LOL at the left saying Donald Trump not being a good business man and the left believing it.

How many billions is he worth?

:lol: As if that changes the fact that he would have made more money by retiring.

We are supposed to vote for Trump solely on the basis of his business acumen. Yet, when we question his business decisions we are attacked with "Trump is richer than you" I am not running for President, Trump is

Trump is such a successful businessman he refused to release any of his tax returns or financial statements revealing his true wealth. Independent assessments indicate he is lying
Obama claims to have done all sorts of thing academically yet refuses to release his college transcripts. Common sense says he's lying.

Harvard University has reported that Obama graduated at the top of his Law School Class

Wharton indicates that Trump did not

Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Next to graduating magnum cum laude, it doesn't get any better than that.
Barack Obama ’91 will be the 44th President of the United States - Harvard Law Today

Trump refuses to release his college records after demanding that Obama do the same

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How many billions is he worth?

:lol: As if that changes the fact that he would have made more money by retiring.

We are supposed to vote for Trump solely on the basis of his business acumen. Yet, when we question his business decisions we are attacked with "Trump is richer than you" I am not running for President, Trump is

Trump is such a successful businessman he refused to release any of his tax returns or financial statements revealing his true wealth. Independent assessments indicate he is lying
Obama claims to have done all sorts of thing academically yet refuses to release his college transcripts. Common sense says he's lying.

Harvard University has reported that Obama graduated at the top of his Law School Class

Wharton indicates that Trump did not

Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Next to graduating magnum cum laude, it doesn't get any better than that.
Barack Obama ’91 will be the 44th President of the United States - Harvard Law Today
Show me his actual transcripts.

You lose
I guess inheriting millions from daddy and going BK 5 times is a "good businessman" to the clueless right? No wonder so many of you are failures.

Just going to say the same thing myself. Here's proof he is a liar, too: From the current Forbes 400 list:

#121 Donald Trump $4.5 B 70 New York, NY television, real estate
Forbes 400

He has less than HALF of what he states.

Here's how the info is compiled:
The Forbes 400 Methodology
Methodology? Financial statements are the only thing that tells the tale, not guesswork. 4.5 billion doesn't sound like failure to me, but then again I'm not a liberal.
How does that prove I haven't had a business for 31 years exactly?

Because if you did, you wouldn't be demonstrating such a complete absence of knowing the first fucking thing about being in business. No go make me some fries.
I'm not the one claiming a billionaire is a failure because he doesn't agree with me.

4.5 billion doesn't sound like failure to me, but then again I'm not a liberal.

I see. So you're one of those people who are impressed simply by size alone. "Well, $4.5 billion is alot, so that's good enough for me." You lack the mental ability to comprehend large numbers sufficiently that they can be analyzed for evaluated.

Only a fucking moron would believe that simply being born into wealth makes you a business success. And only a moron would fail to understand how making less money than you would by sitting on your ass is a business failure. But then again, you're a moron....
Trump single handedly destroyed the USFL by demanding they go head to head with the NFL
Trump is not successful because he should have known what the stock market was going to do. Liberals can only see what they want. Politics is a religion for them.

This post proves that you're nothing but a life long McDonalds slob who doesn't know the first thing about running a business or even have enough money to even consider having any kind of retirement account or savings or other investments.

I own a small business. It's very small in that it's just myself performing services. Nonetheless the fundamentals are the same. Let me give you a little education that you'll never gain from asking people if they want fries with that.

Let's say that I have some amount of money, $X. I have to make decisions about what I am going to do with that money. Do I want to invest it into marketing so I can reach new clients? Do I want to invest it into materials or other tangible goods that will make it easier to get the work done, thus improving my efficiency? Do I want to hold onto that cash so to sustain the business needs through an expected slow season over the next few months? Do I want to retire some debt? Do I want to save up for some bigger purchases I'd like to make in the near future? Do I want to park that cash in a simple savings account? Do I want to park it in a money market account? Do I want to park it in my investment account?

