal carry, people are way too paranoid for our own good. I can't say I blame them but I really don't see conceal carry making a dent on crime. But, it is like a pacifier to some.

actually, studies show that as people carry guns, the crime rate goes down....
Ok, just for the record, do you believe that birth control should be outlawed in order to save black America from extermination?

Do you believe that safe, legal birth control is a plot to exterminate black America?

It was about as the founder of Planned Parenthood stated it is about controlling the population of the undesirable. Including yes black people

Sanger wanted poor women to have access to safe effective birth control.

If you think that's wrong, say so.

:---- I know it's wrong. There I said it.
13 Controversial Quotes From Planned Parenthood's Founder

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

lol, prove it's wrong, and do it without misquotes and other lies.

You're losing bad NYCARBINER. You have to step up and support your position with something other than simple denials.
I didn't know Planned Parenthood was started to eliminate minorities' babies. Do you have a link to confirm this assertion?

Assuming you can provide a reliable source to support your claim, I would suggest that many organizations morph over time, and perhaps you can tell us what PP's stated objective is currently.

FYI- I am no fan of government funding of PP.
Look up Margaret Sanger, its founder.

Do you believe that safe, legal birth control is a plot to exterminate black America?

Well I think if you read about the founder, you will have to admit that was her goal. She made that abundantly obvious.

Except it's not true.

Holly crap, has this board lost all rational foundation? Be a fricken man NYCARBINER and support your statement with a link. You are like arguing with a 4th grader who just sits there and says "nuhuh, no sir, that's not true". It's lame and makes you look like an uneducated dolt.

Go look at the other ten threads about this and you will find my links. NOW we are discussing your opposition to legal contraception being available to minorities.
Look up Margaret Sanger, its founder.

Do you believe that safe, legal birth control is a plot to exterminate black America?

Well I think if you read about the founder, you will have to admit that was her goal. She made that abundantly obvious.

Except it's not true.

Holly crap, has this board lost all rational foundation? Be a fricken man NYCARBINER and support your statement with a link. You are like arguing with a 4th grader who just sits there and says "nuhuh, no sir, that's not true". It's lame and makes you look like an uneducated dolt.

Go look at the other ten threads about this and you will find my links. NOW we are discussing your opposition to legal contraception being available to minorities.

I never said I was opposed to legal contraceptives being available to minorities. Feel free to site my post where I did. I said I am opposed to the Federal Government funding PP. For the record, My position is that abortion is not addressed in the constitution and should be left to the individual states. My view puts me in a precarious spot. The Pro-life crowd wants all abortion banned, and the pro-choices want abortion readily available to all. I disagree with both. Of course I'm in good company, the deceased SCOTUS justice Scalia felt the same way. LINK PROVIDED!

Pay particular attention to what he says around 2.5-3 minute mark. It's brilliant.
2012: Scalia: Constitution says nothing about abortion - CNN Video
Do you believe that safe, legal birth control is a plot to exterminate black America?

Well I think if you read about the founder, you will have to admit that was her goal. She made that abundantly obvious.

Except it's not true.

Holly crap, has this board lost all rational foundation? Be a fricken man NYCARBINER and support your statement with a link. You are like arguing with a 4th grader who just sits there and says "nuhuh, no sir, that's not true". It's lame and makes you look like an uneducated dolt.

Go look at the other ten threads about this and you will find my links. NOW we are discussing your opposition to legal contraception being available to minorities.

I never said I was opposed to legal contraceptives being available to minorities. Feel free to site my post where I did.

Ah, so you agree with Sanger, but you could not resist the urge to incomprehensibly troll her anyway.

Classic RWnuttery.

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