LOL! Corsi's trying to get MUELLER disbarred & prosecuted for treason

The observation of known facts.
Dodge. As expected.

How many Republican-donor prosecutors did he employ?
Irrelevant. He picked the best prosecutors. it's not his fault that hyper-educated, brilliant people tend to vote democrat.

And the hyper-educated brilliant people that tend to vote democrat and work for the government are experts at getting rich off of Uncle Sam. Until they screw up and get caught. There are hundreds of them in Federal prisons.
Partisan fantasy whining....
the Mueller led FBI framed them
Ah, now it's not Mueller who did it, it's the "Mueller-led FBI", and it happened because Mueller let it. When you are shown that Mueller did not know about the bad behavior, what will it be then? "Mueller's third cousin once removed knew and Mueller didn't beat it out of her"...?

You are regurgitating a wingnut meme.
He let four men go to prison for things that he knew they didn't do simply to protect an "informant".
haha, okay.


You're dumb as a fucking brick.

And that is an insult to bricks.

In 1965 four men were convicted of a murder that the FBI later learned they did not commit. Three of the men faced death sentences.

The FBI had learned during the time Bulger was an informant that the men did not commit the murders. The men served decades in prison and two of them died in prison.

A jury trial revealed that the FBI had known the men were innocent but withheld the evidence from state law enforcement authorities.

In 2007, a jury awarded more than $101 million in damages to the surviving men and their families.

However, during the time the men were in prison Mueller wrote multiple letters to the parole and pardons board opposing clemency for the four men. Mueller never answered questions as to what he knew about the case or if he was aware of the men’s innocence, as reported extensively by Kevin Cullen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer with the Boston Globe.}

Hear About the Time Mueller Sent 4 Men He Knew to Be Innocent to Prison? - David Harris Jr

Torquemada is as corrupt as they come - it's why you traitors chose him.
He let four men go to prison for things that he knew they didn't do simply to protect an "informant".
haha, okay.


You're dumb as a fucking brick.

And that is an insult to bricks.

In 1965 four men were convicted of a murder that the FBI later learned they did not commit. Three of the men faced death sentences.

The FBI had learned during the time Bulger was an informant that the men did not commit the murders. The men served decades in prison and two of them died in prison.

A jury trial revealed that the FBI had known the men were innocent but withheld the evidence from state law enforcement authorities.

In 2007, a jury awarded more than $101 million in damages to the surviving men and their families.

However, during the time the men were in prison Mueller wrote multiple letters to the parole and pardons board opposing clemency for the four men. Mueller never answered questions as to what he knew about the case or if he was aware of the men’s innocence, as reported extensively by Kevin Cullen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer with the Boston Globe.}

Hear About the Time Mueller Sent 4 Men He Knew to Be Innocent to Prison? - David Harris Jr

Torquemada is as corrupt as they come - it's why you traitors chose him.
What a bunch of horseshit. the FBI did not "know" they were innocent, nor were they ever declared innocent. they were exonerated over procedural matters, regarding some evidence. And neither you nor the author will ever tie Mueller directly to any nefarious activity, because that tie just doesn't exist, in this case. You are being fooled by liars. Willingly, of course.
He let four men go to prison for things that he knew they didn't do simply to protect an "informant".
haha, okay.


You're dumb as a fucking brick.

And that is an insult to bricks.

In 1965 four men were convicted of a murder that the FBI later learned they did not commit. Three of the men faced death sentences.

The FBI had learned during the time Bulger was an informant that the men did not commit the murders. The men served decades in prison and two of them died in prison.

A jury trial revealed that the FBI had known the men were innocent but withheld the evidence from state law enforcement authorities.

In 2007, a jury awarded more than $101 million in damages to the surviving men and their families.

However, during the time the men were in prison Mueller wrote multiple letters to the parole and pardons board opposing clemency for the four men. Mueller never answered questions as to what he knew about the case or if he was aware of the men’s innocence, as reported extensively by Kevin Cullen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer with the Boston Globe.}

Hear About the Time Mueller Sent 4 Men He Knew to Be Innocent to Prison? - David Harris Jr

Torquemada is as corrupt as they come - it's why you traitors chose him.
What a bunch of horseshit. the FBI did not "know" they were innocent, nor were they ever declared innocent. they were exonerated over procedural matters, regarding some evidence. And neither you nor the author will ever tie Mueller directly to any nefarious activity, because that tie just doesn't exist, in this case. You are being fooled by liars. Willingly, of course.

