LOL at the left saying Donald Trump not being a good business man and the left believing it.

I guess inheriting millions from daddy and going BK 5 times is a "good businessman" to the clueless right? No wonder so many of you are failures.
You are stupid.

lol, and you're a big mean poopie head.

Impress me with your geo-political knowledge of what this country is facing and why Hitlery should be the next CEO of USA.INC.....sell me on her. Make your case.

Why the fuck would I do that?

I believe the real question is that you don't know HOW to do that. You see, you are just a troll. Your understanding of how things really work could be put on the left hand side of a sesame seed. You whine about people "ignoring" you? Perhaps it's because you bring nothing to the table in the form of debate and discussion which is why so many of us are here.

I have no faith in the political system at all but I know more about the Clintons than most and they are part of the very same oligarchical elites the leftard clown posse claims to oppose. You see....I know more than you...infinitely more because I have made it my business to know.
Since you have no clue as to how the financial system works, it would be futile to attempt to explain it because you lack the intellect. USA.INC has been able to "refinance" because after the international bankers take over more and more hard assets after they crash shit, they simply pass it off on another one of their banking corporations like the BIS, IMF, Global Bank, etc, etc. They have done this same practice in every country that has a central bank.
Oh. A dumb fuck rightard. I should have known. So what hard assets have been sold off? The highways? The canals? The carrier groups?
Dale 'The Smartest Man In the Universe' Smith said:
I believe the real question is that you don't know HOW to do that. You see, you are just a troll. Your understanding of how things really work could be put on the left hand side of a sesame seed. You whine about people "ignoring" you? Perhaps it's because you bring nothing to the table in the form of debate and discussion which is why so many of us are here.

I have no faith in the political system at all but I know more about the Clintons than most and they are part of the very same oligarchical elites the leftard clown posse claims to oppose. You see....I know more than you...infinitely more because I have made it my business to know.

Gee, Dale, it seems like it was just yesterday when you were asking me if you could quote me and put one of my posts on Facebook. So which is it, Dale, do I post things good enough for you to quote on facebook, or do I bring nothing to the table?

The reason why I wouldn't comment on why Hillary should be the next president is because I don't think she should be president. I'm not a supporter. Here, I'll help you out, you can read my thoughts in this thread here:

Conservatives: Can You Articulate Why You Hate Hillary Clinton?

Also I think it's hilarious that you are once again talking about how much you "know," and that you know "infinitely more" than me. lol

They still think he is a bad business man.

They think DONALD TRUMP is a bad business man.

They will just believe anything that Soros tells them. Won't they?
Once again proving to all of us how pathetic the left wing voters are.

And how would you know if he is a good businessman? Seeing as we have nothing other than Trump's own word to go on, regarding his wealth and business success, there is absolutely no evidence to support the claim that he is a good business man.

Meanwhile, there is evidence that he is in fact a very bad businessman.
  1. Multiple bankruptcies
  2. Selling steaks as Sharper Image
  3. Starting a mortgage company on the eve of the housing crash
  4. Starting a get-rich-quick con, aka Trump University
  5. The fact that he went belly up in a casino

But the number one and indisputable piece of evidence that Trump is a bad businessman is the fact that he is a common thief. He has a long history of intentionally and brazenly stiffing employees and contractors. That fact alone makes Trump a very bad businessman.
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Trump's VP vetting procedure includes a requirement that the candidates produce their tax records for scrutiny.

Does it get better than that?
Good businessmen go bankrupt six times and stiff their investors. Good businessmen default on their suppliers and offer to pay them little or nothing for their services. Good businessmen manipulate our court system to harass their competition
I guess all his properties, buildings, golf courses, airplanes, businesses, etc. simply aren't enough clues for the average liberal. They can only understand what is being fed to them from left wing sources, nothing more.
I guess all his properties, buildings, golf courses, airplanes, businesses, etc. simply aren't enough clues for the average liberal. They can only understand what is being fed to them from left wing sources, nothing more.

You mean the buildings where he's licensed out his name and doesn't actually own or operate them?
I guess all his properties, buildings, golf courses, airplanes, businesses, etc. simply aren't enough clues for the average liberal. They can only understand what is being fed to them from left wing sources, nothing more.
You mean the buildings where he's licensed out his name and doesn't actually own or operate them?
I meant what I said, not what you wanted me to say. If he's leasing his name to a building he's making money, how is that a bad thing?
Of course, we don't really know if he's a good businessman or not...we can't see his taxes.


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