The point is that when it comes to investing money into a business venture a fundamental determination that has to be made is whether the investment decision will be profitable. And being a profitable investment is not a simple matter of buying a $5 item and selling it for $10. You have to factor in the alternatives you have sacrificed. Some people run the numbers to the penny based on their educated estimates. Some people have a hidden knack for feeling it out. When dealing with the most complex situations the best people will employ both. It's true that not all things can be known ahead of time. But being able to make a reasonable estimate is one of the essentials of being in business.

So yes, the fact that Trump would have made more money by simply DOING NOTHING AND NEVER OWNING A BUSINESS is a huge fucking sign that he is a bad business person. Don't sit here and cry "oh how was he supposed to know" because being able to reach the decisions that prove to be correct in the long run is exactly what being a good business person means. Especially when we're not talking about a decision between investing in either VHS or BETA. We're talking about the decision to be in business or not be in business, period. ANYBODY WHO MAKES LESS MONEY BEING IN BUSINESS THAN THEY WOULD HAVE MADE SITTING ON THEIR ASS AND DOING NOTHING IS A BUSINESS FAILURE BY DEFINITION.

I own a small business. It's very small in that it's just myself performing services.

Trump is not successful because he should have known what the stock market was going to do. Liberals can only see what they want. Politics is a religion for them.

This post proves that you're nothing but a life long McDonalds slob who doesn't know the first thing about running a business or even have enough money to even consider having any kind of retirement account or savings or other investments.

I own a small business. It's very small in that it's just myself performing services. Nonetheless the fundamentals are the same. Let me give you a little education that you'll never gain from asking people if they want fries with that.

Let's say that I have some amount of money, $X. I have to make decisions about what I am going to do with that money. Do I want to invest it into marketing so I can reach new clients? Do I want to invest it into materials or other tangible goods that will make it easier to get the work done, thus improving my efficiency? Do I want to hold onto that cash so to sustain the business needs through an expected slow season over the next few months? Do I want to retire some debt? Do I want to save up for some bigger purchases I'd like to make in the near future? Do I want to park that cash in a simple savings account? Do I want to park it in a money market account? Do I want to park it in my investment account?

The point is that when it comes to investing money into a business venture a fundamental determination that has to be made is whether the investment decision will be profitable. And being a profitable investment is not a simple matter of buying a $5 item and selling it for $10. You have to factor in the alternatives you have sacrificed. Some people run the numbers to the penny based on their educated estimates. Some people have a hidden knack for feeling it out. When dealing with the most complex situations the best people will employ both. It's true that not all things can be known ahead of time. But being able to make a reasonable estimate is one of the essentials of being in business.

So yes, the fact that Trump would have made more money by simply DOING NOTHING AND NEVER OWNING A BUSINESS is a huge fucking sign that he is a bad business person. Don't sit here and cry "oh how was he supposed to know" because being able to reach the decisions that prove to be correct in the long run is exactly what being a good business person means. Especially when we're not talking about a decision between investing in either VHS or BETA. We're talking about the decision to be in business or not be in business, period. ANYBODY WHO MAKES LESS MONEY BEING IN BUSINESS THAN THEY WOULD HAVE MADE SITTING ON THEIR ASS AND DOING NOTHING IS A BUSINESS FAILURE BY DEFINITION.

I own a small business. It's very small in that it's just myself performing services.

View attachment 81159

Actually, I kinda fibbed I guess. Occasionally I'll contract out. I don't maintain a team, but I every once in a while if I'm getting enough leads, I'll look to send referrals out and collect a few few extra bucks on for bookings I that I'm not available for.
:lol: As if that changes the fact that he would have made more money by retiring.

We are supposed to vote for Trump solely on the basis of his business acumen. Yet, when we question his business decisions we are attacked with "Trump is richer than you" I am not running for President, Trump is

Trump is such a successful businessman he refused to release any of his tax returns or financial statements revealing his true wealth. Independent assessments indicate he is lying
Obama claims to have done all sorts of thing academically yet refuses to release his college transcripts. Common sense says he's lying.