Lying won't cover for your stupidity.

Torquemada deliberately imprisoned innocent men. This is just one of a dozen criminal abuses by this pile of shit.

Torquemada belongs in prison for the rest of his life.
He let four men go to prison for things that he knew they didn't do simply to protect an "informant".
haha, okay.


You're dumb as a fucking brick.

And that is an insult to bricks.

In 1965 four men were convicted of a murder that the FBI later learned they did not commit. Three of the men faced death sentences.

The FBI had learned during the time Bulger was an informant that the men did not commit the murders. The men served decades in prison and two of them died in prison.

A jury trial revealed that the FBI had known the men were innocent but withheld the evidence from state law enforcement authorities.

In 2007, a jury awarded more than $101 million in damages to the surviving men and their families.

However, during the time the men were in prison Mueller wrote multiple letters to the parole and pardons board opposing clemency for the four men. Mueller never answered questions as to what he knew about the case or if he was aware of the men’s innocence, as reported extensively by Kevin Cullen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer with the Boston Globe.}

Hear About the Time Mueller Sent 4 Men He Knew to Be Innocent to Prison? - David Harris Jr

Torquemada is as corrupt as they come - it's why you traitors chose him.
What a bunch of horseshit. the FBI did not "know" they were innocent, nor were they ever declared innocent. they were exonerated over procedural matters, regarding some evidence. And neither you nor the author will ever tie Mueller directly to any nefarious activity, because that tie just doesn't exist, in this case. You are being fooled by liars. Willingly, of course.

Lying won't cover for your stupidity.

Torquemada deliberately imprisoned innocent men. This is just one of a dozen criminal abuses by this pile of shit.

Torquemada belongs in prison for the rest of his life.
Corsi and Stone are turning this fiasco into a plot-line for "Better call Saul" next season. The autocrat Mueller and his team of vicious henchmen chasing the building magnate from Queens out of their sandbox. Except that even before he was President, Trump could get dirt on anybody who challenged him in business. Imagine the characters he can activate now that he's in the Oval Office. Mueller best call in the dogs and piss on the fire before Trump gives him a dose of his own medicine.
Corsi and Stone are turning this fiasco into a plot-line for "Better call Saul" next season. The autocrat Mueller and his team of vicious henchmen chasing the building magnate from Queens out of their sandbox. Except that even before he was President, Trump could get dirt on anybody who challenged him in business. Imagine the characters he can activate now that he's in the Oval Office. Mueller best call in the dogs and piss on the fire before Trump gives him a dose of his own medicine.
Haha...sure. We shall see what Trump can do, after the dual bombs drop this week. After the Cohen filing, we're only a hair away from federal prosecutors stating, on record, that Trump broke a federal law. The Flynn and Manafort filings this week will be even more interesting.
Haha...sure. We shall see what Trump can do, after the dual bombs drop this week. After the Cohen filing, we're only a hair away from federal prosecutors stating, on record, that Trump broke a federal law. The Flynn and Manafort filings this week will be even more interesting.

And before that you breathlessly predicted Trump would be gone by the 4th of July or was it the 8th of October.....May Day? You're not even an American so this is none of your business, jackass.
Haha...sure. We shall see what Trump can do, after the dual bombs drop this week. After the Cohen filing, we're only a hair away from federal prosecutors stating, on record, that Trump broke a federal law. The Flynn and Manafort filings this week will be even more interesting.

And before that you breathlessly predicted Trump would be gone by the 4th of July or was it the 8th of October.....May Day? You're not even an American so this is none of your business, jackass.
I never said or thought any of that. That's just you , playing with your dolls.

I'm not American? Why can't you just be honest? You mean, i'm not human. You create your little boogeymen and objectify your "enemies".
So if I mail a "criminal complaint" to Whitaker, a judge will have to rule on it.
Well, first, I think you have to become a criminal and get caught with your pants down in a federal invesigation, with slam dunk charges pending. Then maybe they will listen.
I never said or thought any of that. That's just you , playing with your dolls.

I'm not American? Why can't you just be honest? You mean, i'm not human. You create your little boogeymen and objectify your "enemies".

Playing with your dolls is my line, fool.....forgot who you're talking to happens to visa-overstays like yourself trying to sound American and failing badly.

