LOL, city council votes to ban vaping in public parks


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
April 22 vote expected on nicotine ban in Upper Arlington

Technically it's ALL nicotine, but specifically the people who vape and then exhale large cloudbanks of whatever previous lung contents they were carrying around with themselves ("Is that Bronchitis I just inhaled or is that Hep-A I'm smelling?").

I didn't mind people vaping in public until they started one upping each other with the size of their toys, "ohhh, mine uses a rechargeable nickel cadmium battery with a wireless recharge feature for emergencies, it's ALWAYS ready for a big drag, I can fill up a large gymnasium with my vape if I want to LOL".

Soon I expect people to be wearing backpack type vaping apparatus' complete with hose attachment and facemask, which will be better now that I think of it, at least a facemask would keep everything within the confines of itself, and none of that precious precious nicotine would be wasted either.

I suppose now we know what Darth Vader was REALLY doing all day with that mask on, his whole body suit was just a nicotine delivery system, and the empire was just on a constant search for E-juice (it IS an addiction, after all).


For those of you who want to quit, cold turkey is all that works and it's called "one day, one week, one month" (those are your goals).

First, one day, that's ALWAYS a Saturday, or whatever will be your weekend, that way you have a couple days of gritting your teeth and getting used to the feeling before your first work week, then that week itself.

Wake up and dont have that first one of the day. Any day you've already had that first one, consider that day done and don't torture yourself with talk about how "maybe I'll just slow down, try to make a pack last a little longer", just go on about a regular smoke day and try again tomorrow, wake up and dont have that first one of the day.

Don't worry about slip ups, just try to get more time each time you try.

Get through one full day of no first cigarette and none at all through the day until you (hopefully) fall asleep that night and wake up again and dont have the first one of THAT day, you can consider yourself a winner of the "one day" award at that point.

One week sucks, because every day of that work week sucks, it just sucks, BUT a wonderful thing happens once you get some time under your belt which is you dont want to give that time up and start all over again.

I can promise you that somewhere around the 3rd to 4th week you start noticing how you haven't been constantly thinking about a cigarette, and you're done, until the next time you get drunk, someone lights one up and it seems like a good idea to take a drag.

5 years or so and counting for me on this hiatus from nicotine, good luck............

Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
Well in that case you should get your head out of your ass.
Sorry that was just laying and a freebie that just had to be used. However I really am sick and tired of "my health is a right and everyone else's business" bullshit. If you don't like something, quit whining, exercise your right to leave and make it your own damn business for a change.

BTW I don't smoke or vape but your shitty attitude is pissing me off and I have a right not to have to put up with that crap. You're polluting the environment with bullshit.
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
Well in that case you should get your head out of your ass.
Sorry that was just laying and a freebie that just had to be used. However I really am sick and tired of "my health is a right and everyone else's business" bullshit. If you don't like something, quit whining, exercise your right to leave and make it your own damn business for a change.

BTW I don't smoke or vape but your shitty attitude is pissing me off and I have a right not to have to put up with that crap. You're polluting the environment with bullshit.

So when I'm enjoying my day somewhere and someone shows up exhaling a cloudbank of smoke, I just need to exercise my right to go somewhere else, they don't need to exercise thier right to not be an asshole by polluting the air with their former lung contents, check.

And make no mistake, I'd rather be huffing on something chemically based coming out of a smokestack somewhere and drifting downwind my way, than something biological in nature, exhaled in a cloudbank of smoke that make me want to yell GAS!! GAS!! GAS!! and throw on a gas mask to keep any bronchial critters that were happily infecting and reproducing in it's host from finding a new place to live.

Hasn't happened yet? How do you know? AIDS was always "strange cases of pnemonia" until it was isolated and given a proper name, as time goes by I dont see why there wouldn't be similar strange freaky diseases people come down with and what they all have in common is people walking through cloudbanks of exhaled E-juice just prior to first noticing the chills and sniffles.

It's a suspicion I have, now of course it's all about the narrative these days, and since we don't get facts anymore we get narratives and univiews, as in "oh, you have an opposing opinion, well obviously you haven't been informed of the uniview, there IS climate change, it IS mans fault, we need government to regulate us".

The "news" helps with that by paybacks and bribes when there is negative news that isn't favorable to the uniview AND they don't have a woody for the company, as in Monsanto and Glyphosate being in the hot seat right now, they just didn't pay up enough.

E-cigs and vaping they are on the fence about, but I can easily surmise that if the vaping lobby ever got to the point they want nothing but positive news, they'll pay for it and get it.

Whatever happened to "popcorn lung"? Not reported on anymore, not that I've heard in at least 2 or 3 years, but I have used vaping devices and from time to time there is a flavor that I can only describe as the flavor a person gets when they light a cigarette on the wrong end and take a hit off the butt, it's chemical in nature, and not good for a person, probably a root of "popcorn lung".

Wheres the reporting on it? How can I expect truthful reporting on things like new vehicles of delivery for viruses and bacteria to attach to while finding new hosts floating around the air in cloudbanks of exhaled E-juice?
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
And yet you don't complain about all the car exhaust you breathe in every day.
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
And yet you don't complain about all the car exhaust you breathe in every day.

Car exhaust doesn't have biohazards in itself.
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
And yet you don't complain about all the car exhaust you breathe in every day.

Car exhaust doesn't have biohazards in itself.

Why Are Vehicles’ Exhaust Fumes Harmful To Humans? » Science ABC
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
And yet you don't complain about all the car exhaust you breathe in every day.

Car exhaust doesn't have biohazards in itself.

Why Are Vehicles’ Exhaust Fumes Harmful To Humans? » Science ABC

You're thinking in terms of carcinogens as being bio hazards and you're right, I'm thinking in terms of viruses and bacteria that leech on to the water vapor in the exhaled cloudbank.
Doesn't surprise me a bit.

Snobs, for the most part.


I have a right to clean unadulterated air, free of contaminants and biohazards fresh from someones air sacs.

People who walk around releasing cloudbanks of white smoke that rolls over the hills and through the woods and then complain when people don't want to inhale it themselves are air bullies.
And yet you don't complain about all the car exhaust you breathe in every day.

Car exhaust doesn't have biohazards in itself.

Why Are Vehicles’ Exhaust Fumes Harmful To Humans? » Science ABC

You're thinking in terms of carcinogens as being bio hazards and you're right, I'm thinking in terms of viruses and bacteria that leech on to the water vapor in the exhaled cloudbank.


There are more germs on the park bench you sit on than you breathe in from someone else's breath

And FYI anyone can vape without blowing out a cloud so you wouldn't even know

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