Harvard University has reported that Obama graduated at the top of his Law School Class

Wharton indicates that Trump did not

Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Next to graduating magnum cum laude, it doesn't get any better than that.
Barack Obama ’91 will be the 44th President of the United States - Harvard Law Today

Trump refuses to release his college records after demanding that Obama do the same


You demand Trump release his after refusing to support Obama doing the same.
We are supposed to vote for Trump solely on the basis of his business acumen. Yet, when we question his business decisions we are attacked with "Trump is richer than you" I am not running for President, Trump is

Trump is such a successful businessman he refused to release any of his tax returns or financial statements revealing his true wealth. Independent assessments indicate he is lying
Obama claims to have done all sorts of thing academically yet refuses to release his college transcripts. Common sense says he's lying.

Harvard University has reported that Obama graduated at the top of his Law School Class

Wharton indicates that Trump did not

Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Next to graduating magnum cum laude, it doesn't get any better than that.
Barack Obama ’91 will be the 44th President of the United States - Harvard Law Today

Trump refuses to release his college records after demanding that Obama do the same


You demand Trump release his after refusing to support Obama doing the same.

Wrong. Nobody is demanding Trump's college transcripts. He demanded Obama release his.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We are supposed to vote for Trump solely on the basis of his business acumen. Yet, when we question his business decisions we are attacked with "Trump is richer than you" I am not running for President, Trump is

Trump is such a successful businessman he refused to release any of his tax returns or financial statements revealing his true wealth. Independent assessments indicate he is lying
Obama claims to have done all sorts of thing academically yet refuses to release his college transcripts. Common sense says he's lying.

Harvard University has reported that Obama graduated at the top of his Law School Class

Wharton indicates that Trump did not

Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Next to graduating magnum cum laude, it doesn't get any better than that.
Barack Obama ’91 will be the 44th President of the United States - Harvard Law Today

Trump refuses to release his college records after demanding that Obama do the same


You demand Trump release his after refusing to support Obama doing the same.
It was Trump demanding college records...same records Trump refuses to provide

Obama and Hillary have provided ten years of tax records.....where are Trumps?
Obama claims to have done all sorts of thing academically yet refuses to release his college transcripts. Common sense says he's lying.

Harvard University has reported that Obama graduated at the top of his Law School Class

Wharton indicates that Trump did not

Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Next to graduating magnum cum laude, it doesn't get any better than that.
Barack Obama ’91 will be the 44th President of the United States - Harvard Law Today

Trump refuses to release his college records after demanding that Obama do the same


You demand Trump release his after refusing to support Obama doing the same.
It was Trump demanding college records...same records Trump refuses to provide

Obama and Hillary have provided ten years of tax records.....where are Trumps?

Where are Obama's college transcripts?
Harvard University has reported that Obama graduated at the top of his Law School Class

Wharton indicates that Trump did not

Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Next to graduating magnum cum laude, it doesn't get any better than that.
Barack Obama ’91 will be the 44th President of the United States - Harvard Law Today

Trump refuses to release his college records after demanding that Obama do the same


You demand Trump release his after refusing to support Obama doing the same.
It was Trump demanding college records...same records Trump refuses to provide

Obama and Hillary have provided ten years of tax records.....where are Trumps?

Where are Obama's college transcripts?

If they are relevant to being President, Trump would provide them

Obama has provided ten years of tax records...where are Trumps?
4.5 billion doesn't sound like failure to me, but then again I'm not a liberal.

I see. So you're one of those people who are impressed simply by size alone. "Well, $4.5 billion is alot, so that's good enough for me." You lack the mental ability to comprehend large numbers sufficiently that they can be analyzed for evaluated.

Only a fucking moron would believe that simply being born into wealth makes you a business success. And only a moron would fail to understand how making less money than you would by sitting on your ass is a business failure. But then again, you're a moron....
If we are discussing business success or failure then yes, assets count. How could they not? Only a fucking moron believes growing your initial start up loan into an empire is a failure.

BTW, I don't think you have a business, sucking cocks in the Denny's parking lot doesn't really count.

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