Obama judges will deny these honest complaints.

As someone else pointed out, no, they won't, because only lawsuits go before judges. Whiny complaint letter publicity stunts don't.

Corsi's not that dumb. Filing fraudulent lawsuits is a serious crime. Filing fraudulent complaint letters, not so much.

I think Corsi is just trying to run out the clock, hoping to die before he gets imprisoned.

Seriously, for just a minute, stop and think about this cast of the WEIRD, the WACKOS, the CRIMINALS, the TRAITORS (yes, Flynn is a traitor) and the Russians surrounding Trump, his campaign and his family!

FLYNN--an (AMERICAN) Army general. Selling access in Russia, taking money from rogue governments, planning an ABDUCTION of a Turkish cleric for several million dollars. The same guy who screamed about locking up the Democratic candidate on the Republican Convention floor.

Michael Cohen--the fixer. (Actually, he's the SIMPLEST character in this list to understand).

Roger Stone--batshit crazy conspiracy theorist for decades, acolyte of Roy Cohn (Joesph McCarthy's right hand man) (he has a big tattoo of NIXON in the middle of his back. Who does THAT?)

Jerome Corsi--batshit crazy conspiracy theorist and STONE buddy who may well have passed info on to Julius Assange, in exile in London in the Ecuadorian embassy, from the TRUMP campaign to be fed it to the Russians.

Paul Manafort--an international criminal who also helped run Republican presidential campaigns who has literally gotten people killed for his work as a 'political consultant' with despotic regimes especially Ukraine.

Stephen Miller--young, (very) weird, probably a WHITE SUPREMACIST, Trump's policy guru, even writing Trump's executive orders and is the author of Trump's immigration policy.

Steve Bannon--the lead DEEP-STATER with another bevy of conspiracy theories, many dangerous, fired but STILL HAS TRUMP'S TELEPHONE #. He was the head of BREITBART, financed by Mercer (the next guy down on the list)

Robert Mercer--secretive hedgefund billionaire who created CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA, the AI programs to 'game' social media platforms with voter manipulation. The company that TRUMP Jr. brought into the campaign!

George Papadapolous--another 'kid' with NO discernible resume, some fabricated "energy expert" bonafides sitting around a table at Trump Tower pretty fresh of the street who had connections to RUSSIAN NATIONALS and lied to the FBI about it.

Konstantin Kilimnik--Manafort's business partner. A Russian operative, likely KGB (2.0), who LIKELY used disinformation (and maybe Mercer's programs and voter/FB data--stay tuned for that one??)

Rob Goldstone--who arranged the TRUMP TOWER MEETING with Junior for 'adopting Russian orphans'. Who is a publicist to a 'Russian pop star' who just happens to be the son of a Russian oligarch who is a PUTIN BFF.

Maria Butina/Paul Erickson--she is a Russian spy who infiltrated the NRA, who was in a 'honey pot' relationship (living with) with a top REP powerbroker, Paul Erickson who has strong ties to the NRA and "Russian gun rights group". He may have been the/a back-channel operator to Russians or Putin for Trump. (He was Jack Abramoff ;s 'business partner'. You can't make this shit up)

Remember, these are the ones we know about! And I've left his 3 kids and the son in law out of the list. I could easily add another 6 or 8 names to these.

PS Does anyone think if some screenwriter with this plotline walked into any producer to try and get this 'story' made he wouldn't be laughed out of the office?
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Playing with your dolls is my line, fool..
No it isn' "have a nice day" also your line, you self important little dweeb? Okay, Forrest.

Sorry bud, just as American as you will ever be. See, we need people like me, in order to cancel out people like you.
And before that you breathlessly predicted Trump would be gone by the 4th of July or was it the 8th of October.....May Day? You're not even an American so this is none of your business, jackass.
Is he not? That would explain much. Mueller should have been thrown in jail and disbarred years ago for malicious prosecutorial misconduct.
But anytime the monkey climbs high enough in the tree almost nothing can bring him down.
No it isn' "have a nice day" also your line, you self important little dweeb? Okay, Forrest.

Sorry bud, just as American as you will ever be. See, we need people like me, in order to cancel out people like you.

You'd have to climb a ladder to kiss my ass, bot-boy. Open up your profile page and prove you're an American. I can also prove you know nothing about blues music....what's referred to as the most basic blues chord on a guitar?

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